Clion, cMake and POCO - cmake

I'm a new guy to c++ and cmake here. I decided to test out cLion and cMake. I'm trying to write a simple email client for the command line. Other sources told me that the best way to implement a POP3 and SMTP functions would be to use POCO. Unfortunately, cMake is giving me trouble. The version that came with CLion is 3.2 but the version that my machine is running is 2.8.
~$ cmake --version
cmake version
First problem. I thought that I could bypass this by just installing POCO and doing the same thing that I used for openssl which I also had to download.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
#included paths for openssl and POCO.
set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
add_executable(Email_Reader ${SOURCE_FILES})
The documentation for POCO tells me that I need at least 3.0 to work but I feel I have 2 different cMakes on my machine. Can you help me, please?

You can get the latest CMake release from:
For Linux, it's this archive:
An easy way to use it is to put the extracted files in /opt/cmake/cmake-3.2 then create the following aliases (e.g. in ~/.bash_aliases:
alias ccmake3='/opt/cmake/cmake-3.2/bin/ccmake'
alias cmake3='/opt/cmake/cmake-3.2/bin/cmake'
alias cmake3-gui='/opt/cmake/cmake-3.2/bin/cmake-gui'
alias cpack3='/opt/cmake/cmake-3.2/bin/cpack'
alias ctest3='/opt/cmake/cmake-3.2/bin/ctest'
Then, make sure that you have properly built and installed POCO.
The Getting Started page has all the information you need for doing that. But, basically, you should get the sources from here and extract them somehwere:
tar xvfz poco-1.6.0.tar.gz
cd poco-1.6.0
mkdir -p cmake_build cmake_install/debug cmake_install/release
cd cmake_build
cmake3-gui ..
In the CMake 3 GUI, press Configure. In the new window, keep the default option Unix Makefiles and click on Finish. An error message should appear (which is fine), click Ok.
To build the Debug version, set the following:
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : the absolute path to "cmake_install/debug"
To get you started quickly with POCO, unckeck all the options, except for the following, they have to be enabled:
(You can consider the other options later if you need to...)
Quit the GUI, then build/install POCO:
make clean
make -j8
make install
Now, POCO should be installed in cmake_install/debug. To build/install the other versions, just do the same procedure, but replace Debug in CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE with Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel (cf. CMake's doc) (also, you'll have to change the install directories)
Finally, you can use POCO in you C++ projects.
For instance, your CMakeLists.txt should look like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
# define the project
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
add_executable(Email_Reader ${SOURCE_FILES})
# set the POCO paths and libs
set(POCO_PREFIX "/path/to/cmake_install/debug") # the directory containing "include" and "lib"
set(POCO_LIBS "${POCO_LIB_DIR}/libPocoNetd.a"
# set the include path for the app
target_include_directories(Email_Reader PRIVATE "${POCO_INCLUDE_DIR}")
# link the app against POCO
target_link_libraries(Email_Reader "${POCO_LIBS}")

My CMakeLists.txt for using Poco looks like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10.0)
project(MyProject VERSION 0.1.0)
find_package(Poco REQUIRED COMPONENTS Foundation Net Zip )
add_executable(my_exe main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_exe PUBLIC Poco::Foundation Poco::Zip Poco::Net)
This configuration automatically add the needed include directories and libraries.
The Foundation component is mandatory, it seems it provides the include directories.
Don't add Poco to target_link_libraries, the linker will then look for a 'Poco' library.



I have git cloned, built (with MSVC for both Debug and Release) and then installed wxWidgets:
cmake -B build wxWidgets
cmake --build build --config <CONFIG>
cmake --install build --prefix my_install --config <CONFIG>
with <CONFIG> = Debug and <CONFIG> = Release.
Then I used the following CMake script to link against it, as suggested by the wiki:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
add_executable(Test WIN32 Main.cpp)
# wxWidgets
SET(wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../thirdparty/my_install)
find_package(wxWidgets COMPONENTS core base REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(Test PRIVATE ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES})
# Copy runtime DLLs to the directory of the executable.
add_custom_command(TARGET Test POST_BUILD
My goal is to automatically copy the DLLs into the directory of the built executable, so that they can be found at runtime. For that I'm using the TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS generator expression (follwing the sample code in the docs). In the code above, I only print out the expression at build time for testing purposes. The problem is that it is empty.
The approach worked for me before when installing and linking SDL, but SDL provides package configuration files which create imported targets, defining the DLL location(s) via IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE or IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG. For wxWidgets one is apparently supposed to use the FindwxWidgets.cmake script shipped with CMake, which sadly doesn't define the produced binaries. Maybe that's why TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS isn't populated.
Does anyone know, either how to get TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS filled or how to obtain the list of built wxWidgets DLLs for the current configuration (Release/Debug) post build copying?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I am dealing with a similar problem.
First sanity checks:
You have to work on windows platform otherwise this feature does not
Your Cmake is 3.21 or above
Next comes fuzzy part. I think the library that you are trying to include have to be a Shared Imported library and you have to set a set_target_properties for IMPORTED_IMPLIB which is a path to a .lib file of sort (dll import library, I think it is called) So you have to make sure that it is all set in the package library that you trying to link with your executable.
If you have those dll avaiable and you just want to use them and not actually build them then you can write your own cmake script that will do just what I said above. Then you can include that cmake file in your project and then link against your app.
Note: I also work on similar issue right now and what I just said have not been working very reliably. I got some dlls to be copied and some do not.
Cmake docs give a more detailed explanation on how this library setting should look like if you use find_package feature.
Found here:
An UNKNOWN library type is typically only used in the implementation
of Find Modules. It allows the path to an imported library (often
found using the find_library() command) to be used without having to
know what type of library it is. This is especially useful on Windows
where a static library and a DLL's import library both have the same
file extension.

