CMake parallel build for Fortran-90+ with modules - cmake

I have a problem building multiple Fortran-90+ executable targets using CMake, when I use Fortran modules that are shared by all executables, and build in parallel using make -j. The issue seems to be that the compiled object files are placed in different subdirectories for each target, CMakeFiles/targetName.dir/src/file.f90.o, while the module files are placed in the same directory for every target (I can change this directory by setting Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY, but it will still be the same dir for all module files). The problem is then that all targets start writing these module files in parallel, and I get a
Fatal Error: Can't rename module file 'module.mod0' to 'module.mod': No such file or directory
when using gfortran (which apparently creates a .mod0 file and then renames it to .mod). The problem does not arise when I issue make without the -j option (serial build).
I can see two solutions, but I don't know how to implement them. Firstly, put the object files for all targets in the same directory rather than target-specific directories. This may be the preferred option, since I won't have to compile the shared source files N times for N targets. The make process will then recognise that the object files exist, and not compile the corresponding source files again, hence not touching the .mod(0) files again (I may need to make all following targets depend on the first).
The second solution would be to put the .mod(0) files in the target-specific directories, so that they are not overwritten or removed by the other targets. This would solve my problem, even though it would still involve more compiling than necessary. I have no idea how to accomplish either option, so any hint there or alternative solution is welcome.

The answer I was looking for was provided in the comments to the question by #RaulLaasner:
I would create an additional target in the form of a core library of the relevant source files, which can then be linked to all executables. This should work in parallel. The mod files can still be in put into a single directory.
I used add_library() and target_link_libraries() to achieve this.
Note that e.g. Gentoo ebuild scripts add --as-needed to the linker, which may cause undefined references in your core library when you link it and external libraries to form the executable. To prevent this, make sure you link the external libraries to your core library first. To this end, my CMakeListst.txt contains:
add_library( "Core" STATIC src/functions.f90 src/routines.f90 ) # creates libCore.a
target_link_libraries( Core ${EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES} ) # link external libraries to libCore.a
add_executable( myProgram1 src/myProgram1.f90 ) # creates the first executable
target_link_libraries( myProgram1 Core ) # links libCore.a to myProgram1
The last two lines can be repeated to build the other executables (e.g. using foreach()).


CMake: Error including library from another package [duplicate]

I am writing a C++ library (header-only) and am using CMake to generate my (Visual Studio) project and solution files. I'm also writing a test suite, which is part of the same CMake project.
My problem occurs when I call target_include_directories() on the target that represents my header-only library, so that consumers of my library may find its header files. I get the following error message (even though generation is NOT aborted).
CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt:
Target "Fonts" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property contains path:
which is prefixed in the source directory.
(D:/Projects/GPC/Fonts being the top-level directory of my library project. Btw the problem remains if I move my header files to the top directory.)
The offending line in my CMakeLists.txt is this (adapted for simplicity):
target_include_directories(Fonts INTERFACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include")
I do not understand what I'm doing wrong. Without target_include_directories(), code of consumer projects simply can't include my header files (unless in installed form, but I haven't gotten to that yet, and in any case I want to be able to use my library from its build tree, without installation.)
I feel like I'm missing something basic here; yet I've searched for hours without finding a solution or explanation.
The origin of the problem is not the target_include_directories command itself, but the attempt to install a target that has a public or interface include directory prefixed in the source path (i.e. the include directory is a subdirectory of your ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}.)
While it is perfectly fine and desirable to use absolute paths when building the library from scratch, a third party library that pulls in a prebuilt version of that library will probably want to use a different include path. After all, you do not want all of your users to mirror the directory structure of your build machine, just to end up in the right include path.
CMake's packaging mechanism provides support for both of these use cases: You may pull in a library directly from the build tree (that is, check out the source, build it, and point find_package() to the directory), or from an install directory (run make INSTALL to copy built stuff to the install directory and point find_package() to that directory). The latter approach needs to be relocatable (that is, I build and install on my machine, send you the resulting directory and you will be able to use it on your machine from a different directory structure), while the former is not.
This is a very neat feature, but you have to account for it when setting up the include directories. Quoting the manual for target_include_directories:
Include directories usage requirements commonly differ between the
build-tree and the install-tree. The BUILD_INTERFACE and
INSTALL_INTERFACE generator expressions can be used to describe
separate usage requirements based on the usage location. Relative
paths are allowed within the INSTALL_INTERFACE expression and are
interpreted relative to the installation prefix. For example:
target_include_directories(mylib PUBLIC
$<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include/mylib> # <prefix>/include/mylib
The BUILD_INTERFACE and INSTALL_INTERFACE generator expressions do all the magic:
Content of ... when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
Content of ... when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem.
Expands to the empty string otherwise.

