Error saving core data object - objective-c

I am quite confused about one error I am receiving when saving an object. I am receiving the following error (when I print out the detailed description):
2015-05-08 08:19:51.589 Br[11240:208443] Core Data Save Error
<BRActivity: 0x7deb2aa0> (entity: BRActivity; id: 0x7deb2780 <x-coredata:///BRActivity/t86C0E8CD-2B6C-4AF7-986A-4797B7BEFDF5> ; data: {
activities = (
activityObject = nil;
activityType = 0;
body = "Someone left a comment on your post.";
timestamp = "2015-05-08 04:24:46 +0000";
uuidString = "c6a06b45-e2d5-45bd-9f64-20b13ac87526";
The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 1570.)
2015-05-08 08:19:51.590 Br[11240:208443] Core Data Save Error
So from looking on the internet, it seems to be a relationship problem. So a Br post has a relationship called activities relationship, the inverse of which is an activity object. Now that, as we can see from the error, is nil. So what kind of solution are we looking at here... Is there a way to make the relationship "optional" (ok to be nil!) or should I add an activity object? I really don't want to break anything here so if there's a subtle solution let me know. Thanks a bunch guys!
Also here is the method surrounding the save:
- (void)importArray:(NSArray *)array entityName:(NSString *)entityName attributeName:attributeName error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error {
[self.context performBlockAndWait:^{
for (NSDictionary *jsonDictionary in array) {
NSManagedObject *managedObject = [NSManagedObject upsertWithContext:self.context entityName:entityName dictionary:jsonDictionary attributeName:attributeName error:error];
if (nil == managedObject) {
if ([self.context hasChanges]) {
[self.context rollback];
if ([self.context hasChanges]) {
if (![self.context save:error]) {
NSError *err = *error;
NSDictionary *userInfo = [err userInfo];
if ([userInfo valueForKey:#"NSDetailedErrors"] != nil) {
// ...and loop through the array, if so.
NSArray *errors = [userInfo valueForKey:#"NSDetailedErrors"];
for (NSError *anError in errors) {
NSDictionary *subUserInfo = [anError userInfo];
subUserInfo = [anError userInfo];
// Granted, this indents the NSValidation keys rather a lot
// ...but it's a small loss to keep the code more readable.
NSLog(#"Core Data Save Error\n\n \
NSValidationErrorKey\n%#\n\n \
NSValidationErrorPredicate\n%#\n\n \
NSValidationErrorObject\n%#\n\n \
[subUserInfo valueForKey:#"NSValidationErrorKey"],
[subUserInfo valueForKey:#"NSValidationErrorPredicate"],
[subUserInfo valueForKey:#"NSValidationErrorObject"],
[subUserInfo valueForKey:#"NSLocalizedDescription"]);
NSLog(#"Error: %#", err.localizedDescription);

Yes, relationships can be optional. Select the relationship and you will see the optional optional in the Data inspector pane on the top right.


How to store blocks in Objective C?

