Retrieve records falling within a daily time range across a given month - sql

My table contains fields that store
sale date/time
I need help on how to select only those tickets sold between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM on a day-to-day basis for an entire month, without including any sales between 12:01 PM and 10:00 PM.

Try something like
SELECT SUM(Price) Total_Morning_Sales
FROM TableName
WHERE CAST(Sale AS TIME) > '07:59:59'
AND CAST(Sale AS TIME) < '12:00:01'
AND MONTH(Sale) = 5 --<-- Month Number here

Simple way to deal with events in given hours of day is to use DATEPART
FROM TicketTable


how to Difference between two date SQL server

how to find difference between two date . in database i have two columns transaction date and submitted Date . how to find how long to take to submit after transaction date approved
Employee transaction Date Submit date
Kenya 01-06-2019 22-06-2019
Sandy 02-07-2019 15-07-2019
but i want get how long to take submit after transaction date
Employee transaction Date Submit date difference Date
Kenya 01-06-2019 22-06-2019 21 days
Sandy 02-07-2019 15-07-2019 13 days
how to find this ? any one help me ?
DATEDIFF(day, transaction_date, submit_date) AS difference
FROM yourTable;
If you want the literal output you showed us, then use:
CAST(DATEDIFF(day, transaction_date, submit_date) AS varchar(max)) + ' days' AS difference

Find the minute difference between 2 date time

I need to get the difference between 2 date time in minutes(Time difference in minutes). And the last difference will be calculated based on 6 PM of every date.
Sample data: need result of last column
User_Name Date Time difference in minutes
User 1 1/1/06 12:00 PM 30
user 2 1/1/06 12:30 PM 315
user 3 1/1/06 5:45 PM 15
Here the date will be always in same date and the last user date difference calculated based on default value 6PM. Assuming the dates of any user will not cross 6PM time.
Please suggest how to write the query for the same.
You could use the lead window function.
I assume your table is called mytable and the date column is mydate (it is a bad idea to call a column Date as it is a reserved word).
select user_name,
round((lead(mydate, 1, trunc(mydate)+18/24)
over (partition by trunc(mydate) order by mydate)
- mydate) *24*60) as difference
from mytable
I found the solution.. if its not correct let me know
SELECT User_name,created_date,
trunc(to_number((cast(nvl(lead (created_date,1) OVER (ORDER BY created_date),TRUNC(SYSDATE) + (19/24)) as date) - cast(created_date as date)))*24*60) as difference
FROM users;

How to count number of records present in a date range between a fixed time in SQL Server?

I need to get the number of records present in my [RecordsTable] for the last 3 months.
However the catch is I need the records which are processed between 10PM and 2AM.
For example --
07/01/2015 10PM -- 07/02/2015 2AM
07/02/2015 10PM -- 07/03/2015 2AM
07/03/2015 10PM -- 07/04/2015 2AM
The below SQL gives me the records present on any particular day starting from May,2015.
But I am not able to get the timing(10PM-2AM of next day) embedded in the SQL and need some help.
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), RecordDate, 101),count(RecordID)
FROM [RecordsTable](NOLOCK)
WHERE RecordDate > '2015-05-01'
GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), RecordDate, 101)
MSSQL Supports both Date and Time datatypes. You can break up your where statement to reflect both date and time conditions separately.
Try the following:
SELECT count(1)
FROM RecordsTable
WHERE RecordDate > '2015-05-01'
I assume RecordDate is a datetime or datetime2 column. between 2 and 21 will return rows where the hour for RecordDate is between 2am and 9pm, inclusive. NOT between 2 and 21 will return the reverse, giving you data for 10pm, 11pm, 12pm, and 1am. This does not include any time between 2:00am and 2:59am. If you need to include events that occurred precisely at but not after 2:00am, things get a bit tricker, but similar code based on not between would apply.
To get records in the last 3 months you can use two ways -- one by month looks like this
This will get you inclusive months but not partial months. To get partial months is a bit more tricky because you could mean (for example for today) the 9th day of 3 months ago or you could mean 90 days ago. In the first case this works
WHERE colname >= dateadd(month,-3, getdate())
and for 90 days ago
WHERE colname >= dateadd(day,-90, getdate())
To get between 10PM and 2AM use this
WHERE datepart(hour,colname) >= 22 OR datepart(hour,colname) <= 2
FROM Table1
WHERE RecordDate > '2015-05-01'
AND (DATEPART(HOUR, RecordDate) <= 2 OR DATEPART(HOUR, RecordDate) >= 22)
Try this
SELECT count(*) FROM tablename where created_at>='2015-03-17 07:15:10' and created_at<='2015-07-09 02:23:50';
You can even use between
SELECT count(*) FROM tablename where created_at between '2015-03-17 07:15:10' and '2015-07-09 02:26:50';
You can use curdate() to get today's date

