Connect with redis on another gear in openshift - redis

I created 2 gears, php-5.4 and nodejs+redis.
How do I connect with Redis from my PHP gear? Where do I change the configuration?
I am using this redis cartridge:

You need to create your nodejs + redis application as a scaled application, that way redis will be on it's own gear, then you can use the supplied connection credentials to connect to it from your php gear.


How to access keys inside my Redis cloud database?

I've created a Redis database on the Redis cloud with AWS. Till now I've added 5 hashes(key-value pairs) to the database but I can't seem to find a way to view those hashes. Can anyone tell me how to do that?
You should be able to connect using the command line redis-cli and the host, port and password for your Redis instance, then use the command hgetall <keyname> to see the contents of the hash stored at <keyname>.
Alternatively, download a copy of the graphical RedisInsight tool, and connect that to the host, port and password you're running Redis on.

Redis GUI for PCF

I have created an Redis instance from PCF's marketplace. I would like to know if there's any GUI tool availabe with Pivotal which i can upload in to my PCF Space and see the data in my Redis ?
RedisInsight is web based Redis Client can also be easily deployed as docker container.

How to setup ServiceStack ServerEvents with Redis backpane geographically distributed

My situation is this:
Site "A" (Romania): multiple apphost (1 per PC) exanging serverevents using Redis Backpane.
Site "B" (Turkey): multiple apphost (1 per PC) exanging serverevents using Redis Backpane.
Now, I need to create on Site "0" (italy) a "collector" of all sites serverevents. How can I do it? Is it possible?
I am using ServiceStack 5.4.0 with MSOpenTech Redis 3.0.
ServiceStack's Redis Server Events lets you connect to a Redis Master instance either directly or via Redis Sentinel but doesn't support having AppHosts connect to the same geographically distributed Redis cluster.

How to configure Redis in Google Cloud Platform connected to App Engine to autoscale

I want to deploy a autoscalable Redis in GCP and connect it to my app in app engine in my app.yml
Is Cloud Launcher the proper way to launch the Redis Service? I did so and selected the Redis click to deploy option (Not the bitnami one).
I configured the instances and deployed them.
After the instances were ready, the next command appeared:
gcloud compute ssh --project <project-name> --zone <zone-name> <redis-instance-name>
After having this, do I have to configure the next things?
Instance IP address (I want it to be only accessible from inside my GCP Account) (Do I need to configure the 3 instances or does the sentinel takes care of the redirection?)
Password of the sentinel redis

How to get all Connected Clients of Redis Cluster?

How to get all connected clients of a redis cluster?
I am using AWS elasticCache redis with non cluster mode and redission as my redis client.
My Use Case:
I need to run specific code from only 1 connected redis client.
redis has command about client information like CLIENT LIST, check out this page .
you could checkout this page for the command redisson has not supported yet.