PDF plugin issue with Sonar 5.1 - pdf

I am trying to use SonarQube version 5.1. But there is no PDF Plugin support for this version of SonarQube as per my limited knowledge, hence I am not able to Generate/Download PDF format for analysis I have done.
Can anyone suggest as what configuration can be done using below versions to generate and download PDF.
I am using below version :
SonarQube 5.1 – Apr. 2, 2015
MYSQL Server version: 5.5.29
Embedded mysql jar inside SonarQube: /lib/jdbc/mysql-connector-java-5.1.34.jar

As you can see on the Plugin Version Matrix page:
the community PDF Report plugin is indeed not compatible with 5.1
but SonarSource Report plugin (that also generates PDF reports) is compatible.


Is jboss 4.2.2 GA compatible with java 11?

We have a product that is running fine with JBoss 4.2.2/java 7.
We are now moving to JDK 11. simply added java 11 in the classpath and tried starting the server.
Encountered below error
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Ignoring option MaxPermSize; support was removed in 8.0
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\PathBuilder\GE\EMEA\vp\jboss\lib\endorsed is not supported. Endorsed standards and standalone APIs in modular form
will be supported via the concept of upgradeable modules.
removed below configurations from run.bat and started the server again
now getting below error and which is
interrupting the ear deployment Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for:
Is Java 4.2.2 compatible with JDK 11 or we need to update JBoss to 7.2 or latest versions?
can someone help with this or provide related links?
JBoss 4.2 is a very old and outdated version and it only tested with JDK 1.5 and 1.6 version. If you are upgrading your JDK to 11 then you should update the JBoss to 7.3 version which is the latest available GA release from Red Hat.
You can download the jdk files of older versions like jdk6 and then replace JAVA path in the jboss run file from "set JAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" to
"set JAVA=C:\Users\jdk1.6.0_45\bin\java"
Of course it's better to upgrade to a higher JBoss version... But in case that's not possible, you can avoid the ClassNotFoundException for org.omg.CORBA.Object by placing rt.jar from Java 8 in your JBoss-libs folder.
With this configuration you can run older JBoss versions with Java 11.

How to install pentaho community edition Server on ubuntu 18.04?

I have followed the steps in http://wiki.joanillo.org/images/1/11/Community_user_guide.pdf but I am unable to run the server
That document refers to version 3.x of Pentaho. Current version is 8.2. The doc is out of date by several years.
There’s no folder biserver-ce anymore, it’s now called pentaho-server. The script’s name is still the same.
You will need a JDK installed (1.8 or above, and if you install Pentaho 8.2 you should use openJDK)
i hope you have started the server, if not run this file using terminal /pentaho-server/start-pentaho.sh ....
please provide the log it will be in the path pentahoserver->tomcat->logs->catalina.out

objectaid uml explorer throwing exception

I have installed ObjectAid UML explorer in Eclipse Juno 4.2.2. Throws the following error when I launch it.
The selected wizard could not be started.
Plug-in com.objectaid.uml.cls was unable to load class com.objectaid.uml.cls.editor.NewClassDiagramWizard.
JVMCFRE003 bad major version;
Appreciate your insights and help. Thanks.
'Bad major version' means the code was compiled for a newer version of Java that the one you are using.
According to the ObjectAid download page the current 1.2.x releases require Java 8.
Use the older 1.1.x release if you are using Java 6 or 7.

how to configure hadoop 2.3.0 on windows 8?

I try to configure hadoop 2.3.0 on windows but its give me
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.tools.GetConf
and lots of other error like "winutils.exe","hadoop.dll messing" and "load main class" error.
Please help me to configure Hadoop on windows 8 machine.
I have installed
JDK 1.7
If we directly take the binary distribution of Apache Hadoop 2.3 release and try to run it on Microsoft Windows, then we'll encounter ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path.
The binary distribution of Apache Hadoop 2.3 release does not contain some windows native components (like winutils.exe, hadoop.dll etc). These are required (not optional) to run Hadoop on Windows.
So you need to build windows native binary distribution of hadoop from source codes following "BUILD.txt" file located inside the source distribution of hadoop. You can follow the following posts (applicable for hadoop 2.3 as well) for step by step guide with screen shot
Build, Install, Configure and Run Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 in Microsoft Windows OS
ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path
Follow the steps described in the below link which describes the installation of Hadoop 2.3.0 in a windows 8 machine.
This works perfectly.
Installing in windows:
In the suggested tutorial above, the build instructions do not work for the most recent version of visual studio/.NET framework/Windows.
First download the desired source version and ...
You do not need the windows 7 sdk/build will fail to create the binary. For windows 8, you can build the hadoop-2.5.2-src\hadoop-common-project\hadoop-common\src\main\winutils solution and C:\hfds\hadoop-2.5.2-src\hadoop-common-project\hadoop-common\src\main\native solutions in visual studio
Then download the binary version...
and place the output files in hadoop-2.5.2-src\hadoop-common-project\hadoop-common\target\bin in the bin directory of the downloaded hadoop binary bin folder.
Then follow the remaining steps of the tutorial...

Tool similar to Dynamic code evolution with java 7 support

I have been using the dynamic code evaluation for dynamic loading of my changed classes in my Jboss server ,
I have found this tool very helpful and interesting , but it have a problem that it works with jdk 1.6 , but As i am trying to use java 7 in my project it fails .
Can anyone suggest similar type of tool with java7 support
I suggest using... the Dynamic Code Evolution VM for Java 7 :) The DCEVM web site is not up to date and the version available for download there doesn't work with the latest versions of Java 7. For some time the Mercurial repository contained a more recent version and it has been eventually forked on Github where binaries for Windows and Linux are provided. On Debian/Ubuntu DCEVM is also available after installing the openjdk-7-jre-dcevm package.