Due to a tight timing for one of my projects with Visio I need to look over all the shapes in All the pages for certain character (name it "&") and then change the color of n character after it, so i wrote a code like follow but it does not go through all occurrences in one text block, after it hits the first one the loop exits... I just need help to resolve it my mind is kind of frozen now... sorry if my question is silly
Sub test()
Dim PageObj As Visio.Page
Dim shpsObj As Visio.Shapes
Dim shpObj As Visio.Shape
Dim oShpChar As Visio.Characters
Set PageObj = ActivePage
Set shpsObj = PageObj.Shapes
For Each shpObj In shpsObj
'Dim iLength As Integer
Dim iBeginOffset As Integer, iEndOffset As Integer
Set oShpChar = shpObj.Characters
iBeginOffset = InStr(oShpChar.Text, "&test")
'If iBeginOffset = 0 Then Exit Do ' # Not found -> end the loop
iEndOffset = iBeginOffset + 3
oShpChar.Begin = iBeginOffset
oShpChar.End = iEndOffset
oShpChar.CharProps(visCharacterColor) = 9
oShpChar.Begin = oShpChar.Begin + 1
oShpChar.End = oShpChar.CharCount
Loop While (iEndOffset < oShpChar.CharCount)
End Sub
I just tagged it for Excel too since the overall concept is the same...
The problem is found...
Unfortunately Microsoft Visio does not hold the updated value for "Character.Begin" and "Character.End" properties through outer loop, in other word it maintained but not accessible by other method such as"CharProps". so I introduced a counter outside of while loop to keep track of each new value for the mentioned property, hope it helps others to resolve their issue too, it's cost me 7 hours
(I am not a developer so please correct me if I made a mistake in my explanations)!
Sub test()
Set PageObj = ActivePage
Set shpsObj = PageObj.Shapes
For Each shpObj In shpsObj
Dim searchWord As String
Dim placeHolder As Integer
Dim iLength As Integer
Dim iBeginOffset As Integer, iEndOffset As Integer
Set oShpChar = shpObj.Characters
searchWord = "&test"
iLength = oShpChar.CharCount
iBeginOffset = InStr(oShpChar.Text, searchWord)
If iBeginOffset = 0 Then Exit Do ' searchWord Not found -> end the loop
iBeginOffset = iBeginOffset + placeHolder
placeHolder = iBeginOffset + Len(searchWord) - 1
iEndOffset = iBeginOffset + Len(searchWord) - 1
oShpChar.Begin = iBeginOffset
oShpChar.End = iEndOffset
If iEndOffset > iLength Then Exit Do ' Preventing the last run
oShpChar.CharProps(visCharacterColor) = 9
oShpChar.Begin = oShpChar.Begin + Len(searchWord) - 1
oShpChar.End = iLength
Loop While (iEndOffset < iLength)
End Sub
Here is my function that allows me to get from a webpage the image link for my PictureBoxs and the title for my labels
Public Shared Function getPics(website As String, pattern As String)
Dim tempTitles As New List(Of String)()
Dim tempTitles2 As New List(Of String)()
Dim lestitres As New List(Of titlesclass)
Dim webClient As New WebClient()
webClient.Headers.Add("user-agent", "null")
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim counter2 As Integer = 0
Dim counter3 As Integer = 0
Dim counter4 As Integer = 1
Dim counter5 As Integer = 0
Dim counter6 As Integer = 0
'If the website happens to go offline, at least your application wont crash.
Dim content As String = webClient.DownloadString(website)
Dim query = From title In Regex.Matches(content, pattern).Cast(Of Match)
Select New With {Key .Link = String.Concat("http://www.gamestop.com", title.Groups("Data").Value),
Key .Title = title.Groups("Dataa").Value}
For Each letitre In query.Distinct
'MsgBox(letitre.Link & " ======= " & letitre.Title)
'For Each title As Match In (New Regex(pattern).Matches(content)) 'Since you are only pulling a few strings, I thought a regex would be better.
' Dim letitre As New titlesclass
' letitre.Link = title.Groups("Data").Value
' letitre.Title = title.Groups("Dataa").Value
' lestitres.Add(letitre)
' 'tempTitles2.Add(title.Groups("Dataa").Value)
Dim titles = tempTitles.Distinct().ToArray() 'remove duplicate titles
'Dim titles2 = tempTitles2.Distinct().ToArray()
Dim titles2 = lestitres.Distinct().ToArray()
'For Each title As titlesclass In titles2
For Each letitre In query.Distinct
'ListBox.Items.Add(title) 'what you do with the values from here is up to you.
