How to automate multiple iOS apps in a single session - ios-ui-automation

I am trying to run automation on multiple iOS apps. Beside this out of the 2 apps , one app is not created by me. It is a third party app downloaded from app store would i be able to execute the command on that third party app(as it is not signed by development profile). It would be great help if anybody could suggest me some tools that can be used for automating multiple iOS apps.

You cannot run instruments on multiple apps in the same session. You would have to launch a new instance of instruments each time your context switched.
In the simulator, this is currently impossible as instruments closes the app its automating when the automation completes.


Mobile hybrid app testing using Codedui

I was working on a ionic mobile hybrid app and looking for automation testing tools. I found Codedui a solution for testing windows/web application and I was wondering if this can be used for testing ionic apps as well. I will appreciate if someone who has done similar task can share his views. Many thanks.
Never hear about Codedui before, but I suggest to use Protractor to test automatically your App. Protractor runs tests against your application running in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would.

How can I see the crash reports of IOS App which is not yet there in the Apple Store?

I am new to iOS platform(SWIFT - iOS9- Xcode7.3), I developed one Social Networking app in Swift and want to see crash reports of the app in the mobile as well as in Xcode. I did the process of Certifications,App ID, Provisioning Certificates and all...(whether all these are necessary for testing the app) I started with test-flight but I am not finding their SDK. So how to go with the step by step process of testing the iOS app before I go with the production.
Let me know if there are any other tools other than test flight. or What is the right way to do the process of testing and then production to the Apple Store. I dint find any proper answers please help.
Test flight is integrated with apple iTuneConnect app store build,As of now you can not get the crash report for beta build. App store build will not share the crash report to developer until it was not shared by user device (by enabling Share with app developer setting).There are many crash reporting tools
I will recommend to use fabric

Mac App not launching properly for users outside of development

I have made iOS apps in the past but this is my first desktop mac app. We have a strange problem. I build for archive, validate it and send to test users. The app loads but doesn't get past the splash screen for those users. I tested with two non-developer users on my machine (same machine as development) and the same thing - it stalls on the splash screen in both Lion and Mtn Lion. For the two developer users, it is working fine.
Now something tells me there's a permissions or signing problem. But if that's the case, wouldn't the app not load at all? The other thing is that we are writing to the Library/Application Support folder. For these test users all the files that are supposed to be there are there - so the app is launching and writing.
Does this problem sound familiar at all or any tips on how to diagnose?

How to do UI Automation of Metro-Style Apps?

I've downloaded and installed the windows 8 consumer preview, and I'd like to figure out how to use the UI Automation API's to get data from metro style applications.
Background: I have a lot of automated tests which use the Microsoft UI Automation API's to interact with applications. The scripts are written in IronRuby against .NET 4
Initially, I'd simply like to check if the start menu is visible (and if so, close it)
According to Microsoft, the normal UI Automation API's should be able to access and control metro style applications, but the problem is, I can't figure out how my code can actually access the UI of metro applications? Our normal way of viewing UI automation data is using UISpy, however when I run UI spy under windows 8 and bring up a metro app, there is no mention of it... it seems like metro apps (including the start screen) are walled off from the desktop.
If I can't find the metro apps in UISpy, how can I find what their automation ID's are, and how could I find them from my automated test scripts?
A few resources on UI automation which works in Metro style apps:
Here is a sample demonstrating it.
Here is a blog post explaining it.
This is a forum thread on the subject.
There is nothing about the app that stops traditional UI automation from working correctly. You may have to get updated tools to view the Metro style apps. Some ship with the Consumer Preview. Look for inspect.exe.
UI Automation tools can automate Metro applications. Check RIATest for example.
Stating from version 6.0 a number of features in RIATest are specifically targeted at Metro style application automation, particularly:
Ability to stay on top of Metro UI to allow you to simultaneously see your Metro application and RIATest IDE and minimize switching from Desktop to Metro screens when automating a Metro application.
Recording of actions performed on native Windows GUI elements (including Metro GUI). The recorder analyses your script code and reuses your variable names to generate cleaner recorded scripts similar to how you would hand-code an automation script.
Seamless workaround for bugs like this in Windows UI Automation implementation in Metro UI.
Disclaimer: I work for Cogitek, the RIATest company.
WinRT (aka "Metro Style") applications run in an sandbox. You cannot pierce the walls between applications, including to Desktop applications. This includes network isolation (you cannot refer back to localhost for example except in a development environment). There are a couple of exceptions to this such as the Share and Search contacts which allow for very specific types of interactions between apps.
It is this sandbox that is preventing UISpy from seeing the executing WinRT application in the background. I'm not sure how UISpy could work around this issue without some kind of development environment exception to the sandbox (similar to the network isolation exception) that isn't available in the consumer preview.
I'm also unaware of any announcements regarding when/if the UI Automation API will be supported for WinRT applications at this time.

Is there a testing phase for iTunes and Android Market?

I have a small app I've made that I intend to make available on both iTunes and on Android Market (AM).
I have purchased the developer certifications for both, built my app with the Android SDK and the iOS Xcode SDK. So I think I'm most of the way along.
I'm a little fuzzy on the steps after this, though. When I launch my app, I'd like it to be available on each market on more or less the same time. I'd also like to do a little testing to try and download each app to different people's devices for a beta phase. Also, my understanding is that iTunes requires some sort of approval before it goes live (does Android require the same?).
So, what I'd like to do is be able to put my app on both AM and iTunes, but have it not be publicly available. A sort of private phase, where I can test it, have selected testers download it, make sure it is working fine, and maybe even get Apple (and Android) approval.
Then, when I'm ready to go live, then mark my apps as public.
Is there anything like that on either market? If I upload my app to either market, is it from that moment publicly available?
If there isn't any such "private" phase, what is the usual process for testing the app on different devices before making it available for sale?
The android developer site confirms that you can upload your app without publishing to allow for final testing. See more information here: Publishing on Android Market (under "Configuring options and uploading assets" header). When you actually publish the app it should be up within minutes. See this answer as well Just uploaded Android App: How long before app shows in Android Market search?
Apple has a different approval which can take hours or weeks depending on how lucky you are :) I personally have not submitted an app for approval though so I don't know if there's a way to get approval and then delay the release. I don't have a dev account with Apple so I can't log in to see their app approval guidelines apparently, but maybe this has some useful info: iOS App Store Approval Guidelines