Could anybody please guide me on how to enable debug log for forge and dgidx on endeca?
Thanks in advance.
Forge and Dgidx are simply Spring beans configuration in Endeca (in a file called DataIngest.xml).
Fire up your favorite editor and open <Your-Endeca-App>/config/script/DataIngest.xml
Search for the <forge> tag
In the <args> section, change the <arg>-vi</arg> to <arg>-vd</arg> (vi stands for "verbose INFO" and vd stands for "verbose DEBUG")
Search for the <dgidx> tag
Ensure <arg>-v</arg> is present in the <args> section
I am attempting to set my zeppelin.bigquery.project_id (or any bigquery configuration property) via my zeppelin-site.xml, but my changes are not loaded when I start Zeppelin. The project ID always defaults to ' '. I am able to change other configuration properties (ex. I am using Zeppelin 0.7.3 from
zeppelin-site.xml (created before starting Zeppelin, before an interpreter.json file exists):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<description>notebook persistence layer implementation</description>
... etc ...
<description>Google Project Id</description>
Am I configuring the interpreter incorrectly? Could this parameter be overridden elsewhere?
I am not really familiar with Apache Zeppelin, but I have found some documentation pages that make me think that you should actually store the BigQuery configuration parameters in your Interpreter configuration file:
This entry in the GCP blog explains how to use the BigQuery Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin. It includes some examples on how to use it with Dataproc, Apache Spark and the Interpreter.
The BigQuery Interpreter documentation for Zeppelin 0.7.3 mentions that zeppelin.bigquery.project_id is the right parameter to configure, so that is not the issue here. Here there is some information on how to configure the Zeppelin Interpreters.
The GitHub page of the BigQuery Interpreter states that you have to configure the properties during Interpreter creation, and then you should enable is by using %bigquery.sql.
Finally, make sure that you are specifying the BigQuery interpreter in the appropriate field in the zeppelin-site.xml (like done in the template) or instead enable it by clicking on the "Gear" icon and selecting "bigquery".
Edit /usr/lib/zeppelin/conf/interpreter.json, change zeppelin.bigquery.project_id to be the value of your project and run sudo systemctl restart zeppelin.service.
I am trying to connect the PHP with Java with the PHP/Java Bridge library. But I am facing an error as given below.
Please check below screenshot.
By default, the phpjavabridge servlet try to connect to a php-cgi daemon. It can be easily fixed, either by starting one of the bundled php-cgi (found in WEB_INF/cgi, follow the error message) or modify the configuration in the web.xml (see an example here) to provide your system php-cgi path. Repackage and redeploy your war file.
That said, if you want to use Java from PHP (and not PHP from Java), you don't need a php-cgi daemon. My recommendation, have a look to the following project: This is a reworked version focusing on PHP -> Java integration.
Feel free to open issues on
I'm trying to run Wildfly 8.0 from Intellij IDEA. When starting WildFly through commmand-line I can use the -c standalone-full.xml parameter to use the standalone-full.xml configuration file. How can I specify this when running WildFly from Intellij IDEA?
In my opinion switch -c standalone-full.xml is not a VM Option so I will post a little bit different solution:
In the Run/Debug configuration for your server in the tab Startup/Connection you have the ability to set Startup script: On the end of line there is checkbox Use default. Please unselect it and paste on the end of the input -c standalone-full.xml
Adding -Djboss.server.default.config=standalone-full.xml to VM_OPTIONS is the equivalent of running standalone -c standalone-full.xml from a shell
As said by Mike Holdsworth -Djboss.server.default.config=standalone-full.xml works perfectly.
But there is another advantage over the -c standalone-full.xml method.
When you rename your standalone.xml file to create custom configuration files for multiple environments. Like env1.xml, env2.xml, etc.
If you use -c env1.xml, Intellij will give you the following message:
Error: HTTP management port configuration not found.
So you have to put a basic standalone.xml who will be overriden at the startup by the one you give with the -c option.
The -Djboss.server.default.config=env1.xml will prevent it.
Look out for different startup scripts for "Run" and "Debug" in Intellij IDEA. If you don't uncheck "Use default" in both of them then you can end up with two different profiles on "Run" and "Debug". It is easy to forget and annoying to figure it out.
