Difference in consecutive rows in SQL - sql

I have a table which has any integer number. There is no specific criteria for a number to start but next row will be +2000 in number then above row and so on. So I want to find out through query where the difference of 2 rows are not 2000. Could you please help me on this? Comparison would be as follows:
Row 1 = 1000
2 = 3000
3 4000
4= 6000
5= 7000
Then only 3 and 5 should be output as the difference of Row 3 and Row 5 is not 2000. Row 3 should be compared with 2 and 5 should be compared with 4.
My data looks like :
Label Formorder date
test 480000 3/31/2015
test2 481000 3/31/2014
test3 482000 3/31/2015
test4 483000 3/31/2014

If you have SQL Server 2012 or above, you can use the LAG function.
LAG will give you a value in the previous row, compare this value to see if it is 2000 lower than the current row:
WITH diffs as (
SELECT rowValue,
rowValue - LAG(rowValue) OVER (ORDER BY rowValue) diff
FROM dataTable)
SELECT rowValue
FROM diffs
WHERE diff <> 2000

Possible solution:
declare #t table(id int, v int)
insert into #t values
(1, 1000),
(2, 3000),
(4, 7000),
(6, 9000),
(11, 11000),
(17, 17000)
select * from #t t1
outer apply(select * from (
select top 1 id as previd, v as prevv
from #t t2
where t2.id < t1.id
order by id desc)t
where t1.v - t.prevv <> 2000) oa
where oa.prevv is not null
id v previd prevv
4 7000 2 3000
17 17000 11 11000

If ID (row) does not skip
select t2.*
from table t1
jion table t2
on t2.ID = t1.ID + 1
and t2.value <> t1.value + 2000

A JOIN-based approach should work on SQL Server 2008.
In the query below, row numbers are added to the source data. Then, an inner join connects the current row to the previous row if and only if the previous row's value is not exactly 2000 less than the current row.
WITH Data AS (
SELECT *, RowNumber = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY rowValue)
FROM dataTable
SELECT n.rowValue
FROM data n
JOIN data p ON p.RowNumber = n.RowNumber - 1
AND p.rowValue != n.rowValue - 2000


T-SQL Select to compute a result row on preceeding group/condition

How to achieve this result using a T-SQL select query.
Given this sample table :
create table sample (a int, b int)
insert into sample values (999, 10)
insert into sample values (16, 11)
insert into sample values (10, 12)
insert into sample values (25, 13)
insert into sample values (999, 20)
insert into sample values (14, 12)
insert into sample values (90, 45)
insert into sample values (18, 34)
I'm trying to achieve this output:
a b result
----------- ----------- -----------
999 10 10
16 11 10
10 12 10
25 13 10
999 20 20
14 12 20
90 45 20
18 34 20
The rule is fairly simple: if column 'a' has the special value of 999 the result for that row and following rows (unless the value of 'a' is again 999) will be the value of column 'b'. Assume the first record will have 999 on column 'a'.
Any hint how to implement, if possible, the select query without using a stored procedure or function?
Thank you.
You can do what you want if you add a column to specify the ordering:
create table sample (
id int identity(1, 1),
a int,
b int
Then you can do what you want by finding the "999" version that is most recent and copying that value. Here is a method using window functions:
select a, b, max(case when a = 999 then b end) over (partition by id_999) as result
from (select s.*,
max(case when a = 999 then id end) over (order by id) as id_999
from sample s
) s;
You need to have an id column
select cn.id, cn.a
, (select top (1) b from sample where sample.id <= cn.id and a = 999 order by id desc)
from sample as cn
order by id

Add Min Value on Query Output in Separate Column

I have the following table:
No Item Value
1 A 5
2 B 8
3 C 9
If I use Min function on Value field, then I'll get 5.
My question is, how can I put the MIN value into a new column? Like the following result:
No Item Value newCol
1 A 5 5
2 B 8 5
3 C 9 5
Is it possible to do that?
Thank you.
Something like:
select No, Item, Value, (select min(value) from table)
from table
should do it.
I'd prefer to do the subquery in a join, you'll have to name the field. Something like this;
Sample Data
CREATE TABLE #TestData (No int, item nvarchar(1), value int)
INSERT INTO #TestData (No, item, value)
FROM #TestData td
MIN(Value) Min_Value
FROM #TestData
) a
No item value Min_Value
1 A 5 5
2 B 8 5
3 C 9 5
You could do that even simpler by using an appropriate OVER() clause.
, MIN(Value) OVER () AS [newCol]
FROM Table
This would be simpler and less resource consuming than a (SELECT MIN(Value) FROM TABLE) in the top level SELECT.
Sample code:
DECLARE #tbl TABLE (No int, Item char(1), Value int)
INSERT #tbl VALUES (1, 'A', 5), (2, 'B', 8), (3, 'C', 9)
, MIN(Value) OVER () AS [newCol]
FROM #tbl
Using cross join with min value from table :