Number of specific one-hour periods between two date/times

I have a table of table records, call it "game"
It has an id and timestamp.
What I need to know is unrelated to the table specifically. In order to know the average number of games played per hour, I need to know :
Total games played for each hour over the date range
Number of hourly
periods between the date range.
Finding the first is a matter of extracting the hour from the timestamp and grouping by it.
For the second, if the date range was rounded to the nearest day, finding this value would be easy (totalgames/numdays).
Unfortunately I can't assume this. What I need help with is finding the number of specific hour periods existing within a time range.
If the range is 5 PM today to 8 PM tomorrow, there is one "00" hour (midnight to 1 AM), but two 17, 18, 19 hours (5-6, 6-7, 7-8)
Thanks for the help
Edit: for clarity, consider the following query:
I have table game:
id, daytime
select EXTRACT(hour from daytime) as hour_period, count (*)
from game
where daytime > dateFrom and daytime < dayTo
group by hour_period
This will give me the number of games played broken down into hourly chunks for the time period.
In order to find the average games played per hour, I need to know exactly how many specific hour durations are between two timestamps. Simply dividing by the number of days is not accurate.
Edit: The ideal output will look something like this:
00 275
01 300
02 255
Consider the following: How many times does midnight occur between date 1 and date 2 ? If you have 1.5 days, that doesn't guarantee that midnight will occur twice. 6 AM today to 6 PM tomorrow night, for example, has 1 midnight, but 9PM tonight to 9 AM two days from now has 2 midnights.
What I'm trying to find is how many of the EXACT HOUR occurs between two timestamps, so I can use it to average the number of games played at THAT HOUR over a time period.
The following query gets the days, hours, and # of games, giving an output as below:
29 23 100
29 00 130
30 22 140
30 23 150
Then, the outer query adds up the number of games for each distinct hour and divides by the number of hours, as follows
22 140
23 125
00 130
The modified query is below:
sum(hourly_no_of_games) / count(hour_period)
EXTRACT(DAY from daytime) as day_period,
EXTRACT(HOUR from daytime) as hour_period,
count (*) hourly_no_of_games
from game
where daytime > dateFrom and daytime < dayTo
group by EXTRACT(DAY from daytime), EXTRACT(HOUR from daytime)
) hourly_data
GROUP BY hour_period
ORDER BY hour_period;
SQL Fiddle demo
If you need something to GROUP BY, you can truncate the timestamp to the level of hour, as in the following:
SELECT #Date, DATEADD(Hour, DATEDIFF(Hour, 0, #Date), 0) AS RoundedDate
If you just need to find the total hours, you can just select the DATEDIFF in hours, such as with
SELECT DATEDIFF(Hour, '5/29/2014 20:01:32.999', GETDATE())
Extract not only the hour of the day but the day of the year (1-366). Then group on those. If there is the possibility the interval could span a year, then add the year itself and group by all three.
year dy hr games
2013 365 23 115
2014 1 00 103

MySQL Sum based on date range and time of day

I have a large set of data collected every 15 minutes. I am trying to select data between a certain time period and then within that time period divide it up by another date intervals. And within those intervals sum over a certain time period.
For example, I would like to be able to select data between 01/01/2009 and 01/01/2010 and group by date ranges 01/01/2009 - 05/01/2009, 05/02/2009 - 11/01/2009, 11/02/2009 - 01/01/2010 and then within each group select the data from time 00:00:01 - 12:00:00 and 12:00:01 - 23:59:59
SELECT SUM(Data.usage)AS sum
FROM Data.meter_id =
WHERE Data.start_read >= '2009-01-01'
AND Data.end_read <= '2010-01-01 23:59:59'
GROUP BY date range? Not sure how to separate the data. Thanks
To group by date ranges, I often use case statements:
Group By Case
When start_read between '01/01/2009' and '05/01/2010' then 'Jan-Apr 09'
When start_read between '05/01/2009' and '11/01/2010' then 'May-Nov 09'