Jmeter Add Variable to CSV Variable - variables

I have a variable ${joinuserid} with integer Value which is generated by Regex Extractor.
If I put the variable directly to HTTP Request. It works.
Now, I have a CSV file with Variable :
and The CSV File contain :
It doesn't work, HTTP request will get "${joinusertid}" not the value of ${joinusertid}. Can you help me or give me another advice for my scenario?
Thank you.

You can use ${__evalVar(query)}
So, ${__evalVar(elementID)} will return the integer value of joinuserid.


can I get parameters from URL in pentaho?

Can I use a parameter from Carte's URL in a Job? Something like this:
I want to do this because I have a job to transform an input file but I want to change that filename dynamically, and creating a new XML file for each file is a bit nonsense.
I've tried many things and I couldn't find a solution :-(
All named parameters must be declared in the parameters tab of said JOB and KTR to be executed and receive the information passed from the URL parameters.

How to pass stored variable's value to another request in jmeter

How can I store the value in another variable. For example if ${firstinput} is my first variable and I want to store what ever value it contains in another variable. I would like to know how to store the value of ${firstinput} in another variable.
Add the BeanShell Sampler to Test Plan
Paste this code to BeanShell Script.
String whatEverValue = vars.get("firstinput");
vars.put("anothervariable", whatEverValue);
For full details on using BeanShell, please see:
JMeter with BeanShell Guide
BeanShell website

I want to pass the header value in methods

Scenario : I need to verify the logs response on server on the basis of Tracking-Id.
I had passed the tracking-id using 'header.js' file, here i define metod which get the unique UUID for every request and passed in header.
Now I need that header value to passed in some method to get logs only for specific Tracking-Id
Is there any way to achieve this in karate?
Yes, you can use karate.set('someVarName', uuidValue) in JS and then back in the feature you will be able to: * print someVarName.
EDIT: please see this commit for an example: link

ReplaceText processor

I have a CSV file with attribute name EpochWithMicroSec and value like 1512520846 and I want to append 000 at the end of value like this 1512520846000.
I am using following configuration please help to fix this issue.
My configuration is appending 000 at the last attribute of my CSV file. How to map it to attribute EpochWithMicroSec attribute?
As you are changing the existing field value then use
Replacement Value Strategy
Literal Value
Update Record Configs:
Add Dynamic property
If you're only working on the attribute itself, you should use UpdateAttribute rather than ReplaceText (the latter works on the flow file contents, not attributes). In UpdateAttribute you can add a user-defined property "EpochWithMicroSec" with the same Expression you have in your ReplaceText: ${EpochWithMicroSec:append('000')}

Dynamically generate url for HTTP source

I'm trying to call a http endpoint. For that I need to specify a url that uses a query string to filter data.
Sample URL:
I need to use the current system time as a value for date query string.
I created a script and assigned the generated url with the current datetime to a variable. However, when I assigned that variable for the url field in the source HTTP definition, it did not resolve the variable.
Is there a way to solve this issue?
I do this all the time. As long as your script is running properly (you can test that with the test feature on the script), you are writing the URL value to a global variable (something like $URL), and you are writing that global variable out in your target (something like [URL]), it should work.
If you want to show your script (just where you are creating the URL), and your target URL field that could help narrow down the problem.