I started writing a simple JSON RPC TCP library in Objective C.
I have a method that invokes a RPC Method:
- (void)invokeMethod:(NSString *)method
success:(void (^)(id responseObject))success
failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure
NSAssert(NSClassFromString(#"NSJSONSerialization"), #"NSJSONSerialization not found!");
NSDictionary *requestObject = #{#"jsonrpc": #"2.0",
#"method": method,
#"params": parameters,
#"id": requestId};
NSError *error = nil;
NSData *jsondData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:requestObject options:0 error:&error];
if (error){
return failure(error);
[self->callbacks setObject:#{#"success": success ? [success copy] : [NSNull null],
#"failure": failure ? [failure copy] : [NSNull null]}
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:jsondData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"Sending: %#", str);
[self.socket writeData:jsondData withTimeout:-1 tag:1];
The class basically represents a TCP connection, when calling the above method, the JSON data is sent with an id over TCP to the server which either returns a success or a failure:
- (void) socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sender didReadData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag
NSError *error = nil;
[self.socket readDataWithTimeout:-1 tag:2];
// … rpc response parsing code here, removed for simplicity …
// detect if error or success
NSDictionary *cbs = [self->callbacks objectForKey:JSONRPCObjectId];
void(^success)(id resultObject) = [cbs objectForKey:#"success"];
success ? success(JSONRPCObjectResult) : nil;
Now, I am unsure how to keep track of the success and failure blocks, currently I am storing them in an NSMutableDict, using the requestId as key. Is it fine to do this or is there a better approach that I should use?
Blocks in objective-c are objects and you can treat the same way as other object, so storing them in NSDictionarys, NSArrays etc is perfectly fine. The only catch is that blocks when initially created exist in the same memory scope as local variable do and so they are no longer valid when the method that the block is defined in returns, just like all other local variables so you have to copy them first, just copy them and put the copy in the collection. There is a block copy function but you can just send them a copy message [myBlock copy];
Quick answer, seeing as you don't have anything workable yet...
This is more than you asked for; so, you'll probably have to pair it down to meet your specific need. Basically, it stores as many blocks as you specify at contiguous memory addresses. Paste this into a header file or somewhere global to the method from which you will call these:
typedef const typeof(id(^)(void)) retained_object;
static id (^retainable_object)(id(^)(void)) = ^ id (id(^object)(void)) {
return ^{
return object();
typeof (retained_object) *(^(^retain_object)(id (^__strong)(void)))(void) = ^ (id(^retainable_object)(void)) {
typeof(retained_object) * object_address;
object_address = &retainable_object;
typeof(retained_object) * persistent_object = (typeof(retained_object) *)CFBridgingRetain(retainable_object);
return ^ typeof(retained_object) * {
return persistent_object;
static void (^(^iterator)(const unsigned long))(id(^)(void)) = ^ (const unsigned long object_count) {
id const * retained_objects_ref[object_count];
return ^ (id const * retained_objects_t[]) {
return ^ (id(^object)(void)) {
int index = 0UL;
int * index_t = &index;
for (; (*index_t) < object_count; ((*index_t) = (*index_t) + 1UL)) printf("retained_object: %p\n", (*((id * const)retained_objects_t + (object_count - index)) = retain_object(retainable_object(object()))));
From some method, add:
iterator(1000)(^ id { return (^{ printf("stored block\n"); }); });
This should store 1,000 blocks at as many unique memory addresses.

Reactive Cocoa - Convert certain signal values into error or completed

Perhaps I'm still struggling on the reactive learning curve but I am having a hard time figuring out how to bridge a non reactive class with the rest of my reactive code. I am using a category to extend the non-reactive class.
The property is just an Enum representing the current state of a network action, states like New, Submitted, Processing and Completed. Right now I have written the following method in my category:
#implementation JRequestBase (RACExtensions)
- (RACSignal*) rac_RequestStateSignal
return RACAble(self, state);
However, when state transitions from Processing -> Completed or from any state to Errored I want this signal to send Completed or Error instead of Next Value. How can I accomplish this in a category? I want to do something like:
#implementation JRequestBase (RACExtensions)
- (RACSignal*) rac_RequestStateSignal
return [RACAble(self, state) map:^(NSNumber *state){
if ([state intValue] == iRequestStateComplete)
else if ([state intValue] == iRequestStateErrored)
return state;
edit: I took a look at the GHAPIDemo and have come up with the following:
- (RACSignal*) rac_RequestSignal
RACSubject *subject = [[RACReplaySubject alloc] init];
[[RACAble(self, state) subscribeNext:^(NSNumber* s){
if ( [s intValue] == JRequestStateCompleted)
[subject sendNext:self];
[subject sendCompleted];
else if ([s intValue] == JRequestStateErrored)
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// .. Set up dict with necessary values.
NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:#"blah" code:1 userInfo:dict];
[subject sendError:error];
return subject;
I'm not 100% sure this is the right way but it seems to be working.
Whenever you want to map values → signal events, instead of values → values, you should use -flattenMap: to return a signal corresponding to each input value. Then, as the "flatten" in the name implies, they'll be combined into one resulting signal.
However, this case is a little different, because you want to terminate the signal as soon as you get the Complete value. We'll use -takeUntilBlock: to represent that part.
The resulting code looks something like this:
- (RACSignal*) rac_RequestStateSignal
return [[RACObserve(self, state)
takeUntilBlock:^ BOOL (NSNumber *state){
return [state intValue] == iRequestStateComplete;
flattenMap:^(NSNumber *state){
if ([state intValue] == iRequestStateErrored)
// Create a meaningful NSError here if you can.
return [RACSignal error:nil];
return [RACSignal return:state];
(I used RACObserve because ReactiveCocoa 2.0 is now the only supported version, but you can use RACAble until you're ready to upgrade.)
As a general rule, you should avoid using subjects when possible, since they make code more stateful and reduce laziness.

