XUL event listener for page load (in current tab only) or tab switch - xul

Is there a simple script which will allow me to be notified if the a page is loaded in the current tab or if a new tab is now in focus?

This is what I've found. I hope it helps someone else:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8355354/get-current-url-when-changing-tabs-in-xul-in-firefox
window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", phoenix.onTabChange, false);
}, false);
window.addEventListener("unload", function(e) {
gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabSelect", phoenix.onTabChange, false);
}, false);


Dojo enable button by event handler

I am working with IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3, that uses DOJO 1.8 for the GUI development. I am new in dojo, and I have to enhance one of the forms: add an event handler to the dataGrid so when the row of the grid is selected one of the buttons become enabled.
I've managed to add event handler as was advised in this issue: dojo datagrid event attach issue
but I still can't enable the button. Here is html of the form:
<div class="selectedGridContainer" data-dojo-attach-point="_selectedDataGridContainer">
<div class="selectedGrid" data-dojo-attach-point="_selectedDataGrid" ></div>
The attached image describes how it looksenter image description here.enter image description here
And the js file code of postCreate function is following:
postCreate: function() {
this.textDir = has("text-direction");
domClass.add(this._selectedDataGridContainer, "hasSorting");
this.own(aspect.after(this.addUsersButton, "onClick", lang.hitch(this, function() {
var selectUserGroupDialog = new SelectUserGroupDialog({queryMode:"users", hasSorting:true, callback:lang.hitch(this, function (user) {
this.own(aspect.after(this.removeUsersButton, "onClick", lang.hitch(this, function() {
if (this._selectedGrid != null) {
var selectedItems = this._selectedGrid.selection.getSelected();
if (selectedItems.length > 0) {
array.forEach(selectedItems, lang.hitch(this, function(item) {
// the following handler was added by me
dojo.connect(this.myGrid, 'onclick', dojo.hitch(this, function(){
console.log(" before ");
this.removeUsersButton.set('disabled', true);
console.log(" after ");
so this.own(aspect.after(this.removeUsersButton..... works fine and worked before my interference. So it somehow accesses this.removeUsersButton and processes the event. But my handler dojo.connect(this.myGrid.... only prints console.log() before and after without enabling the Remove button. The Button has no Id, only data-dojo-attach-point. How do I enable the Remove button when the daaGrid is selected?
With this.removeUsersButton.set('disabled', true); you are setting the button to be disabled. If you want to enable it you need to set it to false.
this.removeUsersButton.set('disabled', false);

Data table on click on dynamic controls

I have a jquery data table that I am populating from a drop down on change event. I have two check boxes in the data table and I am running an onclick on the check boxes. But on the first click the jquery does not fire only when I click it a second time does the jquery fire, also happens on switching pages.I added the .on() for the click, because I researched and saw that dynamic controls would work that way. Is there something I'm missing also to get this click function to work on first click? Below is some of my code.
data table click on check box control no jquery click event on first click
data table click on check box control on second click
$('#my-table').on('click', function () {
var i = -1;
$("input[id*='secondary']:checkbox").on("click", function () {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
i = selectedIds.indexOf($(this).val());
if (i === -1) {
else {
jQuery(this).closest("tr").css("background-color", "");
if (selectedIds.length > 0) {
i = selectedIds.indexOf($(this).val());
if (i != -1) {
selectedIds.splice(i, 1);
if (!primaryChecked)
$(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="checkbox"]').not(this).attr('disabled', false);
$("#my-table").find("input[id*='primary']:checkbox").on("click", function () {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
primaryChecked = true;
primaryID = this.value;
else {
primaryID = "";
primaryChecked = false;
$(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="checkbox"]').not(this).attr('disabled', false);
$('input:checkbox[id^="primary"]').each(function () {
if (!$(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="checkbox"]').is(':checked'))
$(this).attr('disabled', false);
jQuery(this).closest("tr").css("background-color", "");
You're attaching click handler inside another click handler which doesn't make sense.
Remove first click handler:
$('#my-table').on('click', function () {
Attach the click handler to the checkboxes as follows:
$('#my-table').on('click', "input[id*='secondary']:checkbox", function () {
$('#my-table').on('click', "input[id*='primary']:checkbox", function () {

Laravel Javascript with Bootstrap Modal

I have a modal using Bootstrap on my Laravel project, I use my modal for looking up the detail of data. The data has many row at a table, each row of data has a button to pop up a modal. This is my Javascript code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('[data-toggle="modal"]').click(function(e) {
var url = $(this).attr("href");
if (url.indexOf("#") == 0) {
} else {
$.get(url, function(data) {
$('<div class="modal hide fade">' + data + '</div>').modal().on('hidden', function(){
$('.modal-backdrop.in').each(function(i) {
}).success(function() { $('input:text:visible:first').focus(); });
When I click the button the modal pops up nice and the data comes out. But my problem is when I close the modal and click the other button, the data is the same as the first one I opened. I then try to reload the page and the data on the modal is always the data that I opened up first...
How do I fix it? Must I use AJAX?

