How to pass login credentials to "Activiti Explorer" using the post method? - authentication

I'm trying to access Activiti Explorer from my Liferay portlet. My idea would be to bypass the Activiti login by adding username and password to the URL.
Something like:
Vedi Grafico
Disabling the login function would be good too, but I don't think it can be done. Does anyone have any ideas on how to best proceed?
Thank you!

It is not a good idea put the user and the password in a hiperlink. But if you have clear ideas, the best way for do this is ParameterAutologin.
Ensure that you have active this hook in your, if that is not the case you should add the ParameterAutoLogin and reboot the portal:
then if your portal login is by screenname you put this url:
If your portal login is by email you put this url:
This works with all the urls of your portal. No matters the path.


User confirmation is not enabled on this site : Moodle Web Service

When i try to check if user is valid or not (using username and password) using the web service function
'core_auth_confirm_user' then it says 'User confirmation is not enabled on this site' with errorcode
'confirmationnotenabled'. If anyone knows to fix this, then please help.
Logged in your Moodle as an admin, go to admin/search.php and search for the setting registerauth. Get sure the setting has a value set other than Disable. For example, you can set it as Email-based self-registration, in this case the auth plugin that will handle the confirmation would be auth_email. It is also possible that this error may arise if you have somehow selected other auth plugin and that plugin does not implement the can_confirm() as returning true in its auth.php config file, but this is very unlikely IMO.

Handling Authentication Required pop up

Can please some one help me in handling window authentication pop up in chrome using selenium and C# without using AutoIT?
Window Authentication Pop up
P.S. - Embedding the url with username and password (http://username:password#url/) is not working in my code. Somehow the CSS does not get load.
Instead of driver.get(""); go for driver.get("http://username:password#");
Replace username and password with your credentials in the given solution.
Hope it will help you.

When using Rack:Auth:Basic, how do I sign out?

One link I saw said that if you login with HTTP Basic Authentication (Rack:Auth:Basic) then you can't really log out without killing cookies in your browser. So there's no good way to log out.
Another link said to use Rack::Session::Pool and then do a session.clear to logout.
What's the correct approach?

Authentication mechanishim in publish

I have to implement authentication mechanism same as how author instance works. For example, if any user request for any page http:somehost:someport/content/geometrixx/en.html then system should open the page http:somehost:someport/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/account/login.html and only after successful login sling should redirect to required page.
I looked into Login Selector Authentication Handler and Sling Authentication Service but it seems there is no configuration here. Could you please let me know your thoughts on how to proceed on this? How it will be possible without CUG and how similer mechanism works in Author instance?
Goto http:somehost:someport/useradmin search for anonymous user. click on the anonymous user -> click on permission tab -> remove the read permission on the path that shouldn't be accessible to anonymous users.
If you just want to redirect to the login page if the user is unauthenticated then you will have to do 2 things.
1. Go to /system/console and navigate to the Configuration. Select "Apache Sling Authentication Service". Disable Anonymous access.
2. Go to /libs/cq/security/config.publish/LoginSelectorHandler - Change the login page to the page you want.

How to Intergrate Alfresco with an Web application?

I want to intergrate alfresco with web application. i.e i have created a login page for my application.Now i want to use the same username and password to login to alfresco so that i dont have to login again using alfresco login page. Can anyone help me out in this?
Thanks and regards,
Please refer to login in
Also look for SSO (Single-Sign On)... it would not only avoid your users to re-login to Alfresco, but to other applications. There is information in the manual, the site, and just by Googling. There are multiple ways to doing it, and choosing will depend on the protocols that you are using. Happy SSO'ing!
Look at this:
When you make a HTTP GET request to "/alfresco/service/api/login?u={username}&pw={password?}" you get alf_ticket back which you then use in following request instead of loging in each time.
You just append "&alf_ticket=YOUR_TICKET" in your requests... :)