Minimal protobuf c++ installation for CMake use

I'm trying to use the CMake functions protobuf_generate in one of my projects. However, I'd like to the build as lightweight as possible. If at all possible I'd like to do this without having to compile protobuf's source code, or install some package on my (windows) machine.
Is there a way to just download binaries and headers and tell CMake: "Here is everything you need", so I can swap new proto versions whenever I feel like?
# CMakeList.txt : Top-level CMake project file, do global configuration
# and include sub-projects here.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.5)
project ("CMakeProject1")
set(TARGET_NAME CMakeProject1)
SET(PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR "/path/to/include")
SET(PROTOBUF_LIBRARY "/path/to/libprotobuf.lib")
protobuf_generate_cpp(PROTO_SRCS PROTO_HDRS path/to/some_object.proto)

Add FreeType dependency with cmake supporting all vcpkg/apt-get/brew

I have a project which depends on FreeType, and uses CMake as build system. CMake has a FindFreeType built-in module which is supposed to be used like this, see for example this other SO question:
find_package(Freetype REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mylib ${FREETYPE_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(mylib PRIVATE ${FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS})
Since CMake 3.10, there is also the Freetype::Freetype imported target so we can avoid the target_include_directories:
find_package(Freetype REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mylib Freetype::Freetype)
This worked great on Ubuntu 18.04 with FreeType installed via apt install libfreetype6-dev. I assume it also works on macOS when the package is installed via homebrew (I haven't tested yet).
However, on Windows, I wish to allow developers to depend on a vcpkg-installed FreeType:
git clone
cd vcpkg
.\vcpkg integrate install
.\vcpkg install freetype:x64-windows
Which they would target by running the following CMake command:
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/Users/Boris/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
Unfortunately, the above CMake command won't work with any of the two CMakeLists.txt at the beginning of this question, because the proper way to find and link to FreeType when it is installed via vcpkg is the following:
find_package(freetype CONFIG REQUIRED) # `Freetype` works too, but vcpkg doc recommends `freetype`
target_link_libraries(mylib freetype) # Here, all-lowercase is required
In particular, the freetype-config.cmake config file provided by vcpkg defines the target freetype (not Freetype::Freetype like the builtin find module), and doesn't define any of the FREETYPE_LIBRARIES or FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS variables.
What would be a proper way to keep my CMakeLists.txt compatible with both "traditional" ways of finding FreeType, but also vcpkg?
Assuming pre-CMake 3.10, I'm thinking of something along the lines of:
find_package(freetype CONFIG REQUIRED)
find_package(Freetype REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mylib ${FREETYPE_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(mylib PRIVATE ${FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS})
Would that seem like good practice? Any better idea?
It feels ugly, and besides, there is always the possibility of a developer wanting to use vcpkg for some other dependencies but not for FreeType (e.g., explicitly providing FREETYPE_DIR instead), so this trick wouldn't even be enough in all situations, and we would need another CMake option like MYLIB_IGNORE_VCPKG_FREETYPE which starts to be even uglier.
Would that seem like good practice? Any better idea?
No be agnostic about a possible package manager.
Do the following:
find_package(Freetype CONFIG) # should find freetype-config.cmake if available
find_package(Freetype REQUIRED) # Will not be executed if Freetype_FOUND ist already set
# if you do not want two find_package calls consider using CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG
Then test if the target Freetype::Freetype or freetype exists
if(TARGET freetype AND NOT TARGET Freetype::Freetype)
add_library(Freetype::Freetype ALIAS freetype) # target freetype is defined by freetype-targets.cmake
# might need to add freetype to global scope if cmake errors here
# alternativly if the above does not work for you you can use
# add_library(Freetype::Freetype INTERFACE IMPORTED)
# target_link_libraries(Freetype::Freetype INTERFACE freetype)
if(NOT TARGET Freetype::Freetype)
# insert error here
# or create the target correctly (see cmakes newer FindFreetype.cmake)
target_link_libraries(mylib PRIVATE Freetype::Freetype)
if you don't want to alias the target you could also define a variable called FREETYPE_TARGET and set it to the correct target for linking against.
In older versions of vcpkg (< Jan 2020, see vcpkg#9311), there used to be the following message when installing Freetype:
The package freetype is compatible with built-in CMake targets:
find_package(Freetype REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE Freetype::Freetype)
In current versions, they instead recommend find_package(freetype CONFIG REQUIRED), which ensures that the config package vcpkg/<...>/freetype-config.cmake takes precedence over the CMake's built-in module package FindFreetype.cmake.
However, using the built-in module package still works correctly: it will find the vcpkg-installed library, and will define a Freetype::Freetype target (if CMake >= 3.10) rather than a freetype target.
Note that by default, find_package(Freetype REQUIRED) searches first for module packages, then for config packages. However, users can sets CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG, which would use the config package instead. Therefore, a robust approach to ensure that Freetype::Freetype is defined is to do the following:
find_package(Freetype MODULE REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mylib Freetype::Freetype)
However, if CMake < 3.10, this still doesn't define a Freetype::Freetype target. One option in this case is to vendor a copy of a more recent version of FindFreetype.cmake in your CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.
For even more robustness, you could even call it Find<Mylib>Freetype.cmake, in the unlikely case where your CMakeLists.txt is used as a subdirectory of another project which also modifies CMAKE_MODULE_PATH and provides an incompatible FindFreetype.cmake.