Dojo DropDownButton, can I differentiate between a click on button vs. down arrow?

I'm using Dojo to create a DropDownButton within a Toolbar. The Toolbar, and button are created dynamically, like this:
this.widget = new Toolbar({ style: "background:black;" }, "toolbar");
this.dropMenu = new DropDownMenu({tooltip : "ToolTip", style: "display: none;"});
this.button = new DropDownButton({dropDown: this.dropMenu});
this.button.set('label', '<img src="data:image/png;base64,'+ this.icon + '"/>');
Note that the above code is dynamically creating an icon as part of the button from a base64 encoded string through setting an img src for the label property of the button.
I want to differentiate between a click on the "label" element for the DropDownButton and a click on the down arrow for the button, but am not sure if this is possible. Ie, when clicking on the label, I capture the onClick, but don't cause the drop down to be displayed. However, if the down arrow is clicked on or any other place on the button is clicked, the drop down will be displayed.
One alternate would be to split this into a standard Button, and then a drop down button adjacent to it, but I'm wondering if there is any way to do this from a single standard DropDownButton?
Check whether or not its the downarrow or buttontext class in the clicked element. To properly hook into the 'flow' of events, you should override the classfunction _onDropDownMouseDown
var customDropDownButton = declare("customDropDownButton", [ DropDownButton ], {
toggleDropDown: function() {
_onDropDownMouseDown: function(evt) {
console.log(arguments, evt.srcElement.className);
if (/dijitButtonText/.test(evt.srcElement.className)) {
// negate popup functionality
return false;
return true;
var b = new customDropDownButton({
label: "hello!",
name: "programmatic1",
dropDown: someMenu
Alternatively, if you can live with popup showing and then immediately closing again - easy way is:
var b = new DropDownButton({
label: 'hello!',
name: "programmatic2",
dropDown: someMenu,
onClick: function(evt) {
if(/dijitButtonText/.test(evt.srcElement.className)) {
// negate popup
}, 'button');

Dojo Exception on hiding a dijit.Dialog

I have a Dialog with a form inside. The following code is just an example of what I'm trying to do. When you close a dijit.Dialog, if you dont't destroy recursively his children, you just can't reopen it (with the same id).
If you don't want to destroy your widget you can do something like that :
var createDialog = function(){
// try to show the hidden dialog
var dlg = dijit.byId('yourDialogId');
} catch (err) {
// create the dialog
var btnClose = new dijit.form.Button({
onClick: function(){
}, document.createElement("button"));
var dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
I hope this can help but with this code the error thrown is :
exception in animation handler for: onEnd (_base/fx.js:153)
Type Error: Cannot call method 'callback' of undefined (_base/fx.js:154)
I have to say I'm a little lost with this one ! It is driving me crazy ^^
PS : sorry for my "French" English ^^
I'll introduce you to your new best friend: dojo.hitch()
This allows you to bind your onClick function to the context in which it was created. Chances are, when you push the button in your code, it is calling your .show() .hide() form the context of the global window. var dlg was bound to your createDialog function, so it's insides are not visible to the global window, so the global window sees this as undefined.
Here's an example of what I changed to your code:
var createDialog = function(){
// try to show the hidden dialog
var dlg = dijit.byId('yourDialogId');
// create the dialog
var btnClose = new dijit.form.Button({
onClick: function(){
dojo.hitch(this, dlg.hide());
}, document.createElement("button"));
var btnShow = new dijit.form.Button({
label : 'Open',
onClick : function() {
dojo.hitch(this, dlg.show());
}, document.createElement("Button"));
dojo.ready(function() {
Note the use of dojo.hitch() to bind any future calls or clicks of the various buttons to the context in which the dlg was created, forever granting the button's onclick method access to the inside of the createDialog function, where var dlg exists.
hi if i understand correctly, you didn't need to destroy dijit.Dialog every time. E.g.:
HTML: define simple button:
<button id="buttonTwo" dojotype="dijit.form.Button" onclick="showDialog();" type="button">
Show me!
// required 'namespaces'
// creating dialog
var secondDlg;
dojo.addOnLoad(function () {
// define dialog content
var content = new dijit.form.Button({
label: 'close',
onClick: function () {
// create the dialog:
secondDlg = new dijit.Dialog({
id: 'formDialog',
title: "Programatic Dialog Creation",
style: "width: 300px",
content: content
function showDialog() {
See Example and reed about dijit.dialog