iFrame Facebook app to show it on Website - facebook-apps

There is an app on Facebook which I want to show onto my Website. Is there a way which allow me to do that?
Here is a link to the Facebook app which I want embed onto my website
I have tried to iFrame the app but it is not working for me,
frameborder="0" align="center">
Thanks, appreciated!

Facebook doesn’t allow their pages to be displayed inside foreign frames.
You could of course embed the app’s URL, that gets displayed inside the canvas iframe on Facebook, directly (https://quran.io/facebook/tab/, or https://quran.io/ for a larger version).
But before you do so, you should check with the owner if they want you to do so or not.


How can I add a url (live chat) in a vuejs website?

I've tried different kinds of embeds on my website but it doesnt seem to work. Can I still add a url and show it inside a vuejs website?
Yes we can use. The approach is iframe tag as
src="url of live chat"></iframe>
Please use it

Customise the image a Google+ Share button displays upon sharing

I have found this link:
Adding a Google Plus (one or share) link to an email newsletter
It's great, it helped me to make a Google+ button for my HTML Email campaign. I'm using Mailchimp and I edited it as such:
<a href="https://plus.google.com/share?url=*|RSSITEM:URL|*">
<img src="http://mywebsite.co.uk/images/googleplus.jpg">
So now it has a customised image, and also works in my RSS email campaign. Mailchimp support didn't know this was possible, so that made me happy.
HOWEVER, what I want to achieve is to be able to choose which image is shared by default when the user clicks. Does anyone know if that's possible?
I hope my solution helps someone :)
The image that is displayed in the share is determined by the Schema.org markup on the page that you are sharing. Specifically, you will want to set the itemprop="image" to point to the image you wish to share.
<body itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product">
<h1 itemprop="name">Shiny Trinket</h1>
<img itemprop="image" src="{image-url}" />
<p itemprop="description">Shiny trinkets are shiny.</p>
It is important to note that this is the markup for your page, so the same image that appears in the share is the one that will represent your page in other snippet tools.
You can see how this works, and see additional markup options, at https://developers.google.com/+/web/snippet/.
the sharer uses this image as the default one, but displays other images as well (they can be selected with the arrows on hover). Is there a way to disable the other images, for navigation images etc.?

API how to pull player with playlist - does Spotify API support playlists?

If you try to embed an individual link, like if you pull an individual link, it pulls the player in our post viewer- however, this is not possible with a playlist. How do I fix this so I am able to play a playlist as if it were an individual link
Yes, you can do it by embedding the Play-list:
<iframe src="https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify:user:ficodelic:playlist:6KEI3T9dx1qgE3xQMSNtZV&view=coverart&" width="252" height="330" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" id="SpotifyId"></iframe>

Attempting to use <iframe> tag to embed YouTube videos

I am using the following line of code to embed a YouTube player onto a new webpage. I've got over 200 videos online from 50 or so different performers. I'd like to create a page with all of the performers listed and then when you click on that performer's name their playlist will pop into a solo YouTube player. I can't seem to find a way to exchange the list=PLplaylist_ID to a variable that can be passed when the viewer clicks on a particular name. I need to use the tag due to the flash-not-playing-on-iPad-issue :)
iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/html" width="853" height="480"
frameborder="0" />
Any help would be appreciated!
iframe never will play video for you.
It is just HTML container. What u need is launch html page inside iframe with YouTube player code inside.
For that You can try native Video TAG with fallback to flash (long way, reinvent bicycle ) or you can try to load in iframe : http://flowplayer.org. or http://videojs.com/

Passing form variables offsite to an iframe

I have Site A, which has a form on it. That passes the form info via GET to another website, Site B. This works perfectly fine.
NOW, I want to send the form to an IFRAME located on Site B instead. So on Site A, I have the code:
<form method="get" action="http://<page with iframe on site B>" target="iframeName">
On the PAGE itself on Site B, I have THIS code:
<iframe id="iframeName" src="<page that uses the passed variables>" name="iframeName" frameborder="0" noresize="noresize">
The PROBLEM is, the passed variables don't seem to get getting to the iframe. They appear in the URL of the PARENT of the iframe, but don't seem to get to the iframe itself.
I can NOT modify the site that loads in the iframe.
Why am I doing this? Just like on codecanyon when you view something, it has the bar at the top for the original page navigation.
Try to send the parameter on the Src, when you initiliaze the iframe ;)
<iframe id="iframeName" src="<page that uses the passed variables>?PARAMETER=XXX" name="iframeName" frameborder="0" noresize="noresize">
So basically, retrieve the parameter from the site A by using a GET, and the initialize your iframe by passing these paramete.