Sitecore Mobile SDK: how to read the value from a linkedItem in a DropLink

I am creating a native IOS app by using the Sitecore Mobile SDK. So far I am able to read the items I need but I got stuck on reading the fieldvalue from a linked item in a Droplink field.
I use this code:
SCApiContext* context = [SCApiContext contextWithHost: #"http://<myhost>/-/item"];
SCItemsReaderRequest* request = [ SCItemsReaderRequest new ];
request.requestType = SCItemReaderRequestQuery;
request.request = #"/sitecore/content/Home/descendant::*[##templatename='Content item']";
request.flags = SCItemReaderRequestReadFieldsValues;
request.fieldNames = [ NSSet setWithObjects: #"Content title", #"Content author", #"Content introduction", #"Content date", #"Content body" , nil ];
[context itemsReaderWithRequest: request]( ^(id result, NSError* error)
NSArray* items = result;
for (SCItem* item in result)
// get the author
__block NSString *author = #"empty";
SCField *dropLinkField = [item fieldWithName: #"Content author"];
[dropLinkField fieldValueReader]( ^(id result, NSError *error)
if (!error)
SCItem *linkedItem = result;
// TODO: author is not yet filled
NSSet *fieldsSet = [NSSet setWithObjects:#"Firstname", nil];
// this method seems to be skipped
[linkedItem fieldsReaderForFieldsNames:fieldsSet]( ^(id result2, NSError *error2)
if (!error2)
NSDictionary *fields = result2;
SCField *field_ = [fields objectForKey: #"Firstname"];
author = field_.rawValue;
The original item is read and I can read the field values of the droplink field. It also seems that I can read the linked Item, because I can write it's itempath to the log. But when I try to read a field from the linked item, it fails and the "fieldsReaderForFieldsNames" method seems to be skipped.
I'm obviously doing something wrong here, but seem to overlook the issue...
I forgot to mention that I use Sitecore 7, not sure if it makes a difference.
I have added the lines above that creates the SCApiContext and SCItemReaderRequest.
I use anonymous access and in the "site settings" I use
I just thought that I found the issue, because I did not set the Field Remote Read rights on several fields. However, setting that permission did not resolve it and other fields without the Field Remote Read set, did return in the API.
Sitecore iOS SDK operations (from the list below) are executed asynchronously on the background operation queue.
* fieldValueReader
* fieldsReaderForFieldsNames
This does not guarantee that author data is downloaded at the moment you are accessing it.
Please use downloaded items and fields in the completion callback block to ensure they exist on your iPhone.
[linkedItem fieldsReaderForFieldsNames:fieldsSet]( ^(id result2, NSError *error2)
NSLog(#"Read author field");
if (!error2)
NSLog(#"No error");
NSDictionary *fields = result2;
SCField *field_ = [fields objectForKey: #"Firstname"];
author = field_.rawValue;
// Now all required fields will
// definitely be downloaded by the time you create a blog item
NSLog(#"voornaam: %#", author);
ParTechBlogItem *blogItem;
blogItem = [[ParTechBlogItem alloc] initWithTitle:[item fieldValueWithName:#"Content title"]
date:[item fieldValueWithName:#"Content date"]
intro:[item fieldValueWithName:#"Content introduction"]
text:[item fieldValueWithName:#"Content body" ]];
[weakSelf addBlogItem:blogItem];

