How to get first row from Google Spreadsheets Data API - google-sheets-api

Here is an example:
The returned JSON data doesn't contain the first row from the spreadsheet.
You can view the contents of the spreadsheet in HTML ( to verify that "first row" exists in the sheet.
How can I get the first row from the spreadsheet? There is a "openSearch$startIndex" = 1 in the returned JSON. Maybe if you could set this to 0, I could get the first row also.

1st Row - Cell feed
Cell feed is better for almost everything. But append a data row is better in list feed, I think.

In C# you would do it like this:
var link = worksheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.CellRel, null).HRef.ToString();
var cellQuery = new CellQuery(link)
MinimumRow = 1,
MaximumRow = 1,
MinimumColumn = 1
CellFeed header = spreadsheetService.Query(cellQuery);


Google Sheets API (v4) - `AutoResizeDimensions` not working

I've got a system that generates and automatically maintains lots of spreadsheets on a Drive account.
Whenever I add data to the sheet I run a 'format' method to pass over and make sure everything is ok.
This generally does things like:
set the default font and size across the sheet
set up the heading row
freeze rows
In addition, I have the code below to make sure the first two columns (index 0 and 1) in the sheet are autoresizing to fit their contents. when I run it though, this element doesn't seem to make a difference. The font, column freezes etc all work.
Other notes:
I only want those 2 columns to auto-resize
the amount of rows in a sheet can vary
this job is appended to the end of several in requestList
My code:
requestList.Requests.Add(new Google.Apis.Sheets.v4.Data.Request()
AutoResizeDimensions = new AutoResizeDimensionsRequest()
Dimensions = new DimensionRange()
SheetId = Convert.ToInt32(sheetId),
Dimension = "COLUMNS",
StartIndex = 0,
EndIndex = 1
var updateRequest = sheetService.Spreadsheets.BatchUpdate(requestList, spreadSheetId);
var updateResponse = updateRequest.Execute();
Could the order which I request the 'format' changes be affecting things maybe? Can anyone help?
As written in the documentation,
the start index is inclusive and the end index is exclusive.
So, For the first two columns, it should be
startIndex = 0,
endIndex = 2

TYPO3: Get the values in fluid from inline elements

I managed to create an own inline content element (on tt_content table) but when i try to get the values on the frontend via fluid, i get nothing.
I debugged the {data} variable and on the column that my data are saved, there is an integer. I suppose it reads the number of the content elements which were created on the foreign table (accordion). How can i get those values?
At this point the {data} variables reads the tt_content table and the column that has the integer reads the number of content elements on the table accordion.
I suppose no code is necessary. If it is necessary, feel free to comment the part of the code you would like to review.
Best regards
You need to add a DataProcessor to your TypoScript creating the content element, which fetch your accordion records. Example:
tt_content {
yourContentElementName < lib.contentElement
yourContentElementName.templateName = YourContentElementName
yourContentElementName.dataProcessing {
10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
10 {
if.isTrue.field = fieldInTtContentWithInteger
table = your_accordion_table
pidInList = this
where.field = uid
where.intval = 1
where.dataWrap = field_pointing_to_ttcontent_record = |
as = accordions

Create a column dropdown in EPPlus

I have everything else worked out but I want to put a drop down on a cell (range of cells) so that users are forced to select from the list.
I've tried this:
var dd = worksheet.Cells[5, 3, row, 3].DataValidation.AddListDataValidation() as ExcelDataValidationList;
dd.AllowBlank = true;
//Add list here
But I can't find any method or property that allows me to link the list.
How is this done? I can't find any documentation on it.
The correct way is to use the Formula.Values.Add:
dd = worksheet.Cells[5, 4, row, 4].DataValidation.AddListDataValidation() as ExcelDataValidationList;
dd.AllowBlank = true;

