Retrieving data from a dynamically generated PL/SQL table - sql

I’ve been trying to retrieve some daily generated data but I’m having trouble figuring out how to dynamically set a daily-created table name in the FROM clause (Oracle db). Each day a new table is generated with a date stamp as part of the table name. This will used in a daily scheduled report that must always pull from the current day’s table (i.e. today’s table name = “STATDB01.A150417001_AINF” where ‘150417’ is the current date). How can I retrieve data from the new daily table without having to update my query each day?
I can create the new table mane dynamically in the SELECT statement but I can’t get it to work in the FROM statement.
Here’s my query:
sta.statist “Stats”
,sta.indept “Department”
,sta.ondate “Date”
,sta.skitem “SKU”
--< I can get this to work in the SELECT clause >--
,'STATDB01.A'||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYMMDD')||'001_AINF' “New Table”
--< Calling the table directly works fine >--
--STATDB01.A150417001_AINF sta
--< but this does not work in the FROM clause >--
sta.run_stat LIKE '%341%'

You could write (some part of) your report in PL/sql, build your query (including the table name of the day) into a string variable, and run your query-in-a-string with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE.
Alternatively, you could write a shell script and have it output the query with the table name of the day, and feed that (into a file if needed and then) into sqlplus.
Edit: By request, an example of EXECUTE IMMEDIATE in action.


Query just runs, doesn't execute

my query just runs and doesnt execute, what is wrong. work on oracle sql developer, company server
to_char(SDATE , 'YYYYMM') as month,
SUM(case when sdate < to_date('20190301','YYYYMMDD')
where MSISDN IN ( SELECT MSISDN FROM saayma_a.BASE30112020) --change date
to_char(SDATE , 'YYYYMM')
This is a performance issue. Clearly the query driving your CREATE TABLE statement is taking too long to return a result set.
You are querying from a table in a remote database (CCN.CCN_VOICE_MSISDN_MM#xdr1) and then filtering against a local table (saayma_a.BASE30112020) . This means you are going to copy all of that remote table across the network, then discard the records which don't match the WHERE clause.
You know your data (or at least you should know it): does that sound efficient? If you're actually discarding most of the records you should try to filter CCN_VOICE_MSIDN_MM in the remote database.
If you need more advice you need to provide more information. Please read this post about asking Oracle tuning questions on this site, then edit your question to include some details.
You are executing CTAS (CREATE TABLE AS SELECT) and the purpose of this query is to create the table with data which is generated via this query.
If you want to just execute the query and see the data then remove first line of your query.
-- CREATE TABLE voice2020 AS
Also, the data of your actual query must be present in the voice2020 table if you have already executed it once.
Select * from voice2020;
Looks like you are trying to copying the data from one table to another table, Can you once create the table if it's not created and then try this statement.
insert into target_table select * from source_table;

Creating extra column based on start/end date in SQL

I have a table with the enrollment information of our members that includes the start date and end date of their membership. It looks like the following:current table format
The goal is to have the data output in the following layout:
desired data output
First you would need to get the data from that table. Then handle it with an external programming languages like PHP or JAVA.
The algorithm would be like this:
get all start values and end values
merge them into an array
sort them by date
create a new table with the dates (create a database with the external code)
foreach member go through the date array and check if it's between the memberdates and directly set a 1 or 0 into the new table (sql update) or create a temp-array to prepare an insert.
That should work. I could write it for you if you tell me your code languages.

Querying an Oracle Database with Dynamic Table names

I'm stuck with some poor database design where I have to query tables that are named by date.
The following query works when the table names are hard coded with relevant dates.
, ajob.JOB_NAME
obscuredschema.A190129001_AJOB ajob --hardcoded YYMMDD table name
INNER JOIN obscuredschema.A190129001_ABIMSVC abim --hardcoded YYMMDD table name
ON (ajob.ORDER_ID = abim.ORDER_ID)
INNER JOIN obscuredschema.SERVICE_HIST shist
AND shist.BIM_AUTH_ID > 0
Noting the two hardcoded table names (along with aliases)
How would I execute this same query using dynamic table names? (There's two)
The code for the dynamic date: TO_CHAR(trunc(sysdate - 7), 'YYMMDD')
If the first table name were a string, here's how I would build it:
'A'||TO_CHAR(trunc(sysdate - 7), 'YYMMDD')||'001_AJOB'
If the second table name were a string, here's how I would build it:
'A'||TO_CHAR(trunc(sysdate - 7), 'YYMMDD')||'001_ABIMSVC'
I don't think you can write a plain SQL query with dynamic table names.
You can write a PL/SQL procedure which uses execute immediate and returns a cursor or something; somebody asked about that just yesterday. If you're just trying to write this query to interact with some data, that might be your best bet.
In addition, you could modify that by turning your PL/SQL procedure into a pipelined function, and then you could call it from a SQL query using TABLE().
If it were me, I'd consider creating a synonym (or a standard view which just selects from the dynamically-named-tables), and scheduling a job to re-create it every time new tables are created. That might be simpler than dealing with pipelined functions.

