Is it possible to add animations to dgrid rows? - dojo

We currently have a dgrid with a single column and rows like this:
Recently I added some code so that we can delete rows with the little X button that appears above the row when we hover them.
The handler calls this to delete the row:;
When we delete a row, since it's instantaneous and each row contains similar text, it's not always obvious to the user that something just happened.
I was wondering if it would be possible add some sort of dojo or css animation to the row deletion, like the deleted row fading or sliding out. This would make the row deletion more obvious.

I have created a jsfiddle for animating(wipeOut) a selected row.
packages: [
name: 'dgrid',
location: '//'
name: 'xstyle',
location: '//'
name: 'put-selector',
location: '//'
}, [
], function(declare, Grid, Selection, Memory,fx) {
var data = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Peter', age:24 },
{ id: 2, name: 'Paul', age: 30 },
{ id: 3, name: 'Mary', age:46 }
var store = new Memory({ data: data });
var options = {
columns: [
/*{ field: 'id', label: 'ID' },*/
{ field: 'name', label: 'Name' },
{ field: 'age', label: 'Age' }
store: store
var CustomGrid = declare([ Grid, Selection ]);
var grid = new CustomGrid(options, 'gridcontainer');
grid.on('dgrid-select', function (event) {
// Report the item from the selected row to the console.
console.log('Row selected: ', event.rows[0].data);
//WipeOut animation for selected row.
fx.wipeOut({ node: event.rows[0].element }).play();


Is it possible to autoselect and immediately jump to a certain value in an ion-picker?

I'm currently working on an ionic-app that uses ion-pickers, now here's my question:
If you have a certain value that is part of the possibly choosable values of the picker, can you jump to it and select it by default when you try to open the picker just like they did with the datetime-picker?
Because I have a lot of values for some of my pickers, it would be much easier and user-friendly, if it would just immediately jump to the earlier selected value or to a default value somewhere in the middle so that they don't have to scroll down the entire pickervalues-list if they misclicked or something. Now I know that this very nice feature is already implemented for the datetime-picker but I didn't find a possibility to use it on the ion-picker.
So does it exist for the ion-picker yet or is that part yet under development?
I found the answer myself after digging around in the forums (here's the link:
Basically you only need to use:
picker.columns[0].selectedIndex = index;
An alternative is to set the default ion-picker's option on itself build as shown below:
const objOptions: PickerOptions = {
buttons: [
text: 'Cancel',
role: 'cancel'
text: 'Confirm',
handler: (value) => {
console.log(`Got Value ${value}`);
columns: [{
name: 'Animals',
options: [
{ text: 'Dog', value: 'Dog' },
{ text: 'Cat', value: 'Cat'}
selectedIndex: 0
const objPicker = await pickerController.create(objOptions);
if you want to select by text or value
let columns: PickerColumn[] = [
name: 'Animals',
options: [
{ text: 'Dog text', value: 'Dog' },
{ text: 'Cat text', value: 'Cat'}
//autoselect by value
let index = columns[0].options.findIndex(x => x.value === 'Cat');
columns[0].selectedIndex = index > -1 ? index : 0;
//autoselect by text
index = columns[0].options.findIndex(x => x.text === 'Cat text');
columns[0].selectedIndex = index > -1 ? index : 0;
//autoselect by index
columns[0].selectedIndex = 1;
const objOptions: PickerOptions = {
buttons: [
text: 'Cancel',
role: 'cancel'
text: 'Confirm',
handler: (value) => {
console.log(`Got Value ${value}`);
columns: columns
const objPicker = await pickerController.create(objOptions);

