Azure- domain randomly stop working and gives issue as "The service is unavailable." -

We have Hosted our site in Azure ( Azure Website ) and configured trafic manager for load balancing and also configured wildcard subdomain to us Nth number of sudbomain pointed to this site.
From last few days i am facing issue like, Randomly approx 5 times in an hour i got 503 (service not available) error and soon working fine itself.
I have checked azure service status also and its saying all services are normal and running.
can anyone tell me what reason should be possible for this happening. is their any setting in Azure to resolve this OR is this issue of overload.
issue is like
can anyone please help to solve this issue.??


WordPress instances on Amazon Lighsail virtual server throwing 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

I have a new lightsail instance running wordpress, 20GB plan, running a wordpress app. When I go to the IP address in my browser, I get a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error. I tried restarting the stack, that didn't help. I tried rebooting, that didn't help. Other instances I've started up came up just fine without problems. There's no useful error message in apache logs. Not sure what the problem is, not sure where else to look.
Dammit, typo in the IP address. Checked that thing like 5x. There goes an hour.

Apache Login Slow or 502 Error

MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) is built with Apache. Previously I had a publicly facing instance on Digital Ocean. No log in lag time at all.
I've now moved behind an Apache reverse proxy which is managed by our network team. When attempting to reach the site for the first time there's either a long lag time to get to the site, and if you get to the site there's long lag time when first logging in.
This seems to go away after you first log in. However, many folks are getting a 502 error unable to process /GET, or they simply can't get to the site. There's competing arguments as to which Apache is doing this.
I've looked up a bunch of items already, tried tuning the MISP server, and have had zero luck. Caveat.
I have internal MISP instances that all use the same network. These are not publicly facing and do not have this issue. Also, we are using Lets Encrypt for the certs.
Here's the basic diagram:

Verifying individual servers in a load balancing configuration

Here is my situation. Recently, my production environment has been burned by a few Windows updates that caused some production servers to stop responding. While we have since resolved the issue of both of the servers (which are in a load balancing configuration) getting updates on the same day, the question arouse, how do we check that the application running on each server is still working? If we call the load balancing IP, we may or may not hit a server that is working. So if the update takes out the application on one server, how do we know that this has happened
The only idea I have for this is to purchase 2 more SSL certificates and allocate 2 ip addresses and assign one to each server. This way I would be guaranteed that I would know each server is up (we have a 3rd party service pinging our servers). But I have to believe that there is a better way to do this?
Please note that I am a .Net developer by trade with only an extremely small smattering of networking and IIS experience, but I'm what my small company has. So please assume I don't know where a lot of stuff is and dumb down the answer.
Load balancer maintains live status of the servers ( based on timeouts or http health checks ). It uses this status to route the traffic only to active servers.
Generally, LBs have a dashboard through which you can check this status. If not, you can check it's logs.

The maximum number of connections for this site has been exceeded

When trying to publish my site using a web deploy I am getting following error:
Error 1 Web deployment task failed. (The maximum number of connections for this site has been exceeded.
Learn more at:
My website is hosted over a shared host. I already raised this issue to the hosting provider and asked them to restart "Web Management Services" in reply of which they said that they have "restarted publishing service on server". But this error is still not resolved.
What else should I do? Is there something I should check on my side or is it totally a server/hosting provider’s issue?
Error was caused by a 10054 socket error (basically host dropped connection). you publishing a lot of files and it appears that host had a connection time out.. watching publish and if you see the first socket error cancel the publish so that it doesn't hit the max site connections error. Then start publishing again and it picks right up where it left off.
You either have a ton of traffic on this site or the hoster is oversubscribing the box. An IIS restart may fix it temporarily.

Jelastic giving 502 Application down frequently

I recently tried using Jelastic trial version.I created 3 or 4 accounts on it.On each of the environment that i created i used Glassfish server and MongoDB database.All those environments crashed within a day and i get 502 Application Down Error.
Why does this happen?
As a potential cause it could be a lack of resources (cloudlets). GlassFish is a heavy application server, in Jelastic it requires 6 cloudlets at least.
You need to check your application server's logs to get the cause of failure in details.1
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