Dim ImageInBytes() As Byte = webClient.DownloadData(letitre.Link)
Dim ImageStream As New IO.MemoryStream(ImageInBytes)
Dim MyPic As New PictureBox
Dim MyLab As New Label
If (counter2 > 0 AndAlso ((counter2 Mod 4 = 0) OrElse counter3 = 1)) Then
counter3 = 1
counter4 += 1
If (counter2 Mod 4 = 0) Then
counter5 = 0
counter6 += 170
End If
MyPic.Location = New Point(counter5, MyPic.Location.Y + counter6)
MyLab.Location = New Point(counter5, MyPic.Location.Y + counter6)
If counter4 = 4 Then
counter3 = 0
End If
counter5 += 200
MyPic.Location = New Point(counter, MyPic.Location.Y)
MyLab.Location = New Point(counter, MyPic.Location.Y)
End If
counter += 200
counter2 += 1
MyPic.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize
MyLab.Text = letitre.Title
MyPic.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(ImageStream)
End Function
The class named titlesclass contain two elements which i will store my Link and Title in :
Public Class titlesclass
Public Property Link As String
Public Property Title As String
End Class
And My little button does all the work
Dim websiteURL1 As String = "http://www.gamestop.com/collection/upcoming-video-games"
Class1.getPics(websiteURL1, "<img src=""(?<Data>[^>]*)""><p>(?<Dataa>[^>]*)<br>")
What i'm trying to do is to show 4 pictureboxs per row with the lables right bellow each picture , for now some labels doesn't show , some shows just in the right place and some shows very far bellow ! I tested the values i'm getting with a Message Box and it shows me the informations in the order i need , i'm not sure if i screw up in the x,y values or if it's something else ...
Edit : I can already show the 4 pictureboxes per row , the labels also , but the Y of some labels isn't well adjusted it can go far far bellow !
Here is some pictures that will help you to understand my situation Don't mind the buttons and listboxs , it's just for the test :
My list containt a lot of pictures , so i just showed you some when the thing work kind of well , when it shows couple of rows far from the designed picture
So I cleaned the way you where generating the position of the PictureBox by using a row principle and increment:
If you need space at the top to add information start the row count at 1 instead of 0
Note 2:
Here the image dimensions are harcoded but you could use dynamic ones which would be more fluid. I just cleaned the positioning code not the rest.
Replace your function by this one:
Public Shared Sub getPics(website As String, pattern As String)
Dim tempTitles As New List(Of String)()
Dim tempTitles2 As New List(Of String)()
Dim lestitres As New List(Of titlesclass)
Dim webClient As New WebClient()
webClient.Headers.Add("user-agent", "null")
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim counter2 As Integer = 0
Dim counter3 As Integer = 0
Dim counter4 As Integer = 1
Dim counter5 As Integer = 0
Dim counter6 As Integer = 0
'If the website happens to go offline, at least your application wont crash.
'Handle default proxy
Dim proxy As IWebProxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy()
proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
webClient.Proxy = proxy
Dim content As String = webClient.DownloadString(website)
Dim query = From title In Regex.Matches(content, pattern).Cast(Of Match)
Select New With {Key .Link = String.Concat("http://www.gamestop.com", title.Groups("Data").Value),
Key .Title = title.Groups("Dataa").Value}
Dim titles = tempTitles.Distinct().ToArray() 'remove duplicate titles
Dim titles2 = lestitres.Distinct().ToArray()
'Count Items
Dim item As Integer = 0
'Count Row
Dim row As Integer = 0
'image: 222*122
For Each letitre In query.Distinct
Dim ImageInBytes() As Byte = webClient.DownloadData(letitre.Link)
Dim ImageStream As New IO.MemoryStream(ImageInBytes)
Dim MyPic As New PictureBox
Dim MyLab As New Label
'x = numéro item fois largeur image
'y = numéro de ligne fois hauteur image
MyPic.Location = New Point(item * 222, row * 122)
MyLab.Location = New Point(item * 222, row * 122)
MyPic.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize
MyLab.Text = letitre.Title
MyPic.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(ImageStream)
'Bring Labels to front
For Each ctrl As Control In Form1.Controls
'If the control is of type label
If TypeOf ctrl Is Label Then
'Then bring to front
End If
'Increment the item count
item = item + 1
'If item is multiple of 4 or could check 4 then
If item Mod 4 = 0 Then
'Reset counter
item = 0
'Increment Row
row = row + 1
End If
End Sub
Example return:
I created some kind of phone protocol sheet in excel and I wanted to add a section with quadrille paper for sketching purposes. Therefore I wrote a quite simple macro in VBA that draws horizontal and vertical lines in a selected range:
Public Sub Fill()
Dim angepeilteMaschenWeiteInPixel As Integer
angepeilteMaschenWeiteInPixel = 15
Dim LinienFarbe As Long
LinienFarbe = RGB(220, 220, 220)
Dim obenLinks As Double, obenRechts As Double
Dim untenLinks As Double, untenRechts As Double
Dim ausgewaehlteRange As Range
Set ausgewaehlteRange = Selection
' Anzahl Spalten und Zeilen ermitteln bei idealer Breite/Höhe 10px
Dim idealeSpaltenAnzahl As Integer
Dim idealeZeilenAnzahl As Integer
idealeSpaltenAnzahl = CInt(Round((ausgewaehlteRange.Width / angepeilteMaschenWeiteInPixel), 0))
idealeZeilenAnzahl = CInt(Round((ausgewaehlteRange.Height / angepeilteMaschenWeiteInPixel), 0))
' Aus der idealen Spalten- und Zeilenanzahl die ideale Maschenweite und - höhe in Pixeln ermitteln
Dim idealeMaschenBreite As Double
Dim idealeMaschenHoehe As Double
idealeMaschenBreite = ausgewaehlteRange.Width / CDbl(idealeSpaltenAnzahl)
idealeMaschenHoehe = ausgewaehlteRange.Height / CDbl(idealeZeilenAnzahl)
' vertikale Linien zeichnen
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To idealeSpaltenAnzahl - 1
Dim horizontal As Integer
horizontal = CInt(ausgewaehlteRange.Left + i * idealeMaschenBreite)
Dim oben As Integer
oben = Round(ausgewaehlteRange.Top, 0)
Dim unten As Integer
unten = Round(oben + ausgewaehlteRange.Height, 0)
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(horizontal, oben, horizontal, unten).Line
.ForeColor.RGB = LinienFarbe
End With
Next i
' horizontale Linien zeichnen
Dim j As Integer
For j = 1 To idealeZeilenAnzahl - 1
Dim vertikal As Integer
vertikal = CInt(ausgewaehlteRange.Top + j * idealeMaschenHoehe)
Dim links As Integer
links = CInt(Round(ausgewaehlteRange.Left, 0))
Dim rechts As Integer
rechts = CInt(Round(links + ausgewaehlteRange.Width, 0))
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(links, vertikal, rechts, vertikal).Line
.ForeColor.RGB = LinienFarbe
End With
Next j
End Sub
in excel everything looks fine:
but in the print preview and also printed out, the horizontal line gap is uneven and I have no idea why:
Anybody out there who can help me?
I suspect the lines are moving with the cells. Try setting the object positioning property to "Don't move or size with cells" which the English value is xlFreeFloating.
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(links, vertikal, rechts, vertikal)
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = LinienFarbe
.Placement = xlFreeFloating
End With
Interesting behavior... I still think it's related to cells & margins as the lines move with cell width changes in print preview even though position is set to freeform.
I did find a workaround by grouping the lines together.
Added three lines of code. Add the following to both With blocks after Horizontal and Vertical lines are created.
.Select Replace:=False
Now add this line at the end of the sub:
Now all the lines that were just created are grouped together.
Result image from print preview.
Example of last code block for your reference:
' horizontale Linien zeichnen
Dim j As Integer
For j = 1 To idealeZeilenAnzahl - 1
Dim vertikal As Integer
vertikal = CInt(ausgewaehlteRange.Top + j * idealeMaschenHoehe)
Dim links As Integer
links = CInt(Round(ausgewaehlteRange.Left, 0))
Dim rechts As Integer
rechts = CInt(Round(links + ausgewaehlteRange.Width, 0))
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(links, vertikal, rechts, vertikal)
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = LinienFarbe
.Placement = xlFreeFloating
.Select Replace:=False
End With
Next j
End Sub
Final Update: It has been resolved in an answer below. Thanks!
Probelm has been NOT been resolved :-(. The script does not interact well with MSword Fields.
Goal: Delete lines in MSWord 2007 that contain any number of spaces, tabs, and the obvious pilcrow (paragraph mark).
Steps Taken: I googled it and found this forum.
I then found this in a samble of a book on google and tried to modify it.
The modified is below:
Dim oPara As Word.Paragraph
Dim var
Dim SpaceTabCounter As Long
Dim oChar As Word.Characters
For Each oPara In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
If Len(oPara.Range) = 1 Then
SpaceTabCounter = 0
Set oChar = oPara.Range.Characters
For var = 1 To oChar.Count
Select Case Asc(oChar(var)) ' ' ' ' 'ERROR is here
Case 32, 9
SpaceTabCounter = SpaceTabCounter + 1
End Select
If SpaceTabCounter + 1 = Len(oPara.Range) Then
' paragraph contains ONLY spaces
End If
End If
The issue is that I get an error at "Select Case Asc(oChar(var))" half way down the code.