jQuery Datatables: Custom copy-to-clipboard function

The built-in copy-to-clipboard function in Datatables can copy the table head with the selected rows, so it pastes like this (Title, Number and Comment being columns):
Title Number Comment
Test 102 "nice"
Test2 103 "ok"
I need it like this:
Title: Test Number: 102 Comment: "nice"
Title: Test2 Number: 103 Comment: "ok"
My Datatables setup for the copy-button is currently like this:
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: {
buttons: [
extend: 'copyHtml5',
text: 'Copy Selected Rows',
header: false,
exportOptions: {
modifier: {
selected: true
Is there a function to archive this? Or how can I modify the copying process?
You can use orthogonal option to specify data type copy requested for copy operations and columns.render to render appropriate content when data type copy is requested.
dom: 'Bfrtip',
columnDefs: [{
targets: "_all",
render: function (data, type, full, meta) {
if (type === 'copy') {
var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(meta.settings);
data = $(api.column(meta.col).header()).text() + ": " + data;
return data;
buttons: [{
extend: 'copyHtml5',
text: 'Copy Selected Rows',
header: false,
exportOptions: {
modifier: {
selected: true
orthogonal: 'copy'
See this jsFiddle for code and demonstration.

How to add custom data in a story board?

Question 1: Is it possible to add custom data (Ex: testcase count : 5) to each card in a story board? If so, how? I couldn't find an example or specific information in documentation.
Question 2: Is it possible to get testcase count (including child story testcases)for a highlevel story in one query?
Please let me know. Here's my code
Ext.define('Rally.Story.View', {
extend: '',
launch: function() {
xtype: 'rallyfieldvaluecombobox',
fieldLabel: 'Filter by Target Release:',
model: 'UserStory',
field: 'c_TargetRelease',
value: '15.0',
listeners: {
select: this._onSelect,
ready: this._onLoad,
scope: this
_onLoad: function() {
xtype: 'rallycardboard',
types: ['User Story'],
attribute: 'ScheduleState',
readOnly: true,
fetch: ['Name', 'TestCases', 'c_StoryType', 'c_TargetRelease', 'PlanEstimate', 'Priority', 'TaskEstimateTotal', 'TaskRemainingTotal'],
context: this.getContext(),
cardConfig: {
editable: false,
showIconsAndHighlightBorder: false,
fields: ['Name', 'c_StoryType', 'c_TargetRelease', 'PlanEstimate', 'c_PriorityBin', 'Parent', 'TestCases', 'TaskEstimateTotal', 'TaskRemainingTotal']
storeConfig: {
filters: [
property: 'c_StoryType',
value: 'SAGA Feature'
property: 'c_TargetRelease',
operator: '=',
value: this.down('rallyfieldvaluecombobox').getValue()
_onSelect: function() {
var board = this.down('rallycardboard');
storeConfig: {
filters: [
property: 'c_StoryType',
value: 'SAGA Feature'
property: 'c_TargetRelease',
operator: '=',
value: this.down('rallyfieldvaluecombobox').getValue()
Here's a sample card I made that contains the test case count:
You can add a field by simply including an object with some rendering information in it instead of just a simple string in the fields array in the cardConfig:
cardConfig: {
fields: [
'Name', //simple string field to show
name: 'TCCount', //field name
hasValue: function() {return true;}, //always show this field
renderTpl: Ext.create('Rally.ui.renderer.template.LabeledFieldTemplate', {
fieldLabel: 'Test Case Count', //the field label
valueTemplate: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
{getTestCaseCount: function(data) { return data.Summary.TestCases.Count;}}])
//additional string fields
'PlanEstimate', 'Parent', 'TestCases', 'TaskEstimateTotal', 'TaskRemainingTotal']
This ended up being less straightforward than I thought it might be, but at least it is doable. The key part is using the LabeledFieldTemplate, specifying a field label and a value template to actually render the content.
You'll also notice the little beaker status icon in the footer which is automatically rendered because TestCases was included in the fields list.
As for your second question there is no roll up field on story for the total number of test cases included on child stories.

