Is it possible to autoselect and immediately jump to a certain value in an ion-picker? - ionic4

I'm currently working on an ionic-app that uses ion-pickers, now here's my question:
If you have a certain value that is part of the possibly choosable values of the picker, can you jump to it and select it by default when you try to open the picker just like they did with the datetime-picker?
Because I have a lot of values for some of my pickers, it would be much easier and user-friendly, if it would just immediately jump to the earlier selected value or to a default value somewhere in the middle so that they don't have to scroll down the entire pickervalues-list if they misclicked or something. Now I know that this very nice feature is already implemented for the datetime-picker but I didn't find a possibility to use it on the ion-picker.
So does it exist for the ion-picker yet or is that part yet under development?

I found the answer myself after digging around in the forums (here's the link:
Basically you only need to use:
picker.columns[0].selectedIndex = index;

An alternative is to set the default ion-picker's option on itself build as shown below:
const objOptions: PickerOptions = {
buttons: [
text: 'Cancel',
role: 'cancel'
text: 'Confirm',
handler: (value) => {
console.log(`Got Value ${value}`);
columns: [{
name: 'Animals',
options: [
{ text: 'Dog', value: 'Dog' },
{ text: 'Cat', value: 'Cat'}
selectedIndex: 0
const objPicker = await pickerController.create(objOptions);

if you want to select by text or value
let columns: PickerColumn[] = [
name: 'Animals',
options: [
{ text: 'Dog text', value: 'Dog' },
{ text: 'Cat text', value: 'Cat'}
//autoselect by value
let index = columns[0].options.findIndex(x => x.value === 'Cat');
columns[0].selectedIndex = index > -1 ? index : 0;
//autoselect by text
index = columns[0].options.findIndex(x => x.text === 'Cat text');
columns[0].selectedIndex = index > -1 ? index : 0;
//autoselect by index
columns[0].selectedIndex = 1;
const objOptions: PickerOptions = {
buttons: [
text: 'Cancel',
role: 'cancel'
text: 'Confirm',
handler: (value) => {
console.log(`Got Value ${value}`);
columns: columns
const objPicker = await pickerController.create(objOptions);


Fulltext mongodb $text search query in graphql-compose-mongoose

I'm unable to figure out how to construct a graphql query for performing the mongodb fulltext search using the text index.
I've already created a text index on my string in the mongoose schema but I don't see anything in the schemas that show up in the grapqhl playground.
A bit late, though I was able to implement it like so
const FacilitySchema: Schema = new Schema(
name: { type: String, required: true, maxlength: 50, text: true },
short_description: { type: String, required: true, maxlength: 150, text: true },
description: { type: String, maxlength: 1000 },
location: { type: LocationSchema, required: true },
timestamps: true,
name: 'text',
short_description: 'text',
'': 'text',
'location.address': 'text',
'': 'text',
'location.state': 'text',
'': 'text',
name: 'FacilitiesTextIndex',
default_language: 'english',
weights: {
name: 10,
short_description: 5,
// rest fields get weight equals to 1
After creating your ObjectTypeComposer for the model, add this
const paginationResolver = FacilityTC.getResolver('pagination').addFilterArg({
name: 'search',
type: 'String',
query: (query, value, resolveParams) => {
resolveParams.args.sort = {
score: { $meta: 'textScore' },
query.$text = { $search: value, $language: 'en' };
resolveParams.projection.score = { $meta: 'textScore' };
FacilityTC.setResolver('pagination', paginationResolver);
Then you can assign like so
const schemaComposer = new SchemaComposer();
// ...
facilities: Facility.getResolver('pagination')
// ...
On your client side, perform the query like so
facilities(filter: { search: "akure" }) {
items {

Using Custom Sort with Track Scores set to True is still showing score as null

So I'm setting a default query in my React Native app. Essentially I'm trying to set a sortOrder based on the elementOrder values. My partner used this same piece of code in his web app and it works for him. It doesn't seem to work on my end. The score exists if I remove the custom sort, which is normal due to what I've read in the docs. When I'm using a custom sort, then I should add track_scores: true. My score is still coming up as null.
I am not sure how to debug this situation. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks! Here's my code and let me know if you need to see anything. Unfortunately I don't have access to Kibana. I'm just console logging the list item and it's properties.
const defaultQueryConfig = {
track_scores: true,
sort: {
_script: {
type: 'number',
script: {
lang: 'painless',
source: `
int sortOrder = 0;
if (doc['elementOrder'].value == 1) {sortOrder = 3}
else if (doc['elementOrder'].value == 3) {sortOrder = 2}
else if (doc['elementOrder'].value == 2) {sortOrder = 1}
order: 'desc',
query: {
function_score: {
query: {
match_all: {},
functions: [
filter: {
match: {
categoryType: 'earth',
weight: 100,
filter: {
match: {
categoryType: 'water',
weight: 90,
filter: {
match: {
categoryType: 'fire',
weight: 80,
filter: {
match: {
thingExists: false,
weight: 2,
score_mode: 'multiply',

Is it possible to add animations to dgrid rows?