"Run-time error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument"
I'm new to VBA and...I can't figure this out. Please send your love!
The error is still occuring.
Code as it stands now:
Dim oPara As Word.Paragraph
Dim var
Dim SpaceTabCounter As Long
Dim oChar As Word.Characters
For Each oPara In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
If Len(oPara.Range) = 1 Then
SpaceTabCounter = 0
Set oChar = oPara.Range.Characters
For var = 1 To oChar.Count
Select Case Asc(oChar(var).Text) 'modified this line: added ".Text"
Case 32, 9
SpaceTabCounter = SpaceTabCounter + 1
End Select
If SpaceTabCounter + 1 = Len(oPara.Range) Then
' paragraph contains ONLY spaces
End If
End If
When your code comes across a content control field, it reads the first character in the paragraph as an empty string. This behavior can be observed by checking the oChar.First.Text field in the local variables window. Asc() will throw an error when passed an empty string. This can be easily reproduced by running this procedure.
Sub throwError5()
Debug.Print Asc("")
End Sub
You will need to test the value of oChar(var) to ensure it is not an empty string prior to returning its ASCII value.
Option Explicit
Sub deleteEmptyParagraphs()
Dim oPara As Word.Paragraph
Dim var
Dim SpaceTabCounter As Long
Dim oChar As Word.Characters
For Each oPara In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
If Len(oPara.Range) = 1 Then
SpaceTabCounter = 0
Set oChar = oPara.Range.Characters
For var = 1 To oChar.Count
If oChar(var) <> "" Then ' stops Asc from throwing runtime error 5
Select Case Asc(oChar(var)) ' no more errrors!
Case 32, 9
SpaceTabCounter = SpaceTabCounter + 1
End Select
End If
If SpaceTabCounter + 1 = Len(oPara.Range) Then
' paragraph contains ONLY spaces
End If
End If
End Sub
I don't work with the Word object model often, so I have no idea why the fields' first character is an empty string. Please note that my comment about having to call oChar(index).Text was wrong. Text is the default property of a characters item.
Which are the combinations that the sum of each digit is equal to 8 or less, from 1 to 88,888,888?
For example,
70000001 = 7+0+0+0+0+0+0+1 = 8 Should be on the list
00000021 = 0+0+0+0+0+0+2+1 = 3 Should be on the list.
20005002 = 2+0+0+0+5+0+0+2 = 9 Should not be on the list.
Sub Comb()
Dim r As Integer 'Row (to store the number)
Dim i As Integer 'Range
r = 1
For i = 0 To 88888888
If i = 8
'How can I get the sum of the digits on vba?
ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1) = i
r = r + 1
End If
End Sub
... Is this what you're looking for?
Function AddDigits(sNum As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
AddDigits = 0
For i = 1 To Len(sNum)
AddDigits = AddDigits + CInt(Mid(sNum, i, 1))
Next i
End Function
(Just remember to use CStr() on the number you pass into the function.
If not, can you explain what it is you want in a bit more detail.
Hope this helps
The method you suggest is pretty much brute force. On my machine, it ran 6.5min to calculate all numbers. so far a challenge I tried to find a more efficient algorithm.
This one takes about 0.5s:
Private Const cIntNumberOfDigits As Integer = 9
Private mStrNum As String
Private mRng As Range
Private Sub GetNumbers()
Dim dblStart As Double
Set mRng = Range("a1")
dblStart = Timer
mStrNum = Replace(Space(cIntNumberOfDigits), " ", "0")
subGetNumbers 8
Debug.Print (Timer - dblStart) / 10000000, (Timer - dblStart)
End Sub
Private Sub subGetNumbers(intMaxSum As Integer, Optional intStartPos As Integer = 1)
Dim i As Integer
If intStartPos = cIntNumberOfDigits Then
Mid(mStrNum, intStartPos, 1) = intMaxSum
mRng.Value = Val(mStrNum)
Set mRng = mRng.Offset(1)
Mid(mStrNum, intStartPos, 1) = 0
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To intMaxSum
Mid(mStrNum, intStartPos, 1) = CStr(i)
subGetNumbers intMaxSum - i, intStartPos + 1
Next i
Mid(mStrNum, intStartPos, 1) = 0
End Sub
It can be sped up further by about factor 10 by using arrays instead of writing directly to the range and offsetting it, but that should suffice for now! :-)
As an alternative, You can use a function like this:
Function isInnerLowr8(x As Long) As Boolean
Dim strX As String, inSum As Long
isInnerLowr8 = False
strX = Replace(CStr(x), "0", "")
For i = 1 To Len(strX)
Sum = Sum + Val(Mid(strX, i, 1))
If Sum > 8 Then Exit Function
Next i
isInnerLowr8 = True
End Function
Now change If i = 8 to If isInnerLowr8(i) Then.