Time stamp a cell when multiple columns are updated

I have been checking out multiple codes on trying to update my Google Spreadsheet but have been unsuccessful when trying to do this with multiple cells. On my spreadsheet I have multiple tabs and when I update a row in column 2,3 or 4, I would like it to enter the date in column 5.
Thank you for your help.
Step 1.
In the Google Spreadsheet, click on "Script editor..." under the "Tools" menu.
Step 2.
Remove any sample script that might be in there and paste the following ...
// Sets the targetColumn on the edited row to the current date if the
// edited column in within columnBounds.
// Note: This will only handle single cell editing.
// Columns that need to be monitored for changes. Use CAPITAL letters.
var monitoredColumns = ['B', 'C', 'D'];
// Colum that will receive the date.
var targetColumn = 'E'
// To avoid adding the date in the title row, we need to consider the starting row.
var startingRow = 4
// onEdit() is a reserved function name that will be called every time the sheet will be edited.
function onEdit(e) {
var range = e.range;
// Row of the edited cell.
var row = range.getRow();
// Column of the edited cell.
var col = String.fromCharCode(64 + range.getColumn());
if (row < startingRow) {
// None of the monitored rows have been edited.
if (monitoredColumns.indexOf(col) < 0) {
// Column B, C or D (2, 3 or 4) was not modified.
// Do not proceed any further.
// Current spreadsheet.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
// Date cell.
var dateCell = sheet.getRange(targetColumn + range.getRow());
// Set it to the current date.
dateCell.setValue(new Date());
Step 3
Adjust the values of monitoredColumns, targetColumn and startingRow
Step 4
Start entering some content in the cells.

Need a more efficient solution than looping

I am building a spreadsheet that tracks work in progress as it moves through steps of a manufacturing process.
Each step of the process has a column with the total parts moved to each stage. To the left of this column is a column for number of parts moved to the stage (parts move through a few at a time).
My scrpit then takes the values in the "add" column, adds them to the "total" column, then reset the "add" column to "".
Here's the code:
function addColumns() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// ss is now the spreadsheet the script is associated with
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0]; // sheets are counted starting from 0
// sheet is the first worksheet in the spreadsheet
for (var i=4; i<500; i++ ) {
if(sheet.getRange(i,1).getValue()>0){ //Only run if order number not empty
//Breakout Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,6);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,7);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//CNC Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,8);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,9);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//CutSand Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,10);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,11);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//Lasered Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,12);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,13);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//To Finishing Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,14);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,15);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
// Defective Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,17);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,18);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//Etsy Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,20);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,21);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
if(sheet.getRange(i,4).getValue()<1){i=500} //Once you find a blank order exit the loop
My code as written does accomplish this; it does exactly what I need. The problem is that since the code is accessing the spreadsheet on each loop it takes almost a full second per cell to run, and with 7 steps per order it can take minutes at a time to run through with lots of orders...
This is a pretty simple mathematical task, so there has to be a more efficient way of doing it, I just haven't been able to find the right keywords to describe what I need to do.
I am quite happy to learn whatever needs to be done, just need to know what direction to head.
Thanks in advance!
I would suggest to do something like this: (not tested)
function addColumns() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()[0]; // Refers to the first worksheet in the spreadsheet
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues(); // Acquires all values of the sheet
for (var i = 3; i < data.length; i++) { // Loop over every row
if (data[i][0].length > 0) { // Check if first column has a value
// Breakout
sheet.getRange(i+1,7).setValue(parseFloat(data[i][6]) + parseFloat(data[i][5]));
// Repeat code above for other columns
This code acquires all the data from the sheet instead of looping over a fixed amount of 500 rows. Assuming that your data starts at row 4, I've implemented this in the code above as well.
Variable data acquires all the data at one moment instead of trying to fetch values of every range (cell) all the time. I expect that this will save your script quite some time.
Because we acquire the data at once, the script sees the value as a string. Before we calculate the new value of the total column, we parse the value as a float (a number with decimals).
The code above is not tested as I don't have a sheet ready in the same format as you do but I think the logic is clear and if it doesn't work I suppose you should be able to adjust it to work for your sheet.