SUM and SELECT ALL - sql

I need a correction please
SELECT *, SUN(mytable2.quantite)
FROM mytable1
INNER JOIN mytable2
ON = mytable2.id_table_article
I want to select all columns and SUM one column. How I can do that please ?
I have a problem because I think SUM works with ExecuteScalar and SELECT * works with ExecuteReader()
:( how I cant fusion this result because I need to show this result at on my listview so I need one request :/
I work with SQLIte

I suspect you want every column from mytable1 and the corresponding sum from mytable2. If so, you can use a subquery:
SELECT t1.*,
(SELECT SUM(t2.quantite)
FROM mytable2 t2
WHERE = t2.id_table_article
) as quantite
FROM mytable1 t1;


Select count(*) from table where (multiple id) in (table)

Is there a way to write
SELECT count(*) from tablename where (multiple_ids_here) in (SELECT id from tablename)
Normally, I would write:
select count(*) from tablename
where id_1 in (SELECT id from tablename)
OR id_2 in (SELECT id from tablename)
id_3 in (SELECT id from tablename)
which very inefficient if we have multiple values.
EDIT: Question updated. What if I want to select count?
Your version with three ins is probably the most efficient way of doing this. If you want a comparison to try, you can use exists:
select . . .
from t t1
where exists (select 1
from tablename t2
where in (t1.id_1, t1.id_2, t1.id_3)
I should also note that storing ids in multiple columns like this is usually a sign of a problem with the data model. You probably want a table with one row per id, rather than one column per id. Such a format would also simplify this type of query.
For the updated question regarding getting a count(*)... using cross apply() with values() to unpivot your data in a common table expression:
;with cte as (
select t.Id, v.RelatedId
from t
cross apply (values (id_1),(id_2),(id_3)) v(RelatedId)
, RelationCount = count(*)
from cte
inner join RelatedTable r
on cte.RelatedId = r.Id
group by cte.Id
I am not sure i understand your question could you give an example of the data you are using and the out come.
From what i understand you could use a cte like this .
;WITH Sales_CTE ([counts],CustomerID, SalespersonPersonID,PickedByPersonID)
select count(*),CustomerID,SalespersonPersonID ,PickedByPersonID
from [WideWorldImporters].[Sales].[Orders]
group by CustomerID,SalespersonPersonID,PickedByPersonID
SELECT sum([counts])
It would give you a result like this . You would jsut have to change the columns around .

How to get duplicate text values from SQL query

I have to get table only with duplicate text values using SQL query. I have used Having count(columnname) > 1 but I'm not getting result, only with duplicate values instead getting all values.
Can anyone suggest whether I have to add anything to my query?
Use the below query. mention the column which is getting duplicated in the patition by clause..
with CTE_1
(SELECT *,COUNT(1) OVER(PARTITION BY LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(yourDuplicateColumn,' ',''))) Order by -anycolunm- ) cnt
FROM YourTable
WHERE cnt>1
Assuming id is a primary key
select *
from myTable t1
where exists (select 1
from myTable t2
where t2.text = t1.text and !=
You can use similar to following query:
column1, COUNT(*)
FROM table
GROUP BY column1

How to achive this without using Sub Query, CTE and Prodedure

I have a table with 2 fields
id int identity primary key,
value float
INSERT INTO Temp_tab(value)
VALUES (65.09),(17.09);
I want to select all the records that are greater than Avg(Value).
Say... Select * from temp_tab where value > (select avg(value) from temp_tab);
This above query(using subquery) gives me the expected output
1 65.09
I want to achieve this without using Sub Query, CTE and Prodedure, since i am using Spark DB. Spark Db does not support Sub Queries, CTE and Prodedures
You can do this quite painfully with a cross join and aggregation:
Select, t1.value
from temp_tab t1 cross join
temp_tab t2
group by, t1.value
having t1.value > avg(t2.value);
As a note: Spark SQL claims to support subqueries (see here). So, your original query should work. If it only supports subqueries in the from clause, then you can do:
Select t.*
from temp_tab t join
(select avg(value) as avgvalue from temp_tab) a
on t.value > a.avgvalue;
spark-sql accept this query under version of 1.6.x
select * from (select * from tenmin_history order by TS_TIME DESC limit 144) a order by TS_TIME
This query solved my problem.