CMake multiple version of fortran *.mod files

Fortran uses so-called mod files. They work similarly to a library. They are, however, important during compile stage of the objects. Now I am writing a CMake build for an older Fortran project. CMake luckily can recognise module dependencies. When CMake is compiling objects for a target they are stored in separed folder like:
Mod files are not. Instead, they are stored in the compiler execution directory. In order to make compile and link stage work I add:
target_include_directories( ${EXECUTABLE}
So in the end *.o files are stored in separate directories and *.mod are in the build directory. This has worked well for me for some time. But now I have a project where it is not possible. I have multiple targets that are compiled out of the same source files using different precompiled options. There are no problems with *.o files because they are stored in separate directories. But if *.mod files are changed by these directives they cannot be stored in the same build directory.
I was thinking to move *.mod files into a separate directory after each compile stage and linking them with ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/PRECOMPILER_OPTION_A, but still I would have a problem with race conditions if I would use parallel make.
Is there a solution where I can specify the compiler execution path per target? Or are you aware of some other solution that would work?
I found a solution here.
Basically the easiest solution is to manage Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY separatly for each target:
add_library(A OBJECT source.f90)
target_include_directories(A PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/A)
add_library(B OBJECT source.f90)
target_include_directories(B PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/B)

CMake: static library ignored (objects compiled twice) [duplicate]

I'm trying to move my project to CMake, and at the same time have some optimization on the compilation process.
Here's the deal:
I have several subdirs that are (have to be) each compiled into a static library (this works).
I want to gather all the object files from each subdir into another bigger, complete, static library.
It looks like this:
libBig.a # made from object from subdir1 and subdir2
Today, I managed to use a global variable in which every subdir CMakeLists.txt will append its own source files. I use this variable as a "source" input in my big library:
# the big library depends on all the source files
# ${all_src} is automatically filled with each subdir's cpp file
get_property( BigLib_src GLOBAL PROPERTY all_src)
add_library( Big STATIC ${BigLib_src}) # recompiles all the sources
Now, this works, not too bad, but the thing is, all my source files get compiled twice: once for the subdir library, and once for the big library.
CMake seems to forget that it has already built them.
I have to keep the subdir libraries and ar can't merge two static libraries.
Do you know how to do that?
You can use the new OBJECT library feature introduced in CMake 2.8.8. The idea is explained here. Basically, the OBJECT library is a similar concept to the convenience library known from Autotools to group object files.
Check the complete CMake OBJECT library tutorial.
As of CMake 2.8.8, you can do this using the OBJECT library type. See mloksot's answer. The old situation was that each target had its own directory and CMake would build every dependent object for every target. This guards against a case where one source file could be used multiple times with different CFLAGS. (Note that by default CMake is more conservative than automake here: automake will stop reusing object files for different targets only if the targets are built with different CFLAGS (and probably CPPFLAGS, too).

Package & library management & installation, and interface with cmake

I have a specific question which serves as context for a more general question.
There is a scientific package called LAMMPS, and it is usually used as an executable. However, it supports use as a "library". To try to do things right, I put it in /usr/local/lib/lammps. It contains a lammps/src/ directory, which has around 40 source files. Using the instructions provided, I compiled lammps as a .so file in lammps/src/
I also have separate code in "~/code/ljtube/". This uses cmake to try to find the library. Thus, I wrote a FindLAMMPS.txt so that I could use
in my CMakeLists. I modified the libtool config file to search in /usr/local/ successfully. I found that it searches in /usr/local/lib/ for a .so file and in /usr/local/include/ for a .h file. So I made a dynamic link to the .so file in /usr/local/lib/, and I copied the .h file from the lammps/src/ to /usr/local/include/.
CMake can now find those two files, but it cannot link to anything else in lammps/src/. It seems absurd to need to make a separate FIND_PACKAGE for each of the .h's I want to include (group.h, fix.h, force.h, pair.h, etc.). It also seems ridiculous to dump the whole package of .h files into the /usr/local/include/ directory. I will be using this code both locally and on a cluster, and possibly distributing it to other group members.
How can I make CMake find what I want to find without hard coding in the location of /usr/local/lib/lammps/src/? Phrased more generically, how should I manage large packages like these to make them easy to link to in the code I write, even if the original developer did not use the best conventions?
(As a side note, I am using a shared library because it seems like the right choice, but I'm not especially married to it. Should I be using a static library? Is there a way for CMake to find an already-compiled library relative to the current source directory, and might that be a better way to implement this? I know that I will be using LAMMPS in multiple projects, so having a local shared copy superficially seems to make the most sense.)
Normally a find_package call yields a variable specifying the path to the "includes" folder of the package. This would then be added in the caller's CMakeLists.txt via include_directories.
For example, to use find_package for boost, you could do:
find_package(Boost) # sets ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} and ${Boost_LIBRARIES}
target_link_libraries(foo ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
Regarding your side note, you could use find_library and/or find_path to find the library and its headers given a known location.
Both these commands can be invoked in such a way as to avoid searching in common locations, e.g. by setting PATHS to the known location and using NO_DEFAULT_PATH in the find commands.
Another alternative is for your projects to make use of the ExternalProject_Add function which is described in more detail in this article. From this article:
The ExternalProject_Add function makes it possible to say “download this project from the internet, run its configure step, build it and install it”
A downside to this approach is that each of your projects would end up with its own copy of the third party sources and lib.

