Update single attribute with Restkit - objective-c

I want to update ONE SINGLE attribute on the Core Data Object and send the change to the server using RestKit.
I see that ResKit is always sending Object with ALL attributes and not only with the changed ones. That makes my app slow(er).
I also see that update response from server should return whole object back to the RestKit which is again slower that it could be (All I need is success/failure response)
Is there elegant solution for this? (I am pretty new to the RestKit)

You can create a request descriptor on-the-fly which includes only the attributes you want to send, you would either simply need to use a mapping operation yourself or be sure to only run one such operation at a time and call removeRequestDescriptor: on the object manager (this could be tricky for you to manage). The alternate is to put the data to upload into a dictionary and upload that, but that isn't ideal.
For the response, the mapping says what to map but it doesn't all have to be there, RestKit will take whatever it can and map that.


HTTP verb for appending to a resource object?

I am trying build an api which conforms to the json:api spec.
My api has three resources /task, /item and /result. A task has the fields name, description and state. A item has the fields itemName. A count is kept server-site for the item and the count is returned when a user retrieves the item with a GET request. The count is incremented server-side when the item is updated. There is a one-to-many relationship between task and item. In a sense an item is appended to a task. When the tasks state changes a script runs server-side to do some processing on the associated items. Once the script finishes the output is available in the result resource.
Per the spec, I am using the POST verb to create a task and the PATCH to update a task. I just want one endpoint which handles both the create /update (appending) of an item. But, I'm not sure which verb to use? Can I use PATCH to update the item but also create an item if it doesn't exist?
I also thought that perhaps I should be using the PUT verb. But, my understanding here is that this verb is used to simply replace a resource rather than update it. I don't think this is right for my user-case as an items count is incremented when updated, so replacing it is not what I want todo. But, the count is handled server-side so a user doesn't have the option of "replacing" the count anyway.
my understanding here is that this verb is used to simply replace a resource rather than update it.
This is a common understanding - wrong, but common.
The IANA registry documents the authoritative reference for the semantics of http methods. Most of the common ones are defined by RFC 7231; PATCH is defined by RFC 5789.
PUT is an appropriate choice when the message body is a complete representation of what you want the resource to be. It may be easier to think about "saving a file"; PUT describes what the client expects the document to look like when it has been saved.
It's appropriate to use PUT for either updating a document or creating one, provided that the client knows the identifier for the document (just in the same way that we can use save to create a file, or replace a file, but we need to know the file name).
If you read the text of the specification, you'll see that - while the semantics of the request are to save the new representation "as-is", the server isn't required to do that -- the server, after all, is in control of its own documents -- so there is room to cover read only fields, or fields that should be updated by the server only. You need to have a little bit of care with the response headers to avoid implying that you saved the representation as is, but other than that you should be fine.

How to do right rest api update?

I am developing rest api update method for user profile resource user/profile. I am disappointed what http method should i use. Update contains some required attributes so it more PUT request, where client need to fill all attributes. But how it can extend attributes in future. If i will decide to add new attribute then it will automatically clear because client is not implement it yet.
But what if this new attribute has default value or is set by another route?
Can i use PUT with not stricting number of attributes and use old data if new isn't come in request. Or how it can be done normally?
HTTP is an application whose application domain is the transfer of documents over a network -- Webber, 2011.
PUT is the appropriate method to use when "saving" a new version of a document onto a web server.
how it can extend attributes in future.
You design your schemas to be forward and backward compatible; in practice, what this means is that you can add new optional elements with reasonable default values. When you need to add a new required element, you change the name of the schema.
You'll find prior art in this topic by searching XML literature for must ignore.
You understand correctly: PUT is for complete replacement, so values that you don't include would be lost.
Instead, use the PATCH method, which is for making partial updates. You can update only the properties you include values for.