NSFetchRequest doesn't give back anything

I am trying to get all the pictures of an album. I am getting this by an webservice. The webservice has the following layout.
"name": "Club Brugge - KRC Genk",
"date": "08.10.2012",
"albumId: 1,
"pictures": [
"pic_id" = 1,
"url": ""
"pic_id" = 2,
"url": ""
"pic_id"= 3,
"url": ""
I have the following functions to get all pictures of a certain album.
- (NSMutableArray *)getAllPicturesOfAlbumId: (int)AlbumId
NSString *picture_Url = [[NSString alloc]init];
NSArray *results = [[NSArray alloc]init];
_picturesForAlbum = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
picture_Url = #"";
NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"pic_album_id == %#",
[NSNumber numberWithInt:AlbumId]];
NSLog(#"album id: %#",[NSNumber numberWithInt:AlbumId]);
[request setEntity:[NSEntityDescription entityForName:#"Picture" inManagedObjectContext:self.genkDatabase.managedObjectContext]];
[request setPredicate:predicate];
NSError *error = nil;
results = [self.genkDatabase.managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
NSLog(#"results: %#",results);
if (results == nil) {
NSLog(#"nil results");
// handle errors
} else if (results.count == 0) {
NSLog(#"0 results");
// nothing found
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < results.count ; i++){
Picture *picture = [results objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(#"%#",[results objectAtIndex:i]);
[_picturesForAlbum addObject:picture];
//NSLog(#"album: %#",[_picturesForAlbum objectAtIndex:5]);
return _picturesForAlbum;
The code above, gives the following log. (I gave for testcase AlbumId = 3 with it)
2012-10-12 14:53:04.577 RacingGenk[4793:c07] album id: 3
2012-10-12 14:53:04.578 RacingGenk[4793:c07] results: (
2012-10-12 14:53:04.578 RacingGenk[4793:c07] (
Hope anybody can help me.
Kind regards.
** Here you see a screenshot of my database model
Here you see how I get my pictures and put it in my database.
+ (Picture *)pictureWithGenkInfo:(NSDictionary *)genkInfo
inManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context
Picture *picture = nil;
picture = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Picture"
picture.url = [genkInfo objectForKey:PICTURES_URL];
picture.pic_album_id = [NSNumber numberWithInt:albumId];
picture.picture_id = [NSNumber numberWithInt:pictureId];
return picture;
//The method above is called in my first controller that comes one screen. With this loop I fill up my core data-base.
for (NSDictionary *genkInfo in albums ) {
[Album albumWithGenkInfo:genkInfo inManagedObjectContext:document.managedObjectContext withAlbumId:albumId];
for (NSDictionary *genkInfo2 in pictures ) {
[Picture pictureWithGenkInfo:genkInfo2 inManagedObjectContext:document.managedObjectContext withAlbumId:albumId withPictureId:pictureId];
pictureId = 0;
// table will automatically update due to NSFetchedResultsController's observing of the NSMOC
Use predicate
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"whichAlbum.album_id == %d", AlbumId];
for (NSDictionary *genkInfo in albums ) {
Album *album = [Album albumWithGenkInfo:genkInfo inManagedObjectContext:document.managedObjectContext withAlbumId:albumId];
for (NSDictionary *genkInfo2 in pictures ) {
Picture *pic = [Picture pictureWithGenkInfo:genkInfo2 inManagedObjectContext:document.managedObjectContext withAlbumId:albumId withPictureId:pictureId];
[album addPictureObject:pic]; // this method should be automatically generated
pictureId = 0;
// table will automatically update due to NSFetchedResultsController's observing of the NSMOC
// don't forget save context
How to troubleshoot:
Get yourself Liya or another sqlite database viewer. Navigate to the folder with the core data database. On the simulator that would be
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/<version of iOS>/Applications/<long cryptig string>/<folder-with-the-core-data-database>
Open the sqlite database, navigate to the ZPicture table and check that data is present.
If there is no data then the the webservice -> core-data program logic has a problem.
If there is data and it appears to be good go back to Xcode and enable logging for the core-data request. Edit the scheme (Product - Edit scheme), select the Run, Debug scheme and change the tab to Arguments. In the field Arguments Passed On Launch add 3. Ensure the check box is ticked.
Run your app and in the debugger console window there should be the sql code generated by core-data.
You will see something similar to: (you might see the whichAlbum showing up)
<timestamp> CoreData: annotation: fetch using NSSQLiteStatement <0xfxxxxxx> on entity
'Picture' with sql text 'SELECT 0, t0.Z_PK, t0.Z_OPT, t0.zpic_album_id
FROM zpicture t0 WHERE t0.zpic_album_id == ?'
<timestamp> CoreData: details: SQLite bind[0] = (int64)3
Take the sql command, return to Liya and paste the command into the Run Custom Command field. Replace the question mark in
t0.zpic_album_id == ?
with the album_id you want to see.
The result of the query will be what Core Data will retrieve.
Not sure where the whichAlbum would go. Just come back with your finding and let us know.

