SQL query doesnt bring out results when queried using date - sql

I see that a table has the data value as 18-May-2012. But when I query looking for the same date using the below query, no results are available.
Select Submit_Dt From Siebel.S_Order_Dtl
where submit_dt = '18-May-2012'
Could you help me sort this issue?

You need to convert string date into date with TO_DATE() function.
Also you need to take into account that your date might contain hours/minutes/seconds. In order to handle this you need to truncate submit_dt column.
In your case it would look like this:
Select Submit_Dt From Siebel.S_Order_Dtl
where TRUNC(submit_dt) = TO_DATE('18-May-2012','dd-MON-yyyy')

Try to convert the date to date format using to_date as below
Select Submit_Dt From Siebel.S_Order_Dtl
where submit_dt = to_date('18-May-2012','DD-MON-YYYY')


Getting not valid month in Oracle sql

I have a table called Transactions that has a column called trans_date. I am just trying to do a simple query in the SQL*Plus command window
The query is
SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE
trans_date BETWEEN to_date('09/11/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('09/12/2021','mm/dd/yyyy');
When I run this query I get not valid month and there is a little * under trans_date. Most of what I have read suggests the query is right but I am not sure what the problem is. The data type is varchar2(20).
Since trans_date is a varchar and you're trying to query whether it's between two dates, you need to convert it to a date too. Assuming it has the same format as the literals in your query:
FROM transactions
WHERE to_date(trans_date, 'mm/dd/yyy') BETWEEN
to_date('09/11/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('09/12/2021','mm/dd/yyyy');
Seems like problem is columns data type, Try convert it to date,
SELECT * FROM transactions
WHERE to_date(trans_date,'mm/dd/yyyy') BETWEEN to_date('09/11/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('09/12/2021','mm/dd/yyyy');
You need to convert trans_date to a date. However, you can use date constants for the comparisons:
FROM transactions
WHERE to_date(trans_date, 'mm/dd/yyyy') BETWEEN DATE '2021-09-11' AND DATE '2021-09-12';
You should fix your data model so the dates are stored correctly, using Oracle's built-in data type.

Hive query to get the oldest string timestamp in a table

Hi I want to find the oldest date from a string date column in format 20180209 00:00:00.
I am using the following query to get the string column in date format
select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(acc_last_change_date, 'yyyyMMddHHmmss')) from ACCOUNTS
but the result is returned as null.
Could you help me on same.
Just use min():
select min(acc_last_change_date)
from accounts;
Your string is in a suitable format for using min().
If you want the entire row, you can use:
select a.*
from accounts a
order by a.acc_last_change_date
limit 1;

how to delete the records which is inserted 1 day ago

I dont have proper timestamp in table; is it possible to delete 1 day old logs even now?
I have a column name as SESSION_IN which is basically a VARCHAR datatype, and the value will be like
2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355
is there any way to trim the number after ; and is it possible to compare with "sysdate" identifier?
This SP should compare all the session IDs with current datetime and it should delete if it is older then 1 day.
You can igonre time part and convert date into required format somthing like this
SYSDATE - to_date('date_col','YYYY-DD-MM')
then you can perform operations.
Use the Substring function to extract the datetime portion from the record, then use convert to datetime to cast it to datetime, and then finally use datediff to check if it was inserted yesterday. Use all these caluses in a
WHERE ___ query
For Oracle you could use something like this:
TRUNC(to_timestamp(SUBSTR('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,
instr('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355', ';')-1
Which gives you just the date portion of your input string. Just subtract the amount of days you want to log at the end.
Hope following query helps you:
Select Convert(Datetime,Substring('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,23)), DateDiff(dd,Convert(Datetime,Substring('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,23)),Getdate())

how to skip sql timestamp to get records for specific date

I want to compare the date in my sql query and get the records for a specific date, but it is stored in timestamp format in postgres.
What kind of query could compare only date parts, since I want and skip the time part.
This Query will give you date like '2012/11/22' which you can use for date comparison.
//OR simply
select CAST(GETDATE() as DATE)
You can see more formats here :- CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL)
Try this:
FROM tab
where date_col::DATE BETWEEN '2012-01-01'::DATE AND '2012-01-05'::DATE

How to get update record based on given record in oracle?

I want to get record from DB based on given date value. I used Timestamp as coulmn type. I used query as
FROM table1
WHERE LAST_UPDT_S = to_date('23-AUG-12')
Getting empty table. where as records were present in the table.
Please, sort out me from this issue.
Thanks in advance.
May be your table contains dates with time part so try to use:
FROM table1
WHERE Trunc(LAST_UPDT_S) = to_date('23-AUG-12')
Try this,
FROM table1
WHERE LAST_UPDT_S = to_date('23-AUG-12', 'DD-MON-YY')
Generally it's better to use a time range - this opens the possibility of using an index if one exists:
FROM table1
WHERE LAST_UPDT_S >= DATE '2012-08-23'
AND LAST_UPDT_S < DATE '2012-08-24'
(Also, it's better to not use TO_DATE without specifying the date format, otherwise it will use whatever the current session's NLS setting happens to be.)