CMake find_package dependency on subproject

I have the following directory layout:
+ static_lib1
+ executable
Both 'static_lib1' and 'executable' have a full CMakeLists so that they can be
built independently.
The 'executable' depends on 'static_lib1'. It uses find_package() to locate 'static_lib1'.
The main_folder contains a CMakeLists that includes both 'static_lib1' and 'executable' via add_subdirectory for conveniently building the whole project in one go.
Everything works fine if I manually build 'static_lib1' and then 'executable'. But when running the CMakeLists from the main folder, I get an error because find_package is unable to find the library files from 'static_lib1' which have not yet been built.
How can I resolve this while keeping the CMakeLists files separate (i.e. without including the static_lib's CMakeLists from the executable's CMakeLists)?
In executable's CMakeLists.txt you can check if you are building stand-alone or as part of project:
# stand-alone build
target_link_libraries(executable static_lib1)
Switch from a file-based approach to a target-based approach for handling the dependency from executable to static_lib1.
The original problem occurred because executable called find_package for locating static_lib1, which then attempted to fill a variable like STATIC_LIB1_LIBRARY with the paths to the library files by calling find_library. executable then consumes the content of that variable in a target_link_libraries(executable ${STATIC_LIB1_LIBRARY}) call. The problem here is, since those library files only get generated as part of the build, that call to find_library will not be able to find anything.
Building executable needs to support two scenarios here:
Building standalone, where a pre-compiled version of static_lib1 is located somewhere on the disc.
Building from main_folder, where both executable and static_lib1 are part of the same build.
The approach from the question supports scenario 1, but not scenario 2.
Instead of using using a variable to communicate a dependency between the two builds, use a target. The CMakeLists.txt for static_lib1 likely creates a library target like add_library(static_lib1 [...]). In executable we now simply do target_link_libraries(executable PUBLIC static_lib1). This is sufficient to support scenario 2.
To also allow for scenario 1 at the same time, we look at the call to find_package(static_lib1) in the CMakeLists.txt for executable. Instead of providing a variable like before, this call now needs to provide a target static_lib1 for consumption.
So we adapt the find script for static_lib1 to the following behavior:
If a target static_lib1 already exists, there's nothing to be done and the find script can just return (this is scenario 2).
Otherwise, we call find_library to locate the library file on disc (as before in the original approach) and then create a new imported target: add_library(static_lib1 STATIC IMPORTED). We then configure all relevant properties of the static library to that target. For instance, to add the location of the library file, we could do
set_target_properties(static_lib1 PROPERTIES
To support multi-config generators like MSVC, instead of setting IMPORTED_LOCATION and IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES, you will want to set the configuration specific properties like IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG and IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE instead. Since this can get quite tedious to do manually, you can have CMake generate this information (and a bunch of other convenient stuff) for you in a package script. The find mechanism for package scripts works slightly different under the hood, but the code in the CMakeLists.txt for executable will look just the same, a simple call to find_package(static_lib1). The main difference is that this call will then not dispatch to a hand-written find script, but to a package script that was automatically generated by CMake as part of the build process of static_lib1.
I guess I will leave this answer for posterity since only recently I have searched for a solution to this problem and found out that...
Since CMake 3.24 it is possible!
It is possible to override subsequent calls to find_package() with FetchContent_Declare() flag OVERRIDE_FIND_PACKAGE.
call has to be replaced in main_folder/CMakeLists.txt with:
SOURCE_DIR "path/to/static_lib1"
Any calls to find_package(static_lib1) will call FetchContent_MakeAvailable() for you, virtually making it identical to add_subdirectory() call.
You can read more about OVERRIDE_FIND_PACKAGE in CMake documentation.