How do you store big objects using NSUserDefaults efficiently? [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How do you store big objects using NSUserDefaults efficiently? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

I would avoid using NSUserDefaults for anything large that you want to store. You are better off either writing the data to a file or storing it in a db such as core data. Depending on what you are trying to store one of these can make more sense then the other.
You can look at NSKeyedArchiver or NSFileManager plus whatever type of data you are working with for more information about how to write it to a file.


How to import JPEG file in MS SQL server? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to insert jpeg file in SQL. How to do this?
You probably want to use the binary, varbinary or varbinary(max) data type.
Of course, you have to convert the (JPEG) image to a byte array first in order to store it in the database. Depending on the programming language of your choice this can be easy or hard.
Not sure if you can read files from a T-SQL command and store/retrieve them from a database. Then again, I don't think you would want such a scenario in real-life.

Creating programs in objective-c for excel files [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking to create a program that will sift and sort through tabular data created in excel format. I would like to be able to iterate through several .csv files within a folder, and create dictionaries of information that can be used to generate metrics and reports. I've been developing for a couple of years now, and I've never had to use xcode for anything like this.
I am curious if this is an easy solution to manipulating data or is there a preferred way of dealing with data in this form?
You can use CHCSVParser to read and parse the .csv files.

CoreData(iOS):Do I need to create a database to use CoreData ?Can coredata operate on a simple flat file? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am pretty new to CoreData Programming but would like to ask:
Do I need to create a database to use CoreData ? Can coredata operate on a simple flat file ?
Please provide suitable references & links.
Thanks in advance
Core Data provides four native types of persistent store:
These store types each offer different benefits and tradeoffs, and are described in “Persistent Store Features”. The Binary and XML stores are "atomic” stores—they must be read and written in their entirety, unlike the SQLite store which can be modified piecemeal, one record at a time if you wish.
Refer to the first link (pdf)

migrate my project to use Core data [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i have developed an ios application (not finished), and know i would like to migrate my project to use core Data, it's this possible ? if yes How ?
without giving any specifics it is difficult to be specific in an answer.
What you need to do is to link to the binary of the CoreData Framework in your solution.
You need to decide which storage you wish to use (sqlite etc). Is the information to be persisted user preferences? Is is a mini database? Is is one flat file store?
At the end of the day you'll need to do some reading based on which of the types of backing store you choose.
Hope this helps as a starting point.

How to sync the data with web server once device came into network? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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In my app which is data collection app i need offline support. Let's say when i am gathering user's data there is no connection on device but once the device comes in network the whole data should automatically goes to the server.
How should i implement this kind of functionality.
Your question is pretty vague, but I assume you're wondering HOW to persist data and not how to automatically send it to the server.
If the data is very simple, NSUserDefaults may suffice.
If you need a bit more complicated data structures, you can use archives.
If you need to store complex object graphs you need to use Core Data.
There's a pretty good guide explaining all of these here.