Jelastic giving 502 Application down frequently - glassfish

I recently tried using Jelastic trial version.I created 3 or 4 accounts on it.On each of the environment that i created i used Glassfish server and MongoDB database.All those environments crashed within a day and i get 502 Application Down Error.
Why does this happen?

As a potential cause it could be a lack of resources (cloudlets). GlassFish is a heavy application server, in Jelastic it requires 6 cloudlets at least.
You need to check your application server's logs to get the cause of failure in details.1
If it does not help, contact your support by clicking Help | Contact Support.


Apache Login Slow or 502 Error

MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) is built with Apache. Previously I had a publicly facing instance on Digital Ocean. No log in lag time at all.
I've now moved behind an Apache reverse proxy which is managed by our network team. When attempting to reach the site for the first time there's either a long lag time to get to the site, and if you get to the site there's long lag time when first logging in.
This seems to go away after you first log in. However, many folks are getting a 502 error unable to process /GET, or they simply can't get to the site. There's competing arguments as to which Apache is doing this.
I've looked up a bunch of items already, tried tuning the MISP server, and have had zero luck. Caveat.
I have internal MISP instances that all use the same network. These are not publicly facing and do not have this issue. Also, we are using Lets Encrypt for the certs.
Here's the basic diagram:

Verifying individual servers in a load balancing configuration

Here is my situation. Recently, my production environment has been burned by a few Windows updates that caused some production servers to stop responding. While we have since resolved the issue of both of the servers (which are in a load balancing configuration) getting updates on the same day, the question arouse, how do we check that the application running on each server is still working? If we call the load balancing IP, we may or may not hit a server that is working. So if the update takes out the application on one server, how do we know that this has happened
The only idea I have for this is to purchase 2 more SSL certificates and allocate 2 ip addresses and assign one to each server. This way I would be guaranteed that I would know each server is up (we have a 3rd party service pinging our servers). But I have to believe that there is a better way to do this?
Please note that I am a .Net developer by trade with only an extremely small smattering of networking and IIS experience, but I'm what my small company has. So please assume I don't know where a lot of stuff is and dumb down the answer.
Load balancer maintains live status of the servers ( based on timeouts or http health checks ). It uses this status to route the traffic only to active servers.
Generally, LBs have a dashboard through which you can check this status. If not, you can check it's logs.

Azure- domain randomly stop working and gives issue as "The service is unavailable."

We have Hosted our site in Azure ( Azure Website ) and configured trafic manager for load balancing and also configured wildcard subdomain to us Nth number of sudbomain pointed to this site.
From last few days i am facing issue like, Randomly approx 5 times in an hour i got 503 (service not available) error and soon working fine itself.
I have checked azure service status also and its saying all services are normal and running.
can anyone tell me what reason should be possible for this happening. is their any setting in Azure to resolve this OR is this issue of overload.
issue is like
can anyone please help to solve this issue.??

How to solve management service not starting up in Worklight 6.2

I have installed Worklight 6.2 on Linux, using Liberty 8.5.5 and DB2 10.5. Created the DB2 databases for WRKLGHT and WLREPORT. Have executed the Server Configuration Tool and successfully created a Worklight Server configuration (did not have any errors in the Console view when running the Ant tasks, tables were created successfully in the database, and configuration shows deployed status in the SCT). Created a runtime environment in the SCT, also seemed to succeed (no errors in Console view, tables created/updated, runtime environment shows deployed in the SCT). Stopped and restarted the Liberty server.
Can hit Worklight admin at (/worklightconsole) and log in successfully using my demo user, however it then indicates there are no runtime environments. When trying to access runtime environment at /worklight/console (which should be the correct URL given how I created the runtime config in SCT using my Worklight project WAR), I get various errors: first "Service unavailable since initialization is not yet complete." then after retrying for about a minute or two I get "javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout while waiting for the management service to start up at com.worklight.core.auth.impl.AuthenticationFilter.isWaitingForInitialization(".
Seems the management service is not starting up successfully. Upon reviewing the messages.log I see the following error precede it: "FWLSE0242E: Failed to synchronize application runtime information. The servlet initialization failed and the servlet will deny serve. The most common reason is a failure in JMX communication with the ''worklightadmin'' service. You need to restart the web application after fixing the problem. [project worklight]" and this creates an FFDC log.
I know this is a lot of information but trying to be complete. Anything I should check to fix the JMX communication issue and get the management service starting?
Thank you for the replies back. Turns out there is an issue with Liberty (I was on and the IBM JDK I was using (1.7_64). Swapped out to the Oracle JRE (1.7.0_60-b19), pointed Liberty to use it, and the problem was solved. I am pursuing a fix with the Liberty team through IBM Support for this issue.
I cannot give a unique solution, but I can explain the situation and this may lead to a solution.
The runtime servlet initialization tries to contact the Worklight Admin service. The Worklight Admin service is a web application that must be running when the runtime starts. The runtime was not able to find the Worklight Admin service. It waited a while, in case that the Worklight Admin service is just starting up, but then gave up due to a timeout because within a given time, it could not find the Worklight Admin service.
Possible reasons:
the web server is not at all configured to run the Worklight Admin service. In your case, this seems not the problem, since you can access the Worklight Console. You should also see in the log file whether the Worklight Admin service did start.
the worklightadmin service might never start up ... this could be a configuration problem, e.g. with the WLADMIN data base. This could also be detected from the server logs.
when the runtimes and the Worklight Admin service start up together, it might be that the Worklight Admin service simply takes too long to start. Let's say you have 100 webapps, and the runtime starts first and the Worklight Admin service starts last, it could be that the 98 other webapps take too much time to start. In that case, make your web server lighter ... run only Worklight on that webserver, nothing else.
the Worklight Admin service starts, but the runtime cannot communicate with it. This indicates that the JMX communication is misconfigured. Follow the documentation of the webserver how to configure JMX. For liberty, see

What is causing to have the "load spike" issue on my server?

I have list of websites (around 50 +) on my nearer hosting provider hosting package. recently many of the sites being said the below "note that your account has been suspended due to higher resource usage which causes load spikes in the server and lets the other sites gets down"
All these sites build with Joomla and regular PHP coding. Not sure What I have to do as per the hosting side? any thoughts.,
I think you should change your hosting provider, consult the problems with your current provider, or, if you have a lot of traffic comming to your site, change to better hosting solution