MySQL Sum based on date range and time of day - sql

I have a large set of data collected every 15 minutes. I am trying to select data between a certain time period and then within that time period divide it up by another date intervals. And within those intervals sum over a certain time period.
For example, I would like to be able to select data between 01/01/2009 and 01/01/2010 and group by date ranges 01/01/2009 - 05/01/2009, 05/02/2009 - 11/01/2009, 11/02/2009 - 01/01/2010 and then within each group select the data from time 00:00:01 - 12:00:00 and 12:00:01 - 23:59:59
SELECT SUM(Data.usage)AS sum
FROM Data.meter_id =
WHERE Data.start_read >= '2009-01-01'
AND Data.end_read <= '2010-01-01 23:59:59'
GROUP BY date range? Not sure how to separate the data. Thanks

To group by date ranges, I often use case statements:
Group By Case
When start_read between '01/01/2009' and '05/01/2010' then 'Jan-Apr 09'
When start_read between '05/01/2009' and '11/01/2010' then 'May-Nov 09'


Group by arbitrary interval

I have a column that is of type timestamp. I would like to dynamically group the results by random period time (it can be 10 seconds or even 5 hours).
Supposing, I have this kind of data:
If the user provides 2 hours and wants to get the max value of the air_pressure, I would like to have the first row combined with the second one. The result should look like this:
date | max air_pressure
2022-11-22 00:00:00:000 | 978.81666667
2022-11-22 02:00:00:000 | 978.53
2022-11-22 04:00:00:000 | 987.23333333
and so on. As I mentioned, the period must be easy to change, because maybe he wants to group by days/seconds...
The functionality should work like function date_trunc(). But that can only group by minutes/seconds/hours, while I would like to group for arbitrary intervals.
SELECT g.start_time, max(air_pressure) AS max_air_pressure
FROM generate_series($start
, $end
, interval '15 min') g(start_time)
LEFT JOIN tbl t ON t.date_id >= g.start_time
AND t.date_id < g.start_time + interval '15 min' -- same interval
$start and $end are timestamps delimiting your time frame of interest.
Returns all time slots, and NULL for max_air_pressure if no matching entries are found for the time slot.
Best way to count rows by arbitrary time intervals
Aside: "date_id" is an unfortunate column name for a timestamp.

How to calculate the time difference in SQL with DATEDIFF?

I am using the DATEDIFF function to calculate the difference between my two timestamps.
payment_time = 2021-10-29 07:06:32.097332
trigger_time = 2021-10-10 14:11:13
What I have written is : date_diff('minute',payment_time,trigger_time) <= 15
I basically want the count of users who paid within 15 mins of the triggered time
thus I have also done count(s.user_id) as count
However it returns count as 1 even in the above case since the minutes are within 15 but the dates 10th October and 29th October are 19 days apart and hence it should return 0 or not count this row in my query.
How do I compare the dates in my both columns and then count users who have paid within 15 mins?
This also works to calculate minutes between to timestamps (it first finds the interval (subtraction), and then converts that to seconds (extracting EPOCH), and divides by 60:
extract(epoch from (payment_time-trigger_time))/60
In PostgreSQL, I prefer to subtract the two timestamps from each other, and extract the epoch from the resulting interval:
Like here:
indata(payment_time,trigger_time) AS (
SELECT TIMESTAMP '2021-10-29 07:06:32.097332',TIMESTAMP '2021-10-10 14:11:13'
UNION ALL SELECT TIMESTAMP '2021-10-29 00:00:14' ,TIMESTAMP '2021-10-29 00:00:00'
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM payment_time-trigger_time) AS epdiff
, (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM payment_time-trigger_time) <= 15) AS filter_matches
FROM indata;
-- out epdiff | filter_matches
-- out ----------------+----------------
-- out 1616119.097332 | false
-- out 14.000000 | true

Find the minute difference between 2 date time

I need to get the difference between 2 date time in minutes(Time difference in minutes). And the last difference will be calculated based on 6 PM of every date.
Sample data: need result of last column
User_Name Date Time difference in minutes
User 1 1/1/06 12:00 PM 30
user 2 1/1/06 12:30 PM 315
user 3 1/1/06 5:45 PM 15
Here the date will be always in same date and the last user date difference calculated based on default value 6PM. Assuming the dates of any user will not cross 6PM time.
Please suggest how to write the query for the same.
You could use the lead window function.
I assume your table is called mytable and the date column is mydate (it is a bad idea to call a column Date as it is a reserved word).
select user_name,
round((lead(mydate, 1, trunc(mydate)+18/24)
over (partition by trunc(mydate) order by mydate)
- mydate) *24*60) as difference
from mytable
I found the solution.. if its not correct let me know
SELECT User_name,created_date,
trunc(to_number((cast(nvl(lead (created_date,1) OVER (ORDER BY created_date),TRUNC(SYSDATE) + (19/24)) as date) - cast(created_date as date)))*24*60) as difference
FROM users;

Retrieve records falling within a daily time range across a given month

My table contains fields that store
sale date/time
I need help on how to select only those tickets sold between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM on a day-to-day basis for an entire month, without including any sales between 12:01 PM and 10:00 PM.
Try something like
SELECT SUM(Price) Total_Morning_Sales
FROM TableName
WHERE CAST(Sale AS TIME) > '07:59:59'
AND CAST(Sale AS TIME) < '12:00:01'
AND MONTH(Sale) = 5 --<-- Month Number here
Simple way to deal with events in given hours of day is to use DATEPART
FROM TicketTable

Check if a time period is included in another time period

In my db i have many record, with start date and length of that time of period.
For example
id start_date lenght
1 2013-01-01 00:00:00 20
2 2013-02-30 00:00:00 10
3 2013-01-20 00:00:00 3
So i can easily get the end date.
Now if the user gave me any period of time, how can I control if that period is included in one of the time period that I have in the db?
Thank you.
You can get the list using a where clause and the date functions:
select *
from t
where XXX between start_date and date_add(start_date, interval length day);
The above is for one date. If the user gives two date, XXX and YYY, then this is what you want for any overlap:
select *
from t
where XXX <= date_add(start_date, interval length day) and
YYY >= start_date;
That is, the period the user gives you starts before the end of the interval and the period ends after the start of the interval.