additional logic to this exercise missing - objective-c

Writing a basic program to count the number of words in a string. I've changed my original code to account for multiple spaces between words. By setting one variable to the current index and one variable to the previous index and comparing them, I can say "if this current index is a space, but the previous index contains something other than a space (basically saying a character), then increase the word count".
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
//establishing the string that we'll be parsing through.
NSString * paragraph = #"This is a test paragraph and we will be testing out a string counter.";
//we're setting our counter that tracks the # of words to 0
int wordCount = 0;
/*by setting current to a blank space ABOVE the for loop, when the if statement first runs, it's comparing [paragraph characterAtIndex:i to a blank space. Once the loop runs through for the first time, the next value that current will have is characterAtIndex:0, while the if statement in the FOR loop will hold a value of characterAtIndex:1*/
char current = ' ';
for (int i=0; i< paragraph.length; i++) {
if ([paragraph characterAtIndex:i] == ' ' && (current != ' ')) {
current = [paragraph characterAtIndex:i];
//after one iteration, current will be T and it will be comparing it to paragraph[1] which is h.
wordCount ++;
NSLog(#"%i", wordCount);
return 0;
I tried adding "or" statements to account for delimiters such as ";" "," and "." instead of just looking at a space. It didn't work...any idea what I can do, logically speaking, to account for anything that isn't a letter (but preferably just limiting it to these four delimiters - . , ; and space.

A standard way to solve these types of problems is to build a finite state machine, your code isn't quite one but its close.
Instead of thinking about comparing the previous and current characters think in terms of states - you can start with just two, in a word and not in a word.
Now for each state you consider what the current character implies in terms of actions and changes to the state. For example, if the state is not in a word and the current character is a letter then the action is increment word count and the next state is in a word.
In (Objective-)C you can build a simple finite state machine using an enum to give the states names and a case statement inside a loop. In pseudo-code this is something like:
typedef enum { NotInWord, InWord } State;
State currentState = NotInWord;
NSUInteger wordCount = 0;
for currentChar in sourceString
case currentState of
if currentChar is word start character -- e.g. a letter
increment wordCount;
currentState = InWord;
if currentChar is not a word character -- e.g. a letter
currentState = NotInWord;
end case
end for
The above is just a step from your original algorithm - recasting it in terms of states rather than the previous character.
Now if you want to get smarter you can add more states. For example how many words are there in "Karan's question"? Two. So you might want to allow a single apostrophe in a word. To handle that you can add a state AfterApostrophe whose logic is the same as the current InWord; and modify InWord logic to include if the current character is an apostrophe the next state is AfterApostrophe - that would allow one apostrophe in a word (or its end, which is also valid). Next you might want to consider hyphenated words, etc...
To test if a character is a particular type you have two easy choices:
If this is just an exercise and you are happy to stick with the ASCII range of characters there are functions such as isdigit(), isletter() etc.
If you want to handle full Unicode you can use the NSCharacterSet type with its pre-defined sets for letters, digits, etc.
See the documentation for both of the above choices.

I don't understand, You should be able to add or statements....
int main(void) {
char paragraph[] = "This is a test paragraph,EXTRAWORDHERE and we will be testing out a string.";
char current = ' ';
int i;
int wordCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(paragraph); i++){
if ((paragraph[i] == 32 || paragraph[i] == 44) && !(current == 32 || current == 44)){ //32 = ascii for space, 44 for comma
current = paragraph[i];
return 0;
I suppose it would be better to change the comparison of current from a not equal to into an equal to. Hopefully that helps.