RestKit: connecting up a relationship which isn't in the response

Suppose that in my data model, I have Pages, which have-many Comments.
I want to connect up a relationship in the model which goes from the Comment back to the Page it belongs to, but the Page object isn't nested in the response, nor is any primary key which could identify the parent Page present in the response.
At the time that I call loadObjectsAtResourcePath, all the Comments which are loaded should belong to a fixed, known Page object. One way I could hook up the relationship would be to do:
loader.onDidLoadObjects = ^(NSArray* objs) {
for (Comment* comment in objs) =;
but I'm hoping there's a better way. Note that I can't use the connectRelationship family of methods, because there's no primary key in the response which could let me hook each Comment up to a Page.
You can use the delegate method - (void)objectLoader:(RKObjectLoader *)loader willMapData:(inout id *)mappableData to inject extra parameters before the mapping step. It ensures the objects and relationships will be correctly saved by RestKit if you are using core data (note the solution you gave above does not save the relationship).
Alternatively, look at this answer where I showed how to override RKObjectLoader to retrieve the page information from the URL itself.
EDIT: Here is the category I mentioned in the comment:
#import <RestKit/RestKit.h>
typedef void(^RKObjectLoaderWillMapDataBlock)(id* mappableData);
#interface RKObjectLoader (Extended)
#property (nonatomic, copy) RKObjectLoaderWillMapDataBlock onWillMapData;
and the .m:
#import <objc/runtime.h>
NSString* kOnWillMapDataKey = #"onWillMapData";
#implementation RKObjectLoader (Extended)
- (RKObjectLoaderWillMapDataBlock) onWillMapData {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &kOnWillMapDataKey);
- (void) setOnWillMapData:(RKObjectLoaderWillMapDataBlock) block {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &kOnWillMapDataKey, block, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY);
- (RKObjectMappingResult*)mapResponseWithMappingProvider:(RKObjectMappingProvider*)mappingProvider toObject:(id)targetObject inContext:(RKObjectMappingProviderContext)context error:(NSError**)error {
id<RKParser> parser = [[RKParserRegistry sharedRegistry] parserForMIMEType:self.response.MIMEType];
NSAssert1(parser, #"Cannot perform object load without a parser for MIME Type '%#'", self.response.MIMEType);
// Check that there is actually content in the response body for mapping. It is possible to get back a 200 response
// with the appropriate MIME Type with no content (such as for a successful PUT or DELETE). Make sure we don't generate an error
// in these cases
id bodyAsString = [self.response bodyAsString];
RKLogTrace(#"bodyAsString: %#", bodyAsString);
if (bodyAsString == nil || [[bodyAsString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]] length] == 0) {
RKLogDebug(#"Mapping attempted on empty response body...");
if (self.targetObject) {
return [RKObjectMappingResult mappingResultWithDictionary:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:self.targetObject forKey:#""]];
return [RKObjectMappingResult mappingResultWithDictionary:[NSDictionary dictionary]];
id parsedData = [parser objectFromString:bodyAsString error:error];
if (parsedData == nil && error) {
return nil;
// Allow the delegate to manipulate the data
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(objectLoader:willMapData:)]) {
parsedData = [parsedData mutableCopy];
[(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate>*)self.delegate objectLoader:self willMapData:&parsedData];
if( self.onWillMapData ) {
parsedData = [parsedData mutableCopy];
RKObjectMapper* mapper = [RKObjectMapper mapperWithObject:parsedData mappingProvider:mappingProvider];
mapper.targetObject = targetObject;
mapper.delegate = (id<RKObjectMapperDelegate>)self;
mapper.context = context;
RKObjectMappingResult* result = [mapper performMapping];
// Log any mapping errors
if (mapper.errorCount > 0) {
RKLogError(#"Encountered errors during mapping: %#", [[mapper.errors valueForKey:#"localizedDescription"] componentsJoinedByString:#", "]);
// The object mapper will return a nil result if mapping failed
if (nil == result) {
// TODO: Construct a composite error that wraps up all the other errors. Should probably make it performMapping:&error when we have this?
if (error) *error = [mapper.errors lastObject];
return nil;
return result;