Play lock screen slideshow from local images (Windows 8) - windows-8

I'm trying to play lock screen slideshow from images stored in local folder. All ways which I found didn't help me. There're four methods in LockScreen class from Windows.System.UserProfile namespace and only one allow you to play slideshow(from images which you want). It's:
public static IAsyncOperation<SetImageFeedResult> RequestSetImageFeedAsync(
Uri syndicationFeedUri
But 'Uri' parameter must be the external URI of the RSS image feed. That's why I can't use it. Could somebody help me, how o do this?

Actually you can use Uri for local paths. You can find more info here.


Retrieving images in React from a protected backend folder

I'm working on a React-app in which I would like to show the avatar of the logged in user. I retrieve all the user-information from my PHP backend, so i know the url of the image i want to show. The images however, are stored in a private folder which is protected with a .htaccess file.
Because of privacy reasons, the images-folder needs to remain private, so the images can't directly be accessed. I was thinking about converting the image with base64 encoding and passing it through the api, but this doesn't feel like a correct solution. Is there a way to retrieve the images from the private folder, by authenticating myself in any kind of way?
Thanks in advance

how to implement cross-component upload progressbar in AngularDart

I have been implementing a small AngularDart projecjt which contains serveral components. One of those components can upload file to server. I would like to implement an upload progressbar that keep upload the file and show upload progress while user navigate to other components. (like other file upload website such as Dropbox, Google Drive. User can go to other section of website while the uploading keep working). Is there any guide or solution to implement such functiionality? (For now, I can implement asynchronous upload and progressbar yet.The Problem is get it to work across components.)
Thanks for any help. :)
PS. sorry for my broken English.
You can implement your GUI in a view and place it using ng-view. When you put your progress bar outside the of the ng-view it should stay on the screen when the view changes.

How to play sound from resources using windows media player?

I am making a game, so at one point I need to play two sounds at once, so I played the first one using the "My.Computer.Audio.Play()" Method to load from resources.
As for the second, I used Windows Media Player to load the second sound In A SPECIFIC FOLDER, now I know it is possible to extract files to a folder and program it to play from there to avoid trouble, but I don't want them to be extracted.
So I'm trying to get the file path from resources and put it in WMP's URL, but couldn't get any result after searching the internet.
Am I missing something?
And if you know any better alternative, make sure it can:
1- Replay sound (coding with timer is ok),
2- Change Sound Position
You can use the MediaPlayer class in code or MediaElement in XAML for playing audio files in a WPF application. Check out the article WPF Media Player In VB.NET for code samples.

Where are the PDF files in iPhone ? Can I load them in an app?

I want to make the user of the app I'm developing, able to load a PDF file from his device as if he was loading an image from the gallery.
Is it possible and if so, where are the PDF files ?
Thanks a lot for your advices
I think that isn't possible, see that:
No, it's not possible. Every application has its own memory space (.app folder) which it can access (plus some special folders like the image gallery).
You can access your share of memory via [NSUserDefaults sharedDefaults].

How to save webcontent and images in objective-c iPhone app?

Requirement of my project is, if device have internet connectivity, need to get the content from server and show it in UIWebview, other wise get conent from local. For that i have stored xml content to sqlite, i don't know how should i save the images which comes in HTML NODE to local. can any one help me out.
You are getting url of the image. You can create the documentdirectory and save the images in that directory. from this url you can find Apple sample code regarding url connection