MULE 3.7.0 C.E. - BufferInputStream payload turns into String

We are programming a MULE REST service which is divided in several layers.
The API layer (RAML-based) receives the inbound requests and prepares some flowVars so that the lower layers know how to proceed.
The second layer is also service defined, so there's one flow for each service oferred.
Finally, the third layer contains a unique flow and is the one which, depending on the flowVars configured in the upper layer, carries out a call using a HTTP Request component to the third-party service needed.
In this third layer, some audit registers are made in order to know what we are sending and what we are receiving. So, our audit component (a custom MULE connector) needs to write the content of the payload to our database, so a message.getPayloadAsString() (or similar) is needed. If we use a clean getter (like message.getPayload()), only the data type is obtained and thus written into the database.
The problem lays right in here. Every single payload received seems to be a BufferInputStream and, when doing the message.getPayloadAsString(), an inner casting seems to be affecting the payload. This, normally, wouldn't be a problem except for one of the cases that we have found: one of the services we invoke returns a PNG file, so message.getPayloadAsString() turns it into a String and breaks the image.
We've tried to clone the payload in order to keep one of the copies safe from the casting but, as an Object, it's not implementing Cloneable interface; we've tried to make a copy of the payload in any other single way, but only a new reference is generated; we've tried to serialize the payload to create a new copy from the serialized data but the Object doesn't either implement Serializable interface... Everything useless.
Any help, idea or piece of advice would be appreciated.
We finally managed to solve the problem by using message.getPayloadAsBytes();, which return value is a brand new byte[] object. This method doesn't either alter the payload within the message. By using the byte array we can create a String object to be written in our audit like this:
byte[] auditByteArray[] = message.getPayloadAsBytes();
String auditString = new String(auditByteArray);
Moreover, we tried a test consisting in stablishing that byte array as the new payload in the message and both JSON and PNG responses are managed correctly by the browser.

in REST what method to use for the sync operation

Synchronizing data once user gets online involves both Insert and Update (Upsert) and I'm sending both kinds of records in a single request (array) and then server iterates through records to determine insert or update.
My question is whether to use POST or PUT?
Also how a response from the server (JSON) should like in it's body? the data sent is an array, for example
"ids" : "15,16,17",
"success" : true
And what should be the response code, it has both create and update operations:
200 OK
201 Created
REST is not CRUD. Mapping HTTP methods to CRUD operations is a convention introduced by some frameworks, but it has nothing to do with REST. Read this answer for some clarification on that.
A PUT is a complete replacement that ignores the current state of the resource. Think of the mv command in a shell. If there's nothing on the destination, it creates it. If there's something, it replaces completely, ignoring whatever is in there. That's how a PUT should work. Ideally, your application should have an uniform implementation of PUT that works in the exact same way with any URI that supports the method..
A POST submits the payload to be processed by the target resource under predefined rules. This means you can use POST for any operation that isn't already standardized by the HTTP protocol.
In your case, it's clearly not a complete replacement, so it's not a case for PUT. Use POST.

Use RESTKit for two way synchronization

is it possible to use RESTKit for two way synchronization?
I played aroud with RESTKit and CoreDate. Now I can download all data from my REST service and all changes (create/modify/delete objects) in CoreDate will be overwritten by RESTKit.
Now I want to choose between both versions (the local version or the remote version). How do I do this? Is there a way to manipulat the mapping, or something like that?
My app should synchronize after some changes or after a specific delay (not difficult). Every object has a change date. Until now I want to keep the newer one (if they are equal the local one).
I hope RestKit is made for changing the strategy how it merges objects. something like a block I can set, where I get both objects and can return the merged object.
What I got so far:
I load the object via RestKit but do not persist them. Also I setup a CoreData store where I store the local objects. After loading the remote object I start to synchronize my self. First searching for pairs and then decide which to take, delete, create, overwrite, and so on...
But this is a big bunch of work and I think RestKit is doing something similar. Why not simply changing the strategy of RestKit for my requirements.
Well this would be the "syncing down" thing. After this I could write the synchronized data set back to the service. The changes are not very frequently so I will not have to check for new changes.
I hope now it's a little bit clearer
What you really want to do is validate the data coming in.
Since RestKit is using CoreData it automatically uses the validation built into CoreData (see here)
Here is an example that will ensure that the date never gets changed to an earlier one.
- (BOOL) validateChangeDate:(id *)ioValue error: (NSError **)outError {
if ([[*ioValue laterDate:self.changeDate] compare:self.changeDate] == NSOrderedSame)
*ioValue = self.changeDate;
return YES;
Note: There may be better/faster ways to test to see if we need to change the date
Note 2: According to the docs, if RestKit sees a value rejected, it fails the entire object, which we don't want, so that's why we always return YES and just change the incoming date
Note 3: We also don't want to change the value unless we have to because of what the CoreData docs say here
You may be able to leverage KVC validation to achieve this as it allows you to check and then edit or deny the change for each object and key. Check these docs.