I created 2 gears, php-5.4 and nodejs+redis.
How do I connect with Redis from my PHP gear? Where do I change the configuration?
I am using this redis cartridge:
You need to create your nodejs + redis application as a scaled application, that way redis will be on it's own gear, then you can use the supplied connection credentials to connect to it from your php gear.
I've created a Redis database on the Redis cloud with AWS. Till now I've added 5 hashes(key-value pairs) to the database but I can't seem to find a way to view those hashes. Can anyone tell me how to do that?
You should be able to connect using the command line redis-cli and the host, port and password for your Redis instance, then use the command hgetall <keyname> to see the contents of the hash stored at <keyname>.
Alternatively, download a copy of the graphical RedisInsight tool, and connect that to the host, port and password you're running Redis on.
I have created an Redis instance from PCF's marketplace. I would like to know if there's any GUI tool availabe with Pivotal which i can upload in to my PCF Space and see the data in my Redis ?
RedisInsight is web based Redis Client can also be easily deployed as docker container.
My situation is this:
Site "A" (Romania): multiple apphost (1 per PC) exanging serverevents using Redis Backpane.
Site "B" (Turkey): multiple apphost (1 per PC) exanging serverevents using Redis Backpane.
Now, I need to create on Site "0" (italy) a "collector" of all sites serverevents. How can I do it? Is it possible?
I am using ServiceStack 5.4.0 with MSOpenTech Redis 3.0.
ServiceStack's Redis Server Events lets you connect to a Redis Master instance either directly or via Redis Sentinel but doesn't support having AppHosts connect to the same geographically distributed Redis cluster.
I want to deploy a autoscalable Redis in GCP and connect it to my app in app engine in my app.yml
Is Cloud Launcher the proper way to launch the Redis Service? I did so and selected the Redis click to deploy option (Not the bitnami one).
I configured the instances and deployed them.
After the instances were ready, the next command appeared:
gcloud compute ssh --project <project-name> --zone <zone-name> <redis-instance-name>
After having this, do I have to configure the next things?
Instance IP address (I want it to be only accessible from inside my GCP Account) (Do I need to configure the 3 instances or does the sentinel takes care of the redirection?)
Password of the sentinel redis
How to get all connected clients of a redis cluster?
I am using AWS elasticCache redis with non cluster mode and redission as my redis client.
My Use Case:
I need to run specific code from only 1 connected redis client.
redis has command about client information like CLIENT LIST, check out this page .
you could checkout this page for the command redisson has not supported yet.