sprintf doesn't seem to grab zeroth string

I have the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
char list[3][7] = { "One", "Two", "Three"} ;
char item[7]; // originally I had posted "char item[3];" by mistake
int i;
for( i=0; i<2; i++ ) {
sprintf(item, "%-7s", list[i]);
printf( "%d %s", i, item );
for( i=0; i<2; i++ ) {
sprintf(item, "%-7s", list[i]);
printf( "%d %s", i, item );
return 0;
I expect the following output
0 One 1 Two
0 One 1 Two
However, instead I get:
0 One 1 Two
0 1 Two
Note the missing text "One" the second time it prints.
Can someone explain what's happening here?
With item declared as:
char item[7];
the code exposes undefined behaviour because sprintf(item, "%-7s") attempts to write at least 8 characters into item.
The documentation of sprintf() explains (the emphasis is mine):
Writes the results to a character string buffer. The behavior is undefined if the string to be written (plus the terminating null character) exceeds the size of the array pointed to by buffer.
-7 in the format string "%-7s" is interpreted as:
(optional) integer value or * that specifies minimum field width. The result is padded with space characters (by default), if required, on the left when right-justified, or on the right if left-justified. In the case when * is used, the width is specified by an additional argument of type int. If the value of the argument is negative, it results with the - flag specified and positive field width. (Note: This is the minimum width: The value is never truncated.)
In order to avoid the undefined behaviour, the size of item must be at least 8 but keep in mind that if the string to format is longer than 7 characters it is not truncated, the result becomes longer than 8 characters and it overflows item again.
Why you get the output you get?
The calls to sprintf(item, "%-7s", list[i]); in the first loop write 8 characters in a buffer of 7 characters. The extra character (which is \0) incidentally happens to overwrite the first character of list[0] changing it into an empty string. This is just one random behaviour, compiling the code with a different compiler or different compiling options could produce a different behaviour.
When you do the sprintf(item, "%-7s", list[i]); you are, essentially, copying the string from list[i] into your char array item.
So list[2] -> "three" is 5 chars plus the nul terminator, but item is only 3 chars long -- you are overflowing item and writing over some other memory, which could very well be part of list.
Change item to be char item[7] so it matches the length of 7 declared in your 2nd dimension in list[3][7]. When I did that I got your expected output.
(I used to test)

Reversing Program in C

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
int Number,rightDigit = 0;
NSLog(#"Enter the Number");
while (Number != 0) {
rightDigit = Number % 10;
Number = Number / 10;
printf("\nright number is %d",rightDigit);
printf("\n number is %d",Number);
return 0;
I have reversed the number that the user had entered and i have to reverse it again so that it becomes what it was before.
For example: i typed 123 and it reversed it 321 and i want to reverse it again so it becomes 123 again.
how can i get my reversed number in integer variable?
How can i do that?
Let's look at how you reverse:
You take a copy of the rightmost digit by using %
You then "shift right" your number, using /, and the rightmost digit drops off
Display the copy of the rightmost digit you've extracted
Repeat till done
Now you want to create a new number which is the reverse of the original. Following your above algorithm pattern could you not:
"Shift left" the reversed number you are building up, introducing a new 0 digit at the right
Replace the just inserted rightmost 0 with the digit you wish to insert
Each of these steps just requires a simple operation like your first algorithm, and you can combine both loops into one so you construct your reversed number instead of (or as well as) printing it out.

How to use a loop to check if hyphens are in correct place for a phone number

I want to use a loop to step through each character of a string, checking for a digit or hyphen in the appropriate spots. For example, how would I check a phone number format like 604-000-0000?? Thanks.
Pseudo code to loop through a string to validate hyphen locations for a phone number of format 000-000-0000
for(i = 0; i < length of string; i++)
if((i is 3 or i is 7) and character at location i is a not hyphen)
print("non hyphen found at location " + i);
if((i is not 3 and i is not 7) and character at location i is not a digit)
print("non digit found at location " + i);
However this is almost certainly not the best way to validate a phone number. You should be either using an existing phone number validation method, or just write a simple Regular Expression.

scanf is not waiting for input within my loop?

