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Closed 7 years ago.
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How do I make the asteroid explode with small bits exploding outward?
I'd need a texture animation for the asteroid cracking, but I'm not sure how to use the particle emitter to have random sized asteroid bits fly out.
And would these bits collide and bounce off other objects?
you could make multiple emitters each with its own texture. That would diversify the particles. Spritekit particles dont have physics properties so no.. they wouldnt bounce around. You'd need to use a collection of regular sprites if you want that effect.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for some guidance here. I primarily am a frontend developer. What I am trying to figure out is how an algorithm can be implemented to count kernels on an ear of corn.
From my initial research it seems there are a couple of different directions to go. Main ones I have seen are a SIRF type of implementation and others call for conversion to the HSV color space or LAB color space in order to then to normalizations and then counting.
For reference usually the corn that will be counted is "dent" corn. Here is an example:
This will be implemented in, but I can always translate the algorithm if needed.
Thank you for your help!
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Closed 10 years ago.
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Hey I am trying to design an interface for android application. Since I am a beginner to Android and Photoshop, I am having a few issues.
Most important of them is that I try to draw on larger than required canvas ( say, A4 siza; because i am not used to precise drawing) and then duplicate those high resolution (300dpi) layers to a smaller canvas with high resolution to create nine-patch files.
But I am unable to copy those layers; nothing shows up on canvas even if I have layers in the side box.
I have tried it multiple times but same result. Kindly guide me how to properly make a nine-patch image?
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to create a simple scatter plot with PlotSymbols for when I hit a point of data. I have all of that implemented, but the line and the symbols are all one color that blends in making it hard to see the data. I know I could make the symbols bigger, but I am hoping to try and avoid that.
From the few screen shots that I saw in the examples I saw the ability to do this, but only for the ellipse symbol. Is there any way to do this for other symbols as I am currently using the rectangle.
Every plot symbol has a lineStyle and a fill. You can mix and match to get whatever look you want.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to draw a color wheel on my iPhone Application, how can I do so?
What is the Algorithm behind the color wheel? Thank you.
If you are familiar with HSA color system the algorithm will be simple.
A color wheel depicts Hue and Saturation. The hue varies with the angle, and the saturation varies with the radius. For more information you can take a look at
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am using Box2d for a topdown game. The "ground" is a series of tiles, where each tile is a static body with a sensor shape. Can I make friction take effect for this, even though the objects aren't really "colliding" with the ground?
If Box2d won't let me do this, I considered trying to implement my own by detecting what force is currently moving the object, and applying a force opposite to it, but I'm not quite sure how to detect that force.
Another way of doing this is to set linearDamping on your body. You could set this differently depending on the tile your object is on.
Friction is directed against the velocity of the body, regardless of other forces.
If setting linear damping isn't enough or relying on a property of the b2Body is inappropriate, you can easily compute nonlinear friction forces and call ApplyLinearImpulse() or ApplyLinearForce() every frame.
Query the velocity with b2Body.GetLinearVelocity(), scale (nonlinearly) the result as desired to get the force, and invert the sign of both components.
If you decide to stop the body (when it is slow enough to stick), SetLinearVelocity() does the trick without computations.
ApplyImpulse() instead of ApplyForce() works much better.