Manually do the work of find_package by specifying the paths ons the command line

A colleague has a project which uses a hand-written Makefile with hard-coded library paths. So for instance the CXXFLAGS and the LDFLAGS are set like the following:
Nobody has direct administrative rights on this machine, so just installing the Debian packages with those libraries will involve nagging the administrator to install them. And even if he does, there might be a different dependency that is not in the repositories.
In my CMake file, I have this:
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem system program_options)
find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED)
include_directories(SYSTEM ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR})
On my Fedora workstation, this works just fine. On my Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine, it also works, it also builds on Travis CI. However, this project runs on our compute cluster and the dependencies are in really odd places.
So I would like to invoke cmake in a way that tells it that I already know that include and library flags it needs and not even bother to look for a FindEigen3.cmake file (which is not there).
Is there some way to override the find_package and just specify the paths manually?
You can take advantage of the fact that find_package() does only look for the libraries/include paths until it has found the requested package and stores a successful finding fact in _FOUND variables.
So in your case - taken the Eigen3 example - you can do:
> cmake -D Eigen3_FOUND:BOOL=ON -D EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/home/personA/libraries/eigen-3.2.7 ..
Just let the user set the variables that find_package would set manually. Then skip the find_package altogether:
find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED)
include_directories(SYSTEM ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIRS})
This has the advantage that one does not even need an FindEigen3.cmake file.

How would I build and link an external library using CMake?

To start off, I should say that I've seen the answers on questions that were similar to mine, yet none of them seem to make sense to me. Here goes:
Say I have the following simple CMakeLists:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
project (Example)
add_executable (Example Main.cpp)
I would then like to link a library that already has its own CMakeLists (for example, glfw) against Example. Of course, this brings into question how to properly set up the build order.
How would I go about doing this?
First let me describe what to do for GLFW. See the notes below for variations.
Build GLFW. As the official GLFW head's CMake support is currently broken, use this shaxbee fork:
git clone
cmake -Hglfw -Bbuild/glfw -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=inst -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build/glfw --target install --config Release
This install step installs inst/lib/cmake/glfw3/glfw3Config.cmake, the glfw3 config-module which will be used by client projects to find GLFW.
Your project should look like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
find_package(glfw3 REQUIRED)
add_executable(Example Main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Example glfw3)
The find_package command finds the glfw3Config.cmake which creates an IMPORTED library, a CMake target, which incorporates all the information needed to use GLFW in your project.
The target_link_libraries command tells CMake not only to link to GLFW but to use its include directories and compile flags, too.
Configure your project with -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=inst (use full path if necessary)
Note: Other config-modules or find-modules may not provide IMPORTED targets. See the actual config or find-module for help. They usually provide <PACKAGE>_INCLUDE_DIRS and <PACKAGE>_LIBRARIES variables which should be added to the appropriate settings of your target:
target_include_directories(mytarget ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS})
Same for target_link_libraries / link_libraries.
Build the external dependency first.
add a function call to find your external library. That can either be FindGLFW.cmake with find_package if you can find that or write it yourself using find_library et al. More information about including external libraries can be found in the CMake wiki
Add the includes and libraries to your Example executable.
This is how CMake should be used, I don't see why is not answered in the sources in the Internet.