We currently have a dgrid with a single column and rows like this:
Recently I added some code so that we can delete rows with the little X button that appears above the row when we hover them.
The handler calls this to delete the row:;
When we delete a row, since it's instantaneous and each row contains similar text, it's not always obvious to the user that something just happened.
I was wondering if it would be possible add some sort of dojo or css animation to the row deletion, like the deleted row fading or sliding out. This would make the row deletion more obvious.
I have created a jsfiddle for animating(wipeOut) a selected row.
packages: [
name: 'dgrid',
location: '//'
name: 'xstyle',
location: '//'
name: 'put-selector',
location: '//'
}, [
], function(declare, Grid, Selection, Memory,fx) {
var data = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Peter', age:24 },
{ id: 2, name: 'Paul', age: 30 },
{ id: 3, name: 'Mary', age:46 }
var store = new Memory({ data: data });
var options = {
columns: [
/*{ field: 'id', label: 'ID' },*/
{ field: 'name', label: 'Name' },
{ field: 'age', label: 'Age' }
store: store
var CustomGrid = declare([ Grid, Selection ]);
var grid = new CustomGrid(options, 'gridcontainer');
grid.on('dgrid-select', function (event) {
// Report the item from the selected row to the console.
console.log('Row selected: ', event.rows[0].data);
//WipeOut animation for selected row.
fx.wipeOut({ node: event.rows[0].element }).play();

How do I query for tag names with :find in SnapshotStore store config

I am trying to setup a filter that is similar to a defect view within a Trend chart. The filter in the defect view is:
(State < Closed) AND (Severity <= Major) AND (Tags !contains Not a Stop Ship)
I cannot seem to get the Tags find to work correctly. Any suggestions?
this.myTrendChart = Ext.create('Rally.ui.chart.Chart', {
storeType: '',
storeConfig: {
find: {
_TypeHierarchy: "Defect",
State: {
$lt: "Closed"
Severity: {
$lte: "Major"
Tags: {
$ne: "Not a Stop Ship"
_ProjectHierarchy: ProjectOid
hydrate: ["Priority"],
fetch: ["_ValidFrom", "_ValidTo", "ObjectID", "Priority"]
calculatorType: 'My.TrendCalc',
calculatorConfig: {},
chartConfig: {
chart: {
zoomType: 'x',
type: 'line'
title: {
text: 'Defects over Time'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
minTickInterval: 3
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Number of Defects'
Based on reviewing the JSON messages, I figured out the tag needed to be the ObjectId. Once I found this, I replaced "Not a Stop Ship" with the ObjectId value and the filter worked correctly.

How to add new childs dynamically from json to treenode in extjs4

i am working in extjs4. I have created treepanel view as-
Now on clicking on node surrounding,i am retrieving its id,sending it to server side and retriving its corresponding childs. I am getting this serverside output in json format as-
So now i want to insert this above json elements as childs of node "surrounding". So how to update tree store with this new childs? Or how can i add childs dynamically? please help me
Here's my example how I add elements on my tree:
on_AddTreeNodes: function (win) {
var _this = this;
//your tree
var tree = win.down('treepanel[name=main_tree]');
//get tree root
var root = tree.getRootNode();
var first = root.firstChild;
var _index = first.childNodes.length - 1;
//adding folder
first.insertChild(_index, { text: 'New folder name', leaf: false });
var data = first.getChildAt(_index);
url: 'your url',
method: 'GET',
params: {
//some params
success: function (objServerResponse) {
//if success, you add your data from server into your tree
data.insertChild(data.firstChild, {
text: 'your leaf name',
leaf: true,
//your other params
//sync your tree store
In my example I use insertChild - this method adding childs in my tree.
Here's some information that should help you : work with tree in ExtJs
In my view I have
Ext.applyIf(me, {
items: [
xtype: 'treepanel',
name: 'main_tree',
title: 'Menu',
region: 'west',
collapsible: true,
rootVisible: false,
viewConfig: {
width: 230
store: Ext.create('', {
root: {
expanded: true,
children: [
text: '',
expanded: true,
children: [
{ text: 'Menu item', leaf: true, param1: 'somedata', param2: 'somedata', param3: 'somedata' },...
and when I use:
data.insertChild(data.firstChild, {
text: 'your leaf name',
leaf: true,
//your other params
instead '//your other params' you get params from your JSON and write like this:
data.insertChild(data.firstChild, {
text: 'your leaf name',
leaf: true,
param1: 'jsondata',
param2: 'jsondata',
param3: 'jsondata'