cocoa: Drag and Drop svg images - objective-c

I'm working on the simple app that displays icons in the NSCollectionView. NSCollectionView displays icons preview in png format and users can drag it to the image editor. I would like to allow user drag & drop not only png, but also svg files. I loaded svg image data but how can I copy it to NSPasteboard to drug svg data to Sketch app for example.

Applications like Sketch do not drag and drop SVG data. Instead they are creating a temporary svg file and put the file URL into the NSDraggingItem. This allows some kind of SVG support.


How do I make the content of gallery including video and Image files scrollable in react native?

I have few audio, image and video files present in the gallery. But it is not scrollable. Is there any additional controllers which I should use to make it scrollable? How can i achieve it? I'm using the react-native-gallery module.
You Can Use ScrollView as a Main View OR use react-native-gallery-swiper.

Displaying video files in React Native Image component

I'd like to show a list with image and video files from cameraroll in React Native app. I (accidentally) have seen that the Image component can display probably the first frame of a mov file on iOS. I checked the documentation but they write nothing about video files.
A React component for displaying different types of images, including
network images, static resources, temporary local images, and images
from local disk, such as the camera roll.
My question is if it's good practice to use the Image component for displaying a "thumbnail" from a video file this way or is it better to store a separate thumbnail (image file) for every video and display those in the list instead?
I also noticed this feature when we store '.mp4'(from local storage) in an image component, it can works as thumbnail without degradation in performance. However, I also noticed when you try to render any network video file it doesn't seem to work that way.
So this feature only works when we are displaying videos from phone's gallery.
Therefore, it is good to maintain thumbnails for video files if you are using videos from any other resource

Colorbox not rendering tiff image

Inside of a Colorbox overlay, I have an img tag pointing to a TIFF image. The image doesn't load at all. I've read this S.O. post wherein someone blamed the browser's inability to handle the image format. But when I open another tab that points directly to the image, the browser manages to render it.
How can I get the image to correctly render in Colorbox?

Cropping image into popup?

How to crop an image coming from server into popup? I have image coming from web service and showing it into a popup on a click on a table. I want to add cropping functionality into it. How can I do it??
There are a number of open source image cropping libraries on Here's one that replicates Apple's crop image feature. You can then display the editing view controller in a popover when the user selects the row.

How do I upload custom images to my tab bar in the iPhone SDK?

How do I upload custom images to my tab bar in the iPhone SDK?
I uploaded an image, added it to resources, and tried to make it the image for a tabbar item. This is what happened:
Tab bar icons should be .png files, about 30px square, and should be 24-bit with an alpha channel. All you do is make the image completely transparent except for the part you want to appear as the icon.
You can see some examples here: