Table output name from command line in pentaho kettle - pentaho

There is a case in my ETL where i am trying to take "table output" name from command line. The table name does not correspond to any streaming field's name. Is there any way to get it done in pentaho kettle?

Pentaho DI is a metadata based tool. I assume you will be trying to pass the output table name from the command line like below:
.../ -file:"/home/user/sample.ktr" -param:table_output=SOMETABLE
Assuming the command above is what you are trying.
So firstly, change the transformation settings of sample.ktr (just an example) and add the parameter name : "table_output" to the Parameters section.
Next, in the Table Output Step, use this parameter name in the format : ${table_output} in place of table name. This should solve your query.
Incase you are passing the parameters to a job. As mentioned above, the first section of the adding the parameters remains the same.
You can next take a separate transformation (.ktr) file inside a job, double click on the ktr (from the job file) and you will find PARAMETERS Section like the image below. Add the parameters
Thirdly inside the .ktr file, repeat the step from above (first section) and use a SET VARIABLE or TABLE OUTPUT. SET Variable step will ensure that you have the parameter available across the entire job. Mostly depends on your requirement.
Hope it helps :)

This should give you an idea how to do it. Since transformations are just xml you can read the metadata from them. Basically you find the table output step and set it as a variable in this case "TABLE"


Azure Data Factory 2 : How to split a file into multiple output files

I'm using Azure Data Factory and am looking for the complement to the "Lookup" activity. Basically I want to be able to write a single line to a file.
Here's the setup:
Read from a CSV file in blob store using a Lookup activity
Connect the output of that to a For Each
within the For Each, take each record (a line from the file read by the Lookup activity) and write it to a distinct file, named dynamically.
Any clues on how to accomplish that?
Use Data flow, use the derived column activity to create a filename column. Use the filename column in sink. Details on how to implement dynamic filenames in ADF is describe here:
Data Flow would probably be better for this, but as a quick hack, you can do the following to read the text file line by line in a pipeline:
Define your source dataset to output a line as a single column. Normally I would use "NoDelimiter" for this, but that isn't supported by Lookup. As a workaround, define it with an incorrect Column Delimiter (like | or \t for a CSV file). You should also go to the Schema tab, and CLEAR the schema. This will generate a column in the output named "Prop_0".
In the foreach activity, set the Items to the Lookup's "output.value" and check "Sequential".
Inside the foreach, you can use item().Prop_0 to grab the text of the line:
To the best of my understanding, creating a blob isn't directly supported by pipelines [hence my suggestion above to look into Data Flow]. It is, however, very simple to do in Logic Apps. If I was tackling this problem, I would create a logic app with an HTTP Request Received trigger, then call it from ADF with a Web activity and send the text line and dynamic file name in the payload.

Cannot get data using get rows from result step in the second transformation in kettle

I have two transformations inside one job in kettle. the first transformation read data from a csv file and sorted the data. At the end of the 1st trans I use copy rows to result step. In the 2nd trans, I begin with get rows from result step followed by a text file output step.
The job looks like this:
Trans1 and trans2 are as follows:
The job runs well, so do trans1 and trans2, except that in Trans2 there is no data read and not data written.
According the answers to similar questions I checked the box "copy previous results to parameters" and "execute for every input row" under Advanced tab. Then I go to the parameters tab and click button"Get Parameters" button. No parameters were returned. Instead I got error in log saying "cfgbuilder - Warning: The configuration parameter [org] is not supported by the default configuration builder for scheme: sftp"
I've tried all the advise given to similar question but still so confused why it doesn't work. I don't think this is a version issue of Pentaho Spoon. Any advise will be welcomed. Thanks in advance!
One suggestion I received ia that I need to edit the get variable step manually.enter image description here

Set Table Input data to Polling Folder - Pentaho Data Integration

I have a requirement where we can get list of file names from SQL and need to pass these file names as variable to Step which can poll folder for these file names as text file. Please advise how to set SQL output of file names as array variable and pass to polling folder step ?
Don't use variables. Variables are only suitable if your input has 1 single row.
Instead, use two transformations inside a parent job. The first transformation gets a list of filenames and passes those to a step Copy Rows to Result;
The second transformation can do one of two things:
Process all files at once: just use a Get Rows from Result step as your entry point to the transformation;
Process one file at a time: create a parameter for the filename on the transformation; open the parent job, and on the properties of the transformation go to Advanced and tick the box "Execute for every input row" and on Parameters put the child trans parameter name and the stream column name coming from the 1st transformation.

SSIS Script Component - only to change variables

I have a series of task that are very similar:
Lookup in another table and change value in column b.
Save new value back to c and if not match, send the result on to an error table.
That part is pretty straight forward and illustrated here:
Source ==> Lookup =match=> SQL Update command
=No match=> SQL Save Error command
(Hope you understand what I mean - but it works!)
I now have to repeat this a number of times, where my source-sql changes. So what I want to do is to insert a Script Component in front of the Source and set my User::Sql variable like:
Variables.Sql = "SELECT d, e FROM f"
All of the above is contained in a Data Flow. When I have created one I can then copy that one and only change the Sql variable in the script and then it should all work.
My problem is: When I insert the Script Command it asks me if it is a Source, Destination or Transscript script. And by only setting the variable it does not produce any rows for output and cannot connect to my Source.
Anyone know how to make that work?
(I have simplified the above. I actually want to update multiple variables and use those in my Source, Lookup and Error update as well - therefore it is not more simple just to change the SQL script in the initial Source! But being able to do the above, I will be able to achieve what I want :-))
You should set your variable containing the SQL query in the control flow, before you execute the dataflow.
Then you need to use that variable as an expression in your Dataflow. You can parametrize the query used in the lookup or any other parameters of your dataflow.
If your dataflows really have always the same structure, you could even generate a list of queries and call your dataflow task in a loop, preventing the duplication of the same tasks.

Pentaho Data Integration: How to select output of sql query as a filename for Microsoft Excel Input.

I have files abc.xlsx, 1234.xlsx, and xyz.xlsx in some folder. My requirement is to develop a transformation where the Microsoft Excel Input in PDI (Pentaho Data Integration) should only pick the file based on the output of a sql query. If the output query is abc.xlsx. Microsoft Excel Input should pick of abc.xlsx for further processing. How do I achieve this? Would really appreciate your help. Thanks.
Transformations in Kettle run asynchronously, so you're probably looking into needing a job for this.
Files to create
Create a transformation that performs the SQL query you're looking for and populates a variable based on the result
Create a transformation that pulls data from the Excel file, using the variable populated as the filename
Create a job that executes the first transformation, then steps into the second transformation
Jobs run sequentially, so it will execute the first transformation, perform the query, get the result, and set a variable. Variables need to be set and retrieved in different transformations because of their asynchronous nature. This is the reason for the second transformation; the job won't step into the second transformation until the first one is done running (therefore, not until the variable is populated).
This is all assuming you only want to run the transformation once, expecting a single result from the query. If you want to loop it, pulling data from a set, then setup is a little bit different.
The Excel input step has a "accept filenames from previous step" option. You can have a table input build the full path of the file you want to read (or you somehow build it later knowing the base dir and the short filename), pass the filename to the excel input, tick that box and specify the step and the field you want to use for the filename.