Failed to start native messaging host - native

I downloaded the native messaging example:
which I'm trying to run without any changes but i get a error :
Failed to connect: Failed to start native messaging host.


Getting readiness probe failed: dial tcp <IP>:5672 connect: connection refused error in rabbitmq-cluster pods

I am new to rabbitmq and would appreciate help in the issue I am facing.
I have deployed rabbitmq using the rabbitmq cluster k8s operator on openshift which is hosted on Azure. (This is the guide I referred to deploy the operator).
The operator and cluster is up and running, also able to access the management UI on localhost:15672.
But when I describe the pod, it shows the warning of readiness probe failed:
dial tcp <IP>:5672 connect: connection refused
Due to this, when I try to run the rabbitmq hello world tutorial, it fails with the error:
errno: -4039
( is the clusterIP)
From the management UI, I am able to create new exchange, queue and binding and send & publish msgs.
PS. apologies if the conversation format is incorrect, pls feel free to correct me and I'll take care from next time. Thank you.

Job queued for execution - botium box

I am using a tried version of botium. The solution which was provided previously for such an issue was to check the heartbeat of botium agent.
Here is a screenshot:
I am able to connect to the chatbot and then connect the test set but on running, I get the error:
Job queued for execution
and on doing the live chat with the bot, I get the error:
504 gateway timeout

macOS get notification for connection creation in the system

I was wondering if there's any user-space way to register socket creation function and get notification for each new socket created and inspect its characteristics (ip/port/protocol).
Perhaps lsof or fsevents has some programmatic api for this task ?

node-red error: "Error stopping node: Error: [BaseClient:disconnect] Client is not connected" AND "Error: Connection refused: Not authorized"

I am following this tutorial on how to send a picture taken from the pi camera to the CLoudant NoSQL database on Bluemix.
"There are 3 node-red flows in total. The Process Doorbell flow (on the raspberry pi) should send an IBM IoT visitorAlert event message to Node-RED on Bluemix which should, in turn, send an IBM IoT sendPicture command message back to Node-RED on Raspberry Pi. This will eventually create a Base64 encoded image string, package it up with the filename, length and status into a payload that gets sent to Cloudant in Bluemix by the insertPicture node. See if it worked by going to the Bluemix Cloudant dashboard."
I created the flows on node-Red, but am getting this error on the node-red in the pi:
"Error stopping node: Error: [BaseClient:disconnect] Client is not
I am getting this error on the node-red in Bluemix:
"Error: Connection refused: Not authorized"
What could be the issue?

IBM Worklight server not working after update 6.3

IBM Worklight server not working after update 6.3. The error states Server MobileFirst Development Server failed to start.
Any thoughts about this error? Added a image for reference.
On console, i am getting the error
FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError=AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197)
ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)
JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [../../../src/share/back/debugInit.c:750]
Transport already in use: could you have an old copy of the server still running. Unless I can spot the process and kill it I'd restart my machine.