How to change chef nginx default http port 80? - apache

I tried to install apache on a machine that chef-server was installed. Apache could not start up due to the occupation of port 80 by chef nginx. If I want to let apache use port 80 as default, is it possible to change chef nginx default http port to another one?
I found a solution on the Internet to set virtual host on both apache and nginx, but they need a different FQDN as server name. My machine uses an IP instead of FQDN, so I need to change the default HTTP port for chef nginx.
I tried to add /etc/chef-server/chef-server.rb with the following content:
nginx['non_ssl_port'] = 9898
Then I ran 'chef-server-ctl reconfigure'. It didn't work.
Can anyone help on this? Thanks.
My information was wrong regarding changing the chef server settings.
The settings should be added into /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb for Chef12. After chef-server-ctl reconfigure, nginx's HTTP port is changed to 9898.

Here is how to change the port. Edit /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb
nginx['non_ssl_port'] = 10080
nginx['ssl_port'] = 10443
nginx['url'] = "https://<YOUR URL>:10443/"
and adjust your local ~/.chef/knife.rb to read
chef_server_url 'https://<YOUR URL>:10443/organizations/<YOUR ORG>'
But currently there is a bug in Chef that prevents the embedded nginx to run on a non standard port:

The settings should be added into /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb for Chef12.
After chef-server-ctl reconfigure, nginx's HTTP port is changed to 9898.


Apache and Yarn ports

I want to configure both apache and yarn servers on the same machine. Default web port is 80 and 443 for ssl as far as I know.
Is that possible for both services to share the same ports? What I need is:
http(s):// - go to apache server
http(s):// - go to yarn
I know I can configure it so I call:
http(s):// or other port. It's not intuitive for users however.
Or... make htaccess rule to redirect to for example? Or somehow internally redirect from apache to yarn...? :)
I'm pretty newbie in configuring servers... I always used default settings and vhosts and it was just enough. In fact I've never work with yarn at all so any advices will be appreciated.
apache in vhosts configuration is redirecting specific domain traffic from :80 to :3000 and node is run on 3000 port.
In my opinion you can using haproxy or squid proxy, to loading balancing, or you can set on domain server to set pointing the domain, but you must set other port on of app, on this case we must try to easy access without type the port on the address bar

Unable to access Apache Vhost

I'm running apache through a clean Ubuntu server VM on Parallels for Mac. I have it set up following this tutorial
But when I try to access it from my mac, I get no response. Ping returns a response, but not viewing the page in chrome.
Here is my vhost file
I also tried putting in
into my hosts file on my mac, but that didn't work. nslookup returns that it's searching on google's DNS, which both my mac and router are configured to use. But shouldn't it be going to instead of doing a DNS lookup?
Try telneting the port 80 on your ip#
telnet 80 if it doesn't respond you need to reconfigure your firewall or disable it.
service iptables stop
systemd --> systemctl stop firewall
Before usig DNS try with ip# so in :
ServerName put yout_ip# if it works you need to disble the adapter that link you to the internet and just let VM adapter enabled

How to change default 80 port to my tomcat 8080 for my domain name

I am using tomcat on Linux centOs server. I want my java application is working fine on I want that my when some one hit the domain it automatically move to my java application.
Changin server.xml didm't worked for me. as i am also having apache2 on the server
I guess you have an apache server in port 80. I you do not want to remove apache and change directly the tomcat port ( see comments), you will need to redirect all traffic from port 80 to port 8080.
This can be done using tomcat connectors. They are plugins to connect web servers with Tomcat. When a HTTP request arrives, the plugin checks is it has to be redirected, connects to tomcat and returns the response to server
In the case of apache is needed to install mod_jk. In the link you can see the configuration

apache2 not working with port other than 80

I have nginx running at port 80.
After installing apache2, I set its port to 82 (both in ports.conf and 000-default.conf).
I have tried opening the ip (i.e a.b.c.d:82) but its not opening. But if I set port to 80 and stop nginx then its opening.
I tried opening ip with the below format:
a.b.c.d - opening nginx site
I also tried setting dns to and opened (opening nginx site) (not opening anything)
How to access it using apache with some port other than 80 ?
Please let me know for more questions.
The discussion and investigation in the chat revealed that this actually was about a remote system, not a local development setup. That means that typically a package filter ("firewall") is in between client and sever. When using a non standard port for a "well known protocol" you need to open that port in the servers firewall for incoming traffic.
In this case using Ubuntu's ufw tool had been used to setup a simple package filter. Configuring the custom port 82 and allowing incoming traffic to it solved the issue at hand.

Possibly Port Error

I already installed Tomcat server while developing my java web app. But I also needed to get access to my database using PHPMyAdmin and install MySQL as well, so I downloaded XAMPP. I cannot disable apache server since I already have Tomcat. Now my struggle is, I cannot open
"localhost:8080" which was my original port. It's now replaced with simply "localhost".
Can you help me fix this error? THANK YOU :D
Sounds like you now have:
Tomcat serving traffic on port 8080, as it always has (at http://localhost:8080)
Apache/XAMPP serving traffic on port 80 (at http://localhost, obviously with the port missing since 80 is the default http port)
Assuming that's the case, you don't have a problem. Serving http traffic from different ports on the same host is not an issue.