So after updating to iOS 8.3 and xCode 6.3, I'm getting a bug when trying to do an in app purchase. When that Sign In screen pops up, it seems that my game freezes but it doesn't crash. When I click on cancel and that message goes away, none of my buttons work. The frame rate and node count at the bottom of the screen is also frozen and it just sits there until I quit the game.
My in app purchase works fine with iOS 8.2 and lower, but after updating to 8.3 this problem happens. Does anyone know what is going on here?
I got the issue that my app sometime don't show push notification at banner of home device.
It (notification & badge) just appears and disappears immediately (after that the badge of App also dismiss). I can not touch it to launch app from banner.
My app works normal in iOS 12 but get issue in iOS 13
Does Everyone get this like me?
Please help me the solution/information if you know.
Thanks all!
I've recently updated my project for iOS 10 and now the buttons on the bottom of the screen don't work in the ipad simulator. Other buttons in the app work while in the ipad simulator and all of the buttons work on all of the other simulators. Tried searching around for this problem but didn't find anything so I'm pretty stumped.
Buttons that aren't working are "Bet High", "+", "-", "Bet Low". You can click them and tell they are clicked by the animation but the action linked to the buttons aren't getting called. Clicking the ad works too
Edit #2:
Now I feel stupid. After poking around with NSLog I found that the iPad Pro (9.7 inch) simulator thought it was a 3.5 inch display so it was using my storyboard for 3.5 inch displays which didn't have those buttons hooked up to their corresponding actions (still weird though as each storyboard was duplicated from my original storyboard for the 4.7 inch display which had everything hooked up when duplicated)
*face palm
Check the UI like storyboard, buttons and so on. You can try rebuild the button again. If the problem still happen again, copy the sample code from internet like Apple Developer and check your code. You can also the your simulator and run it again.
I have developed my first SpriteKit game and implemented in-app purchase in SKScence (not UIViewController). In my SKScene, there are locked items and all have zPosition<=+10. When user touches on any locked item, a transparent background (SKSpriteNode named "bgTransparent") appears on the top of all those items with zPosition=+20 and then another SKSpriteNode named "connectingMSG" (an image with message "connecting to Apple Store") appears on the top of transparent background with zPosition=+30. Once purchase is made, then I am removing locks, bgTransparent and connectingMSG using "removeFromParent"
bgTransparent =[SKSpriteNode
[bgTransparent setScale:.25];
bgTransparent.size = self.frame.size;
bgTransparent.position= CGPointMake(0,0);
bgTransparent.zPosition= +20;
bgTransparent.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;"bgTransparent";
[self addChild:bgTransparent];
connectingMSG =[SKSpriteNode
[connectingMSG setScale:.36];
connectingMSG.position= CGPointMake(self.size.width/2-60, 80);
connectingMSG.zPosition= +30; // top of bgTransparent
connectingMSG.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;"connectingMSG";
[self addChild:connectingMSG];
[connectingMSG removeFromParent];
[bgTransparent removeFromParent];
In-app purchase is working fine in iOS 8.2. I tested it on iPad with iOS 8.2 and all simulators (iOS8.2). I also developed this game in Xcode 6.2 with base SDK iOS 8.2. Submitted it to APPLE and game got REJECTED because they tested it on iOS 8.3 and they found a bug (no crash). In iOS 8.3, user can buy and complete In App Purchase, Purchase confirmation appears, Tap on OK and modal alert disappears but no further action occurs and In App Purchase remains locked.
I upgraded my iPad to iOS 8.3 and what happening is that scene is freezing as soon as in app purchase screen appears. For Example: connectingMSG,bgtransparent are not being removed even if I click cancel on following screen and don't sign-in while they disappear in iOS 8.2
same happens when I sign-in and make purchase. It freezes and nothing happens after touching again and again.
In console, it shows all NSLog messages that I am using after removing connectingMSG, bgTransparent and locks. So I know that code is running till end and removefromParent code i. It just doesn't remove SpriteNodes and refresh screen.
It is still working fine on iOS 8.2 but not on iOS 8.3. How do I fix it? Is it freezing because I am purchasing directly from SKScence (not UIViewController).
Please reply.
Given that the current uptake of iOS8 is only 50% I don't want to make my next release exclusive to iOS8.
It would appear from playing with Xcode that one can compile a target, such as the today extension, for iOS8 without changing the main App and leaving it at iOS7.
Has anyone successfully updated an App which is iOS7+ including an iOS8 Today Widget extension?
I managed to get my iOS7.0+ App, with an iOS8.0 "Today Extension", past Apple iTunes review and into the store. It works well too.
So to answer my own question, yes you can put an iOS8 Today Widget inside an iOS7 App.
Just make sure you have the correct "Deployment Target" iOS version set under "Targets" for the App and the extension.
As suggested by Apple I have provided a launch image which equals to my home page iOS app.
At the moment I am testing on the iPhone simulator and I wanted to know if the same happens on real devices.
Everything works fine, however when I am in pages other than home page and I exit from application by pressing the button, then when I enter again, the launch images shows for an instant, and then suddenly the last viewed pages appears.
I wonder how can I avoid this "flickering" of pages. I don't know if this is important, but I am using Storyboards.
This is the intended behaviour if you immediately start the app again. See my answer to another Stack Overflow question on a similar matter.
To explain, the Default.png image is used when the OS is unable to take a screen shot of your last view state. Giving the OS a little longer to screen shot the app will prevent the Default.png being used. This is done so that the device does not just show a black screen, followed by your app popping in.
I am not aware of functionality to see if the OS has finished taking a screen shot. If this was possible you could place a UIImageView on top of your last view and do a more subtle fade out one you have control again.