How do banks handle cross bank transaction? [closed] - cross-platform

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Closed 4 years ago.
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let's just say that customer A in bank 1 wants to send 1000$ money to customer B in bank 2.
How do the banks make sure that this transaction is atomic?
I understand that inside the same database, we can use database transaction to ensure the atomicity.
But how is that accomplished if it's cross applications?


Amazon API that would allow bulk order without manually entering all information [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have hundreds of employees that I would like to gift them with items purchased on Amazon. It would be convenient for me to place orders for those gifts directly from my CRM without manually entering the information just using an API.
Would be thankful for a lead.
I did some websearch but not much to be found out there

How can I write the number of active and passive people from the staff table using view [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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How can I write the number of active and passive people from the staff table using view
I want to write to MsSql code.

Python USD to Satoshi [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Looking for a method of converting $100, $130, $300 amounts into Satoshi to tell customers exactly how much to BTC to send.
Looked at Cryptocompare a little but was unable to find anything that dealt in amounts.
Yes, you could use api, they provide this service.
Link :
and you visit
Link :

On Guidewire Billing Center is there a set of APIs to add/remove/delete users from the application? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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On Guidewire Billing Center is there a set of APIs to add/remove/delete users from the application without having to go the database to modify the table to it?
OOTB there's nothing like this, you could argue that you can import this data with ImportToolsAPI but that doesn't provide remove and delete operations.
Such a service would be very simple, so if you'd like this I think you could implement one.

SQL showing the results of two queries [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have two tables. Customers and Employees and I want a query that displays all customers and employees who live in California.
How would I go about doing that?
Take a look at the UNION Be aware that when SELECT-ing both have to have selected the same amount of columns.