If you want to run it by default w/o passing any command line parameters than go
to standalone.(bat|sh)
Append to the SERVER_OPTS variable: --server-config=standalone-full.xml
At least now you'll run it in full mode from any place (ide, service, command line)
I'm on a cross-platform team and we share our run configs. Modifying the startup script could cause problems (other teammate's paths and startup scripts are different), so my solution was:
Made a backup of standalone.xml
Renamed standalone-full.xml to standalone.xml
This doesn't answer the OP's question directly, but may be helpful for folks.
In the Run/Debug configuration for your server you have the ability to set VM options. You can put your switch in there. You may have problems however with jboss identifying the correct path for the file, so you may have to play with that a little bit before it works for you.
Run -> Edit configurations -> Click '+' in the top left corner -> JBoss Server -> Local
There you can configure your JBoss instance and set VM options and so on.
Platform: TomEE Web profile 1.5.0.
I am trying to do a very basic thing, setup a data source for MySQL. I have read the official guide ( It asks us to enter a Resource element in openejb.xml. I can not find that file anywhere in tomee-webprofile-1.5.0. I read in other places that I could use tomee.xml for the same purpose. So, I added this to my conf/tomee.xml.
<Resource id="TestDS" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://localhost/test
UserName root
Password some_pass
I copied MySQL driver JAR to tomee/lib folder.
I wrote this code. Showing snippets here:
DataSource ds;
Connection con = ds.getConnection();
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("select * from UserProfile");
The prepareStatement() call is throwing this exception:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: user lacks privilege or object not found: USERPROFILE
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
Why is the system using hsqldb driver? In fact, no matter what is use as name for #Resource, I get the same exception.
What am I doing wrong? I am starting TomEE from Eclipse, if that makes any difference.
I have tracked down the root cause. The problem happens only when I start TomEE from Eclipse. If I start it from command line, my data source definition works just fine.
It appears that when I run TomEE from command line, it uses configuration files from /.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/conf. To change this, I had to take these steps in Eclipse:
Remove all deployed projects from the server.
Open server settings and from "Server Locations" choose "Use Tomcat installation". This section is greyed out if you have at least one project still deployed to the server. So, make sure you have done step #1.
Restart the server and redeploy the application. Now, my application is finding the data source.
normally the installation is explained here
[I would make this a comment to the answer of RajV, but do not have enough reputation to do so.]
Platform: Tomee 1.6.0 Webprofile, eclipse-jee-kepler-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64 and OpenJDK 1.7.0_51
After doing the steps in (including "Workspace Metadata Installation") I got the same error "user lacks privilege or object not found".
My reaction was to:
$ ln -s [workspace_path]/Servers/tomee.xml \
As an advantage of this solution TomEE in eclipse is always using the current version of Workspace/Servers/tomee.xml without any further manual operation.
For me, better solution is to put tomee.xml file in your wpt server directory (/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/conf) and define your datasource there.
I've tried doing a james [1] install on my amazon instance with MySQLas a back-end. I've MySQL connector,unzipped and copied it to conf/lib and lib/ but when I start james with: $ sudo bin/james start it stops. Wrapper log shows:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
My looks like this:
database.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driverdatabase.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jamesdatabase.username= ** user name **
database.password= ** secret **vendorAdapter.database=MYSQL openjpa.streaming=false
I didn't change anything else.but james is not work.
Any helps ,Thanks!
I've managed to get mine apache-james-3.0-beta4 working setting database.url=jdbc:mysql://
The wiki says:
Using MySQL instead of Derby
Download the MySQL driver JAR from, and put the JAR file into your ./conf/lib folder. Change the database settings in ./conf/ to the following values:
# MySQL JDBC database properties
To add the JAR to the classpath, edit ./bin/ as shown here:
# Add every needed extra jar to this
However, their versioning seems off, and, admittedly, these directions don't work for me.
I know this reply comes a little bit late but I just ran into this issue.
According to Eric Charles answer:
The conf/lib/*.jar loading in beta4 is buggy.
You need to edit the conf/wrapper.conf and change
'' to
'*' (add a /* after lib).
You can use a text editor or if you are using a script or something similar (Dockerfile in my case) to install James you can also edit it by going to the directory where wrapper.conf is located and execute:
sed -i "s/wrapper\.java\.classpath\.2=\.\.\/conf/wrapper\.java\.classpath\.2=\.\.\/conf\/lib\/\*/g" wrapper.conf
After this all jars in conf/lib should be loaded to the classpath next time James is started.