SQL to Return missing Row

I have one Scenario where I need to find missing records in Table using SQL - without using Cursor, Views, SP.
For a particular CustID initial Start_Date will be 19000101 and End_date will be any random date.
Then for next Record for the same CustID will have its Start_Date as End_Date (of previous Record) + 1.
Its End_Date again will be any random date.
And so on….
For Last record of same CustID its end Date will be 99991231.
Following population of data will explain it better.
CustID Start_Date End_Date
1 19000101 20121231
1 20130101 20130831
1 20130901 20140321
1 20140321 99991231
Basically I am trying to populate data like in SCD2 scenario.
Now I want to find missing record (or CustID).
Like below we don’t have record with CustID = 4 with Start_Date = 20120606 and End_Date = 20140101
CustID Start_Date End_Date
4 19000101 20120605
4 20140102 99991231
Code for Creating Table
CustID int,
Start_Date int,
End_Date int
INSERT INTO TestTable values (1,19000101,20121231)
INSERT INTO TestTable values (1,20130101,20130831)
INSERT INTO TestTable values (1,20130901,20140321)
INSERT INTO TestTable values (1,20140321,99991231)
INSERT INTO TestTable values (2,19000101,99991213)
INSERT INTO TestTable values (3,19000101,20140202)
INSERT INTO TestTable values (3,20140203,99991231)
INSERT INTO TestTable values (4,19000101,20120605)
--INSERT INTO TestTable values (4,20120606,20140101) --Missing Value
INSERT INTO TestTable values (4,20140102,99991231)
Now SQL should return CustID = 4 as its has missing Value.
My idea is based on this logic. Lets assume 19000101 as 1 and 99991231 as 10. Now for all IDs, if you subtract the End_date - start_date and add them up, the total sum must be equal to 9 (10 - 1). You can do the same here
SELECT ID, SUM(END_DATE - START_DATE) as total from TABLE group by ID where total < (MAX_END_DATE - MIN_START_DATE)
You might want to find the command in your SQL that gives the number of days between 2 days and use that in the SUM part.
Lets take the following example
1 1900 2003
1 2003 9999
2 1900 2222
2 2222 9977
3 1900 9999
The query will be executed as follows
1 (2003 - 1900) + (9999 - 2003) = 1 8098
2 (2222 - 1900) + (9977 - 2222) = 2 9077
3 (9999 - 1900) = 3 8098
The where clause will eliminate 1 and 3 giving you only 2, which is what you want.
If you just need the CustID then this will do
FROM TestTable t1
LEFT JOIN TestTable t2
ON DATEADD(D, 1, t1.Start_Date) = t2.Start_Date
You need rows if the one of the following conditions is met:
Not a final row (99991231) and no matching next row
Not a start row (19000101) and no matching previous row
You can left join to the same table to find previous and next rows and filter the results where you don't find a row by checking the column values for null:
SELECT t1.CustID, t1.StartDate, t1.EndDate
FROM TestTable t1
LEFT JOIN TestTable tPrevious on tPrevious.CustID = t1.CustID
and tPrevious.EndDate = t1.StartDate - 1
LEFT JOIN TestTable tNext on tNext.CustID = t1.CustID
and tNext.StartDate = t1.EndDate + 1
WHERE (t1.EndDate <> 99991231 and tNext.CustID is null) -- no following
or (t1.StartDate <> 19000101 and tPrevious.CustID is null) -- no previous

Pivot values of a column based on a search string

Note: I would like to do this in a single SQL statement. not pl/sql, cursor loop, etc.
I have data that looks like this:
ID String
-- ------
01 2~3~1~4
02 0~3~4~6
03 1~4~5~1
I want to provide a report that somehow pivots the values of the String column into distinct rows such as:
Value "Total number in table"
----- -----------------------
1 3
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 1
6 1
How do I go about doing this? It's like a pivot table but I am trying to pivot the data in a column, rather than pivoting the columns in the table.
Note that in real application, I do not actually know what the values of the String column are; I only know that the separation between values is '~'
Given this test data:
INSERT INTO tt VALUES (1,'2~3~1~4');
INSERT INTO tt VALUES (2,'0~3~4~6');
INSERT INTO tt VALUES (3,'1~4~5~1');
This query:
SELECT VALUE, COUNT(*) "Total number in table"
FROM (SELECT tt.ID, SUBSTR(qq.value, sp, ep-sp) VALUE
FROM (SELECT id, value
, INSTR('~'||value, '~', 1, L) sp -- 1st posn of substr at this level
, INSTR(value||'~', '~', 1, L) ep -- posn of delimiter at this level
FROM tt JOIN (SELECT LEVEL L FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL < 20) q -- 20 is max #substrings
ON LENGTH(value)-LENGTH(REPLACE(value,'~'))+1 >= L
) qq JOIN tt on qq.id = tt.id)
Results in:
VALUE Total number in table
---------- ---------------------
0 1
1 3
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 1
6 1
7 rows selected
You can adjust the maximum number of items in your search string by adjusting the "LEVEL < 20" to "LEVEL < your_max_items".

