How to specify Win8 tile graphics - windows-8

I have a WPF desktop (not Metro) application and I'd like to be able to specify the tile graphics used on the Start screen but I can't figure out how to do that.
Tiles just need to be static bitmaps, not live.
I'm guessing this would be something in the app.manifest file but I can't find an example.

take a look at the following article which describes the (somewhat convoluted) process


Better PSMTabBarControl / Cocoa Tabs

I want to unify multiple windows from my OS X-Application into a Tab-View, just like Safari, Espresso, Finder, CodeRunner… I found PSMTabBarControl which does the job, but the look and feel are quite different from the other applications I saw.
Comparison (Image)
Then I found out, that those applications had always the same name for the resources used for the Tabs.
Screenshot of the recourses from CodeRunner
Could I just «steal» those images and use them in my own application with PSMTabBarControl or is there another way to get a more native look (not like the PSMTabBarControl default or Chromium Tabs).
You may want to try MMTabBarView.
MMTabBarView is a modernized and view based re-write of PSMTabBarControl.
I release a open source TabbarView controls for OS X and Cocoa recently, you may want to have a look at it here.

Identify the monitor with the browser window in FireBreath

I am using FireBreath to create a cross browser plugin which makes use of some native libraries for the respective platform (some .NET based DLLs for Windows and Objective-C based dylibs/frameworks for Mac). Native libraries display UI screens. In order to improve usability, if the user has a multi/extended monitor setup, i would like the native UIs to appear on the same screen as the browser window is currently on.
If an identifier to the monitor with the browser window can be retrieved, that can be passed down to the native components which can be configured to display their UIs on that monitor. I have used FireBreath's getWindowPosition() method to get the rect coordinates of the plugin and used that info to identify the correct monitor in the Windows platform.
However, the coordinates returned in Mac seems to be always 0 (or 1) irrespective of monitor on which the browser window currently resides. I understand that we have to configure an event model and a drawing model in order for this to work in Mac. I have tried following event/drawing model combinations without much success.
1) Cocoa/CoreGraphics
2) Carbon/CoreGraphics
Any help in this regard is much appreciated. Also please do share if there are other approaches to achieve the same. What i want to achieve is to identify the monitor on which the current active browser window resides in Mac. I am unsure at this point, but it maybe possible to achieve this at Objective-C level (without any changes at FireBreath level). Also please note that i want to support Safari, Firefox and Chrome browsers.
You won't like this answer, but simply put you can't do that on Mac. The problem is that with CoreGraphics you are only given a CGContextRef to work with, and it doesn't know where it will be drawn. It was technically possible in older browsers to get an NSWindow by exploiting some internal implementation details, but many browsers that's no longer possible and it was never supported.
Other drawing models are the same; CoreAnimation you have a CALayer but it doesn't know which screen or monitor it is drawn to. I personally think it's a bit annoying as well, but I do not know of any way to find out which monitor your plugin is rendered to, particularly since most of them actually copy the buffer to something else and render in a different process.
I did manage to come up with a workaround and i am just replying here for the completeness of the thread. As #taxilian explained, it is not possible to retrieve plugin coordinates using the window reference. As an alternative approach, Javascript 'Window' object has 2 properties called 'screenX' and 'screenY' that return X and Y coordinates of the browser window relative to the screen. If the user has an extended monitor setup, these are the absolute coordinates with respect to the full extended screen. We can use these values to determine the monitor with the browser window (if the X coordinate is outside the bounds of the primary monitor's width, then the browser should essentially be on the extended monitor). We can retrieve DOM properties from Firebreath as explained in the following link:

Add an application title, and an image, to Win8's startup splash screen

I work at one of those benighted companies that don't realize the benefits of living entirely within the MS world. (My bosses are so deluded by social media group-think they actual make us use PyQt4, but that's neither here nor there...;)
So, in terms of saving me a lot of bookyuck, how does an app that is NOT generated by Visual Studio put all of ...
a rotating picture
a string of text
... into MS's vaunted Win8 start splash screen?
I think it has something to do with writing a package.appxmanifest, and putting some splashscreen.jpg goodness inside that. Then I send the manifest to the splash screen by ... what? Registering it? Installing it with the right-click context menu?
What's the shortest path to this simple task?
See Desktop App tiles on the Start Screen, but it's not what you were hoping for.
Obly Tile looks interesting, but I suspect that's something they do ex post facto to put a shell around a desktop app that's already installed, but perhaps that's sufficient for your needs?

How to create a bitmap cropping control in WinJS

I want to create controls that lets the user decide crop area of a bitmap, in the common way, having four corners on the image. I saw that there is a sample C# app in the Microsoft site for this -
But I cannot figure out how to do this strictly WinJS. Do I need to create custom controls - if so how? Any sample code will help a great deal.
I have an example in my codeSHOW project. It's the demo called Rx Crop. It uses Reactive Extensions (which are awesome by the way), but if you didn't want that dependency you could probably just use the example to figure out how to do it without.
BTW, the codeSHOW project has a bug and a usability issue currently. I have an update in certification. For now, just make sure you select the Rx Crop demo on the home screen and then click See the Code. If you hit See the Code with no demo selected it will crash.
Do me a favor and rate the app. Thanks.

Make another app's windows borderless

Is there any way to remove the window border (i.e., make the style NSBorderlessWindowMask) for a window that belongs to another application?
Those windows don't belong to your application. Your only hope is hackery.
Look into something like SIMBL to inject code into the other applications. There's also ApplicationEnhancer.
Good luck - screw-ups here can destablize others' apps or the entire system. Also, I highly doubt Apple will let you play in their App Store if your app does this.