I've been trying to resurrect an existing drawing check macro, and want to find the co-ordinates of any note blocks on each sheet. I've been modifying code found here using the GetAttachPos method from this page, but for some reason any co-ordinates returned come back around (8.80942311664557E-03,2.24429295226372E-03).
I'm thinking that the problem is that I've missed a reference somewhere, but I'm not sure where. Although it's definitely finding the notes since it passes back their text. Anyway, here's the method I'm testing at the moment:
Sub Main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
Dim NoteNumbersText As String
Dim NoteText As String
Dim NumberofSheets As Integer ' The number of sheets in this drawing
Dim NamesOfSheets As Variant ' Names of all of the sheets
Dim sheet As SldWorks.sheet ' The Sheet that we are working on
Dim LocalView As SldWorks.View ' Current View that we are looking at
Dim LocalNote As SldWorks.Note ' Current Note that we are looking at
Dim TextFormat As SldWorks.TextFormat ' Current text format object of a note
Dim Xpos As Double ' X, Y Z position on the drawing in Metres
Dim Ypos As Double
Dim SizeOfSheet As Double
Dim x As Integer ' general Loop Variables
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim l As Integer
Dim vPosition As Variant
Dim vNote As Variant ' Single note
Dim swNote As SldWorks.Note ' Single Solidworks Note Object
Dim ThisAnnotation As SldWorks.Annotation
Dim swBlockInst As SldWorks.SketchBlockInstance
Dim swBlockDef As SldWorks.SketchBlockDefinition
Dim NumofNotes As Integer
Dim ArrayOfNotes() As NoteInfo
Dim LocalDrawingDoc As SldWorks.DrawingDoc ' Declared as an Object so that non Drawings can be detected!
Dim LocalPart As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 ' Declared as an Object so that non Drawings can be detected!
Dim strShtProp As Variant
Set LocalDrawingDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set LocalPart = swApp.ActiveDoc
ReDim ArrayOfNotes(0)
' Get the sheet names and the number of them
NamesOfSheets = LocalDrawingDoc.GetSheetNames()
NumberofSheets = LocalDrawingDoc.GetSheetCount
' store this sheet name
Set sheet = LocalDrawingDoc.GetCurrentSheet()
strShtProp = sheet.GetProperties() ' get the sheet properties use much later for converting position into ref
SizeOfSheet = strShtProp(5)
Dim SwSketchMgr As SldWorks.SketchManager
Set SwSketchMgr = LocalDrawingDoc.SketchManager
Dim i As Integer
Dim vBlockDef As Variant
Dim vBlockInst As Variant
Dim strReturn As String
' Dim bret As Boolean
vBlockDef = SwSketchMgr.GetSketchBlockDefinitions
For x = NumberofSheets - 1 To 0 Step -1
If LocalDrawingDoc.GetCurrentSheet.GetName <> NamesOfSheets(x) Then LocalDrawingDoc.ActivateSheet NamesOfSheets(x)
Set LocalView = LocalDrawingDoc.GetFirstView
While Not LocalView Is Nothing
If Not IsEmpty(vBlockDef) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vBlockDef)
Set swBlockDef = vBlockDef(i)
vBlockInst = swBlockDef.GetInstances
vNote = swBlockDef.GetNotes
If Not IsEmpty(vNote) Then
For j = 0 To UBound(vNote)
Set swNote = vNote(j)
NoteNumbersText = Trim(swNote.GetText)
If Left(NoteNumbersText, 1) = "n" And Len(NoteNumbersText) > 1 And Len(NoteNumbersText) < 4 Then
Set ThisAnnotation = swNote.GetAnnotation
'vPosition = swNote.GetAttachPos
vPosition = ThisAnnotation.GetPosition
Xpos = vPosition(0)
Ypos = vPosition(1)
Debug.Print ("Note " & NoteNumbersText & ": " & Xpos & "," & Ypos)
End If
Next j
End If
Next i
End If
Set LocalView = LocalView.GetNextView
Next x
End Sub
Turns out that SolidWorks is set up to return positions of blocks relative to the drawing view on which they're placed. Calling GetXForm for the view which they are placed on then provides a way of calculating the absolute position of each note.