How to increment in a select query

I've got a query I'm working on and I want to increment one of the fields and restart the counter when a key value is different.
I know this code doesn't work. Programmatically this is what I want...
declare #counter int, #id
set #counter = 0
set #id = 0
select distinct
counter = when id = #id
then #counter += 1
else #id = id
#counter = 1
...with the end result looking something like this:
ID Counter
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
6 1
6 2
6 3
7 1
And yes, I am stuck with SQL2k. Otherwise that row_number() would work.
Assuming a table:
CREATE TABLE [SomeTable] (
[order] INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY ([id], [order])
One way to get this in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is to use a subquery to count the rows with the same id and a lower ordering.
SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [SomeTable] counter
WHERE t.id = counter.id AND t.order < counter.order) AS row_num
FROM [SomeTable] t
Tip: It's 2010. Soon your SQL Server will be old enough to drive.
If you use SQL Server 2005 or later, you get wonderful new functions like ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION...).
Yes you want ROW_NUMBER().
I would try:
One way to do this is to throw the data into a temp table with an identity column that is used as a row number. Then make the counter column a count of the other rows with the same Id and a lower row number + 1.
Counter INT
FROM #MyData
SELECT Id, (SELECT COUNT(*) + 1 FROM #MyTempTable WHERE Id = t1.Id AND RowNum < t1.RowNum) AS 'Counter'
FROM #MyTempTable t1;
You should get the following output based on your example:
Id Counter
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
6 1
6 2
6 3
7 1
Having row_number() means you have to deal with far, far fewer correlated subqueries. #Bill Karwin's solution works (+1); here's another version that does the same thing but that might be a bit easier to follow. (I used datetimes to determine ordering.)
-- Test table
( Id int not null
,Loaded datetime not null
-- Load dummy data with made-up distinct datetimes
INSERT Test values (3, 'Jan 1, 2010')
INSERT Test values (3, 'Jan 2, 2010')
INSERT Test values (3, 'Jan 5, 2010')
INSERT Test values (3, 'Jan 7, 2010')
INSERT Test values (6, 'Feb 1, 2010')
INSERT Test values (6, 'Feb 11, 2010')
INSERT Test values (7, 'Mar 31, 2010')
-- The query
SELECT t1.Id, count(*) Counter
from Test t1
inner join Test t2
on t2.Id = t1.Id
and t2.Loaded <= t1.Loaded
group by t1.Id, t1.Loaded
-- Clean up when done
It is important to note that, without good indexes (and perhaps even with them), these kinds of queries can perform very poorly, particularly on large tables. Check and optimize carefully!
For MySql, I was able to make it with this query.
SELECT (SELECT COUNT(id) +1 FROM sku s WHERE t.item_id = s.item AND s.id < t.sku_id) AS rowNumber, t.*
(select item.Name as itemName ,item.id as item_id , sku.Name as skuName ,sku.id as sku_id from item
INNER JOIN sku ON item.id = sku.item
WHERE item.active = 'Y'
) t
1 Roasted Pistachios (Salted, In Shell) 84 1 Pound Bags 84
3 Roasted Pistachios (Salted, In Shell) 84 25 Pound Cases 1174
5 Roasted Pistachios (Salted, In Shell) 84 12 x 2.6 Ounce Bags 5807
2 Roasted Pistachios (Salted, In Shell) 84 5 Pound Bags 814
4 Roasted Pistachios (Salted, In Shell) 84 Samples 4724
6 Roasted Pistachios (Salted, In Shell) 84 12 x 3.2 Ounce Bags 18145
4 Star Fruit 981 5 Pound Bags 17462
1 Star Fruit 981 1 Pound Bags 2125
3 Star Fruit 981 11 Pound Bags 2226
2 Star Fruit 981 44 Pound Cases 2156