iOS8 Today Widget inside an iOS7 App? - ios7

Given that the current uptake of iOS8 is only 50% I don't want to make my next release exclusive to iOS8.
It would appear from playing with Xcode that one can compile a target, such as the today extension, for iOS8 without changing the main App and leaving it at iOS7.
Has anyone successfully updated an App which is iOS7+ including an iOS8 Today Widget extension?

I managed to get my iOS7.0+ App, with an iOS8.0 "Today Extension", past Apple iTunes review and into the store. It works well too.
So to answer my own question, yes you can put an iOS8 Today Widget inside an iOS7 App.
Just make sure you have the correct "Deployment Target" iOS version set under "Targets" for the App and the extension.


Local notifications won't show up on device?

I made an iphone app for my girlfriend and it works fine on my iphone.
On her's iphone too except the local notifications won't show up.
The app also won't show up in the notification center of the iphone settings itself.
I searched for differences in my iphone settings and her's but I can't find the problem.
I did not paste my notification code because I think the problem lays somewhere else..
Any help?
Is she using iOS 8? If so, make certain you call UIApplication's registerUserNotificationSettings: method so the app can display local notifications.
You can determine if it worked by adding a application:didRegisterUserNotificationSettings: method to your app delegate.

Images.xcassets not working for specific devices in universal application Xcode 5, iOS 7

I'm updating iOS 6 universal application (for both - iPhone and iPad) to iOS 7 and I want to use Images.xcassets to store images in it.
For universal images (like some buttons which are the same on iPhone and iPad) this storage is working properly. But for the device specific images it is not working and I'm getting following errors on iPhone simulator:
CUICatalog: Can't find rendition for name: search_next scale factor: 2 device idiom: 1 device subtype: 568
Could not load the "search_next" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier ""
But the image is there:
When I add universal image to this asset, it is working:
I tried this same in blank application and it's working perfectly fine, so I think it's something wrong with options, but I can't figure out where.
I more hint: the first scenario (only specific images in asset) is working, when I switch universal app to iPhone only app in project settings.
For Universal Application always use naming convention recommended by Apple. For example you have a button image, place images for both iPhone and iPad e.g.
and For iPad
When you will do that you will not get error "CUICatalog: Can't find rendition for name:" Thanks :)
Looks like it had something to do with CocoaPods. After update, everything works fine.
The solution is given in the error message:
"Could not load the 'search_next' image referenced from a nib
in the bundle …"
If you look at your screenshot, you'll see that the image is named "search_next#2x -2 .png", where it should be named "search_next#2x.png". The "-2" has probably been added when you dragged another image somewhere, while the #2x version was already present.
If you solved it by updating CocoaPods it was an issue of a library, but the solution has really nothing to do with CocoaPods.

Can we make Animated icons for iOS 7 now in Xcode?

When i saw new iOS 7.0 then i saw clock icon is on running state. So i am curious to know, that can we also make icons dynamically by Xcode?
i googled also about this but didn't found any question or hint on this.
No, we're not able to created animated Springboard icons. The following still applies to iOS7.
Changing Icon per Day
Dynamic icon iOS

Objective C - iPhone/IPad app -Weird Issue with storyboard not reflecting the changes on the app

I am working on a app for universal (both iPhone and iPad) environments. To avoid building UI again. I copied over the storyboard from my app that I had worked for iPhone.(I have to enhance it further) and renamed it MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard and MainStoryboard_iPad.storyboard. The UI on both iphone and ipad simulator works fine with the old UI.
Even the new code changes works fine however the changes on the UI such as label text, button text and add/remove new UI components on the storyboard are not reflecting on the app. The app still shows the old UI after building. I tried clean build etc. Looked at the storyboard in text editor the new added /updated components are indeed there but they just don't show up on the app.
Any clue what's might be going wrong!!
Besides copying the storyboard, did you also set the correct storyboard on the 'Summary' page of your project's target for iPad Deployment?

UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() always returns UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone on iPad 4.3 Simulator?

I am new to iOS development and following along with the book "Learning Cocos2d, A Hands-on Guide to Building iOS Games with Cocos2d, Box2d, and Chipmunk".
I have noticed that the UI buttons and viking characher I have rendered in chapter 2 do not match the book... the apparent cause is that the book instructs you to use the UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() macro to determine whether you are running an iPad or an iPhone, but it appears that no matter whether I set the scheme in xcode to use iPad 4.3 or iPhone 4.3, the macro always reports that I am running on the phone, not the pad.
Is there some sort of problem with the macro? Is this because I am running only on the simulator? I do not have an actual device on which to test any of this. What am I to do when this macro fails like this?
You need to make sure that your project is configured to build a "Universal" app. An iPhone app running on the iPad will still identify its UI idiom as "iPhone".