Oracle SQL use variable partition name

I run a daily report that has to query another table which is updated separately. Due to the high volume of records in the source table (8M+ per day) each day is stored in it's own partition. The partition has a standard format as P ... 4 digit year ... 2 digit month ... 2 digit date, so yesterday's partition is P20140907.
At the moment I use this expression, but have to manually change the name of the partition each day:
select * from <source_table> partition (P20140907) where ....
By using sysdate, toChar and Concat I have created another table called P_NAME2 that will automatically generate and update a string value as the name of the partition that I need to read. Now I need to update my main query so it does this:
select * from <source_table> partition (<string from P_NAME2>) where ....
You are working too hard. Oracle already does all these things for you. If you query the table using the correct date range oracle will perform the operation only on the relevant partitions - this is called pruning .
I suggest reading the docs on that.
If you'r still skeptic, Query all_tab_partitions.HIGH_VALUE to get each partitions high value (the table you created ... ).
I thought I'd pop back to share how I solved this in the end. The source database has a habit of leaking dates across partitions which is why queries for one day were going outside a single partition. I can't affect this, just work around it ...
execute immediate
'create table LL_TEST as
select *
from SCHEMA.TABLE Partition(P'||TO_CHAR(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD')||')
where COLUMN_A=''Something''
and COLUMN_B=''Something Else''
Using the PL/SQL script I create the partition name with TO_CHAR(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD') and concatenate the rest of the query around it.
Note that the values you are searching for in the where clause require double apostrophes so to send 'Something' to the query you need ''Something'' in the script.
It may not be pretty, but it works on the database that I have to use.

Jet engine (Access) : Passing a list of values to a stored procedure

I am currently writing a VBA-based Excel add-in that's heavily based on a Jet database backend (I use the Office 2003 suite -- the problem would be the same with a more recent version of Office anyway).
During the initialization of my app, I create stored procedures that are defined in a text file. Those procedures are called by my app when needed.
Let me take a simple example to describe my issue: suppose that my app allows end-users to select the identifiers of orders for which they'd like details. Here's the table definition:
Table tblOrders: OrderID LONG, OrderDate DATE, (other fields)
The end-user may select one or more OrderIDs, displayed in a form - s/he just has to tick the checkbox of the relevant OrderIDs for which s/he'd like details (OrderDate, etc).
Because I don't know in advance how many OrderID s/he will select, I could dynamically create the SQL query in the VBA code by cascading WHERE clauses based on the choices made on the form:
SELECT * FROM tblOrders WHERE OrderID = 1 OR OrderID = 2 OR OrderID = 3
or, much simpler, by using the IN keyword:
SELECT * FROM tblOrders WHERE OrderID IN (1,2,3)
Now if I turn this simple query into a stored procedure so that I can dynamically pass list of OrderIDs I want to be displayed, how should I do? I already tried things like:
CREATE PROCEDURE spTest (#OrderList varchar) AS
SELECT * FROM tblOrders WHERE OrderID IN (#OrderList)
But this does not work (I was expecting that), because #OrderList is interpreted as a string (e.g. "1,2,3") and not as a list of long values. (I adapted from code found here: Passing a list/array to SQL Server stored procedure)
I'd like to avoid dealing with this issue via pure VBA code (i.e. dynamically assigning list of values to a query that is hardcoded in my application) as much as possible. I'd understand if ever this is not possible.
Any clue?
You can create the query-statement string dynamically. In SQL Server you can have a function whose return value is a TABLE, and invoke that function inline as if it were a table. Or in JET you could also create a kludge -- a temporary table (or persistent table that serves the function of a temporary table) that contains the values in your in-list, one per row, and join on that table. The query would thus be a two-step process: 1) populate temp table with INLIST values, then 2) execute the query joining on the temp table.
autoincrementing id
QueryID [some value to identify the current query, perhaps a GUID]
myvalue one of the values in your in-list, string
select * from foo
inner join MYTEMPTABLE on foo.column = MYTEMPTABLE.myvalue and MYTEMPTABLE.QueryId = ?
[cannot recall if JET allows ANDs in INNER JOIN as SQL Server does --
if not, adjust syntax accordingly]
instead of
select * from foo where foo.column IN (... )
In this way you could have the same table handle multiple queries concurrently, because each query would have a unique identifier. You could delete the in-list rows after you're finished with them:
P.S. There would be several ways of handling data type issues for the join. You could cast the string value in MYTEMPTABLE as required, or you could have multiple columns in MYTEMPTABLE of varying datatypes, inserting into and joining on the correct column: