How to programatically close a JFace Dialog in Eclipse Application - eclipse-plugin

I want to programatically close a JFace Dialog in eclipse application. The Dialog is being created using a Handler:
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
IWorkbenchWindow window =HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event);
CustomDialog dialog = new CustomDialog(window.getShell());;
Now the 'Custom Dialog' runs a background thread and I want to close this dialog once the background thread completes. Is there a way to do this programatically , similar to what we can do for editors and views.

Just call the dialog close() method.
Note that you must do this in the User Interface thread so a background thread would need to use Display.asyncExec.


Cannot get the selected item in a ListViewer in a JFace Dialog

I created a dialog class that inherited from JFace Dialog using Windows Builder. In that, I added some controls included a button and a JFace ListViewer. In widgetSelected() function of the button, I can get out the selected item in the ListViewer. But in `okPressed(), I cannot get this. I don't know why. Can you help me?
If you want to access UI elements in okPressed you must do so before calling super.okPressed() because that will close the dialog and dispose of the controls. So something like:
protected void okPressed()
IStructuredSelection sel = viewer.getStructuredSelection();
// TODO deal with selection
// Call super.okPressed() last
Alternatively save the selection when your widgetSelected is called.

wxWidgets Closing window from system menu

I am working on wxWidgets, In wxFrame I handled wxEVT_CLOSE event, inside the event handler I called Iconize(). When pressing the close button my window will be minimized it is work correctly. But while clicking quit from my system menu that time also my window is minimizing. But in my scenario I want to close my window from system menu and want to minimize while clicking close button.
This is my handler.
void Frame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event)
You can't distinguish between closing the window from the system menu and using the close button at wxWidgets API level. You can, however, do it using platform-specific code. For example, for MSW you can override MSWWindowProc() in your wxFrame-derived class and handle WM_SYSCOMMAND there and explicitly exit the application, instead of just iconizing it, when SC_CLOSE is received.
Just process menu command in other handler and call Destroy directly.
EVT_MENU(wxMyFrame::idMenuQuit, wxMyFrame::OnMenuClose) // sample for using event table
void wxMyFrame::OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event)

MessageBox.Show in App Closing/Deactivated events

I have a MessageBox being shown in Application Closing/Deactivated methods in Windows Phone 7/8 application. It is used to warn the user for active timer being disabled because app is closing. The App Closing/Deactivated events are perfect for this, because putting logic in all application pages would be a killer - too many pages and paths for navigation. This works just fine - message box displays OK in WP7.
I also know for breaking changes in the API of WP8. There it is clearly stated that MessageBox.Show in Activated and Launching will cause exception.
The problem is that in WP8 the message box does not get shown on app closing. Code is executed without exception, but no message appears.
P.S. I've asked this on MS WP Dev forum but obviously no one knew.
Move the msgBox code from the app closing events and into your main page codebehind. Override the on back key press event and place your code there. This is how it was done on 7.x:
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to exit XXXXX?", "Application Closing", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.Cancel)
// Cancel default navigation
e.Cancel = true;
FYI - On WP8 it looks like you have to dispatch the MsgBox Show to a new thread.
This prompts the user before the app ever actually starts to close in the event model. If the user accepts the back key press is allowed to happen, otherwise its canceled. You are not allowed to override the home button press, it must always go immediately to the home screen. You should look into background agents to persist your timer code through suspend / resume.
Register BackKeyPress event on RootFrame.
RootFrame.BackKeyPress += BackKeyPressed;
private void BackKeyPressed(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
var result = (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to exit XXXXX?", "Application Closing", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel));
if (result == MessageBoxResult.Cancel)
// Cancel default navigation
e.Cancel = true;

Eclipse Plug-in:Focus lost after activating a view via (controlSite.doVerb(OLE.OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE));

I have a view which is initialised via OleControlSite and invoked via OleAutomation. It is actually a media player which I call in a view after user right clicks the file and calls Play in the context menu. Whenever I play a file by first right clicking and calling Play, it plays absolutely fine. The problem is when user displays the view before doing a right click(Window->Show View->Other->MyView) and then tries to do a right click and Play, at this point of time ISelection returns null and hence nothing plays.
IWorkbenchPage iwPage=PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
ISelection selection=iwPage.getSelection();
The problem is the selections somehow loses focus if the view has been invoked in the fashion described.
This is how the view is initialised when the plugin is loaded
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
frame = new OleFrame(parent, SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL);
// OleControlSite controlSite;
try {
controlSite = new OleControlSite(frame, SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL,"WMPlayer.OCX.7");
oleAutomation = new OleAutomation(controlSite);
} catch (SWTException ex) {
MessageBox box = new MessageBox(getSite().getShell(),SWT.ICON_INFORMATION);
box.setMessage("Failed to Initialise Media Player.");
Is there a way where we can force the focus to the Project Explorer where the current file is selected ?

SCSF: display view from another view against button click

i am facing one problem in SCSF.
I have two workspaces
i have two views in a module
Viewer (display in mdiworkspace)
Property Viewer (in deckworkspace)
in Viewer i have a button in toolbar whose purpose is to display PropertyViewer (another View).
how can i display this PropertyViewer in deckworkspace agaist button click event.
NOTE: i am not using Command[CommandName].AddInvoker(control, "click:) and CommandHandler
I'm going to assume your toolbar sits in a SmartPart that implements the MVP pattern. Have the button click event handler in the SmartPart fire an event that its presenter will handle. Your presenter code would look like this:
// Presenter code
protected override void OnViewSet()
this.View.ToolbarButtonClick += View_ToolbarButtonClick;
public void View_ToolbarButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// remove the handler so the property viewer
// will only be added the first time
this.View.OnToolbarButtonClick -= View_ToolbarButtonClick;
var propertyView = new PropertyViewer();