MS SQL Server sum of sum fields

I have a sql statement that will give me two columns from two tables using sub query.
sum(field1) as f1_sum,
(select sum(field2) from table2) as f2_sum
group by
I want to get the total of f1_sum + f2_sum as the third column output from this query. It seems simple but I can't find a way around this.Question is how to get the sum of sum fields.
I am ok to write SP or a view to do this etc..
Can someone assist please ?
you can use subquery like:
SELECT t1.f1_sum+t1.f2_sum AS total_sum FROM
(select sum(field1) as f1_sum , (select sum(field2) from table2) as f2_sum
from table1
group by table1.field_x) AS t1
I would suggest doing it like this:
select t1.f1_sum, t2.f2_sum, coalesce(t1.f1_sum, 0) + coalesce(t2.f2_sum, 0)
from (select sum(field1) as f1_sum
from table1 t1
group by t1.field_x
) t1 cross join
(select sum(field2) as f2_sum from table2) t2;
When possible, I prefer to keep table references in the from clause. I added the coalesce() just in case any of the values could be NULL.
You could also try this :
SELECT SUM(a.field1) f1_sum,
SUM(b.field2) f2_sum,
(SUM(a.field1) + SUM(b.field2)) f3_sum
from table1 a, table2 b
Simply you can write,
select sum(field1) as f1_sum
, (select sum(field2) from table2) as f2_sum
, (ISNULL(sum(field1),0) + ISNULL((select sum(field2) from table2),0)) AS Total_Sum
from table1
group by table1.field_x

t-sql - delete second value only

i would like to run a sql statement that will delete ONLY the second value for example
delete from table1 where condition1
i want this statement to delete ONLY the second value
how can i accomplish this?
i would like to clarify. i have a field called field1 which is an autonumber and and it is a primary key and it increments. i would like to delete the record containing the greater number
You could also employ the ROW_NUMBER() function of SQL server to number each row, and use this number to isolate just the second item for deletion, according to your own custom ordering in the inner query ( over (ORDER BY <myKey> asc) ). This provides a great deal of flexibility.
DELETE a FROM table1
FROM table1 a
select ROW_NUMBER() over (ORDER BY <myKey> asc) as AutoNumber, <myKey> from table1
) b on a.<myKey> = b.<myKey>
WHERE condition1
AND b.AutoNumber = 2
Do you want to delete only the last duplicate, or all but the first?
For all but the first: (Edited to use CTE per #Martin's suggestion.)
with target as (select * from table1 where condition1)
delete from target goner
where exists (select * from target keeper
where keeper.field1 < goner.field1)
In other words, if there is another matching record with a lower field1, delete this record.
To delete only the last:
with target as (select * from table1 where condition1)
delete from target goner
where exists (select * from target keeper
where keeper.field1 < goner.field1)
and not exists (select * from target missing
where missing.field1 > goner.field1)
In other words, if there is another matching record with a lower field1, AND there is no matching record with a higher field1, then we have the highest duplicate, so nuke it.
It's been a while (so my syntax my not quite be right), and this may not be the best solution, but the "academic" answer would be something like:
delete from table1 where condition1
and field1 = (select max(field1) from table1 where condition1)
Try this:
FROM MyTable
SELECT MIN(id) as id, Col1, Col2, Col3
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY Col1, Col2, Col3
) as KeepRows ON
KeepRows.RowId IS NULL
While this might not be as "pretty" as #Jeffrey's it works. From what I can tell, #Jeffrey's does not. See sql below (Delete replaced with SELECT * for demonstration):
SELECT 1 as id,'A' as a,'Z' as b
SELECT 2,'A','Z'
SELECT 3,'B','Z'
SELECT 4,'B','Z'
SELECT MIN(id) as id, a, b
) as KeepRows ON