I'm new to Objective-C, and this is really my first program that is interactive. I've been learning for about 2 weeks now.
So, my question is: typically I've noticed when you have multiple scanf's in a row, they each wait for input - however in this situation, where I ask for account owner name, and balance - it fires both NSLog functions instead of waiting for the first input.
Here is my main:
int main(int argc, char* argV[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
bank *columbiaBank = [[bank alloc] init];
int iteration = 0;
while (true) {
int selection = 0;
NSLog(#"\n1. Add Account \n2. Remove Account \n3. Modify Account \nWhat would you like to do?:");
scanf("%i", &selection);
if (selection == 1) {
NSLog(#"\nEnter account owner:");
char accountOwner;
scanf("%c", &accountOwner);
NSLog(#"\nEnter opening balance:");
float openingBalance;
scanf("%f", &openingBalance);
// create and add new account
bankAccount *newAccount = [[bankAccount alloc] initWithProps:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", accountOwner] :[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", iteration] :openingBalance];
[columbiaBank addAccount:newAccount];
[newAccount release];
NSLog(#"\nAccount successfully added!");
} else if (selection == 2) {
NSLog(#"\nEnter account id:");
int accountId;
scanf("%i", &accountId);
// remove account
[columbiaBank removeAccount:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", accountId]];
NSLog(#"\nAccount successfully removed!");
} else if (selection == 3) {
NSLog(#"\nThe bank currently has %i accounts.", columbiaBank.totalAccounts);
NSLog(#"\nThe bank's current balance from all accounts is $%f", columbiaBank.totalBankBalance);
NSLog(#"\n-- Output of all account info --");
[columbiaBank printAccounts];
} else {
NSLog(#"You did not enter a valid action.");
[columbiaBank release];
[pool drain];
return false;
Other users already said everything about it. The scanf inserts a new line "\n" automatically in the buffer that is passed to the next scanf. This is because any unwritten data is written in the next stream.
I want to add that you can use fflush to clear the stream buffer, in this case you want to use
scanf("%i", &selection);
to clear the buffer of stdin (the console input) after every scanf.
Edit: I didn't know that, but As #Peter Kowalski said the use of fflush(stdin), for input stream, should be avoided because it has an undefined behaviour for input streams. FAQ > Why fflush(stdin) is wrong.
But it seems that there is not a guaranteed method to flush the input stream in C. FAQ > Flush the input stream
I know that in C++ a standard way is to use cin.ignore() after cin >> selection but I don't know how this can be done in C. Maybe some more experienced user can give some insight on what is happening with fflush(stdin).
*[Note: If you are going to use Objective-C you might wish to use input conversion methods from Cocoa rather than mix Cocoa (NSLog) and stdio (scanf). But that doesn't answer your question...]
When parsing integers, floats and even strings scanf skips whitespace - e.g. spaces, tabs, end of line, etc. - and every input line ends with at least an end of line (which may be a carriage return, line feed, or both depending on the system). This means that after reading your first integer there is still, at least, an end of line in the input and the attempt to read a character will return it - hence no wait for input. To discard the remaining, unused, input you can use fpurge. E.g.:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argV[])
int selection = 0;
fputs("\n1. Add Account \n2. Remove Account \n3. Modify Account \nWhat would you like to do?: ", stdout);
scanf("%i", &selection);
if (selection == 1)
fputs("\nEnter account owner: ", stdout);
fpurge(stdin); // skip any input left in the buffer as %c takes the very next character and does not skip whitespace
char accountOwner;
scanf("%c", &accountOwner);
fputs("\nEnter opening balance: ", stdout);
float openingBalance;
scanf("%f", &openingBalance);
printf("%c - %f\n", accountOwner, openingBalance);
Note that reading in character strings does skip whitespace, so if your account owner was a string you would not need the fpurge.
Presumably you want the account owner name to be more than a single character, but you're only reading a single character in that scanf. If you're trying to enter more than a single character there, the first scanf will read the first character, and since there's more in the input buffer, the next scanf will try to read immediately without waiting for your numeric input. If you are only using a single character for the owner name, then you'll need to consume the newline from the input buffer.
If you want to read a string as the account owner name, you'll need to allocate space for more than one character, and use %s rather than %c as your scanf format string. Also remember to check the return value for scanf. The function will return the number of items successfully scanned, or 0 if no items were scanned, typically due to invalid input, or return EOF.
char accountOwner[26];
// ...
// note that you can specify a width (max length) for a string using scanf
scanfReturn = scanf("%25s", accountOwner);

Objective C - Core Text, number of characters in a line?

Given an index for current character, how can I determine the number of line that the selected character is at?
Given a CTLine how can I determine the number of characters in it?
For the first one:
int currentCharacterIndex = 12; // You define this.
CFArrayRef lines = CTFrameGetLines(frame);
int currentLine = 0;
for (CTLineRef line in lines) {
CFRange range = CTLineGetStringRange(line);
if (currentCharacterIndex > range.location)
// Current line is now the line that the currentCharacterIndex resides at
For the second one:
CFRange range = CTLineGetStringRange(line);
CFIndex length = range.length; // Number of characters
Can't be sure these work as I haven't tested them but it's worth a go.