Kendo UI BarChart Data Grouping

Not sure if this is possible. In my example I am using json as the source but this could be any size. In my example on fiddle I would use this data in a shared fashion by only binding two columns ProductFamily (xAxis) and Value (yAxis) but I would like to be able to group the columns by using an aggregate.
In this example without the grouping it shows multiple columns for FamilyA. Can this be grouped into ONE column and the values aggregated regardless of the amount of data?
So the result will show one column for FamilyA of Value 4850 + 4860 = 9710 etc.?
A problem with all examples online is that there is always the correct amount of data for each category. Not sure if this makes sense?
//Sample data (see fiddle for complete sample)
"ProductName":"CABLE USB",
var productDataSource = new{
data: dr,
//group: {
// field: "ProductFamily",
sort: {
field: "ProductFamily",
dir: "asc"
//aggregate: [
// { field: "Value", aggregate: "sum" }
//schema: {
// model: {
// fields: {
// ProductFamily: { type: "string" },
// Value: { type: "number" },
// }
// }
dataSource: productDataSource,
//autoBind: false,
title: {
text: "Product Family (past 12 months)"
seriesDefaults: {
overlay: {
gradient: "none"
markers: {
visible: false
majorTickSize: 0,
opacity: .8
series: [{
type: "column",
field: "Value"
valueAxis: {
line: {
visible: false
labels: {
format: "${0}",
skip: 2,
step: 2,
color: "#727f8e"
categoryAxis: {
field: "ProductFamily"
legend: {
visible: false
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: "Value: ${0:N0}"
The Kendo UI Chart does not support binding to group aggregates. At least not yet.
My suggestion is to:
Move the aggregate definition, so it's calculated per group:
group: {
field: "ProductFamily",
aggregates: [ {
field: "Value",
aggregate: "sum"
Extract the aggregated values in the change handler:
var view = products.view();
var families = $.map(view, function(v) {
return v.value;
var values = $.map(view, function(v) {
return v.aggregates.Value.sum;
Bind the groups and categories manually:
series: [ {
type: "column",
data: values
categoryAxis: {
categories: families
Working demo can be found here:
I hope this helps.

Creating sorted tree in DOJO 1.6?

I new to learn dojo and trying to learn by it using samples code.
Using dojo 1.6
With help of sample codes , I created a tree
now i want to apply sorting on root and also on child.
With the help of this sample code , i changed the code
Output is not sorted n but the root folder has changed their position and child is deleted.
Plz help me to resolve this.
My code :
var data = [ { id: 1, name: "answerTypeLabel", type:'scenario', children:[{_reference: 2}]},
{ id: 2, name: "acceptRequestLabel", type:'paragraph', data: "acceptRequestLabel"},
{ id: 3, name: "rejectRequestLabel", type:'scenario', children:[{_reference: 5},{_reference: 6}]},
{ id: 4, name: "MoreInformationLabel", type:'scenario', children:[{_reference: 7},{_reference: 8}]},
{ id: 5, name: "rejectRequestStatusLabel", type:'paragraph', data: "rejectRequestStatusLabel"},
{ id: 6, name: "rejectRequestNotCoveredLabel", type:'paragraph', data: "rejectRequestNotCoveredLabel" },
{ id: 7, name: "MoreInformationDocumentLabel", type:'paragraph', data: "MoreInformationDocumentLabel"},
{ id: 8, name: "MoreInformationDataLabel", type:'paragraph', data: "MoreInformationDataLabel"}
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
var sortableStore = new{
data: {
identifier: 'id',
label: 'name',
items: data
var model = new dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel({
rootLabel: 'Names',
store: new{
data: {
identifier: 'id',
items: [],
label: 'name'
}) // blank itemsstore
var tree = new dijit.Tree({
model: model,
updateItems: function(items) {
var self = this;
console.log('pre', this.model.root.children);
dojo.forEach(items, function(newItem) {
console.log('add', newItem);
try {{
id: sortableStore.getValue(newItem, 'id'),
name: sortableStore.getValue(newItem, 'name'),
type: sortableStore.getValue(newItem, 'type'),
data: sortableStore.getValue(newItem, 'data'),
} catch (e) {
console.log('post', this.model.root.children);
console.log("children: ", this.rootNode.getChildren());
query: {
sort: [{
attribute: "name"}],
onComplete: function(items) {
console.log(items, 'sorted');
Output :
The 'Names' origins from you setting 'rootLabel'.
Btw, fiddles have revisions and is simply a paste-bin like feature :)
You need to use the tree model pasteItem to insert referenced items (the 'children' property of each 'newItem').
Otherwise, there's another approach, if you get rid of the '_reference' structure of your data. See: