Implicit conversion from data type varbinary to date SQL server - sql

I have a procedure which takes a date value as parameter and then inserts the date value in a table:
#employed_on DATE
however i am getting this error:
Implicit conversion from data type varbinary to date is not allowed.
Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
I tried to use convert but its not working.
i found my mistake. i swapped the variables for insert.

i found my mistake. i swapped the variables for insert.


Does altering column type corrupt the column's existing data?

I am trying to change a column's datatype. The column of type VARCHAR has thousands of GUID values like look those shown below:
I need to convert the column type to unqiqueidentifier using the script below. Can I do that safely without corrupting the column data?
alter table MyTable
alter column guidColumn uniqueidentifier not null
If you change the data type SQL Server will first check if all the values in the columns can be implicitly converted to the new data type; if they cannot then the ALTER will fail. If they can, then they will be implicitly converted and the ALTER will be successful (assuming no dependencies of course).
For a uniqueidentifier then either it's a valid value or it's not, so either the data will all convert or the ALTER won't take place. For something like a date and time data type, however, you could very easily end up with incorrect data if the data is stored in an ambiguous format like dd/MM/yyyy. This could mean a value like '12/05/2022' ends up being stored as the date value 2022-12-05 rather than 2022-05-12. For such scenarios you would therefore want to UPDATE the data to an unambiguous format first, and then ALTER the data type of the column.
The uniqueidentifier type is considered a character type for the purposes of conversion from a character expression, and therefore is subject to the truncation rules for converting to a character type.
Also there are limitations, uniqueidentifier type is limited to 36 char
So if you decide to truncate the table like in this example:
DECLARE #ID NVARCHAR(max) = N'0E984725-C51C-4BF4-9960-E1C80E27ABA0wrong';
SELECT #ID, CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, #ID) AS TruncatedValue;
This will be the result:
Truncated Value
So, if your string is more or less than 36 it will not truncate correctly.
For more information check Microsoft documentation:

Why does MS SQL Server error on inserting the second row but not on the first row?

I have an SQL table that will let me insert some rows with a datetime field but not all rows and I can't see why not. The error I get is
'The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.'
To try and work this out I created a temporary table with 1 colum and tried to add the two datetimes that are causing the issue.
create table #DateTimeTest ( created datetime );
I then try inserting these two rows
insert into dbo.#DateTimeTest (created) VALUES ('2020-06-12 05:46:00.00');
insert into dbo.#DateTimeTest (created) VALUES ('2020-06-19 05:31:00.00');
The first row is inserted without any problems, the second-row errors, but I can't understand why.
(1 row affected)
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 10
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
The statement has been terminated.
Completion time: 2020-07-15T11:28:43.6451779+01:00
insert into dbo.#DateTimeTest (created) VALUES ('2020-06-19 05:31:00.00');
Apparently, your date format is YDM rather than YMD. You can fix this in several ways.
One method is to use an unambiguous date/time format. In your case, that would include a T:
insert into dbo.#DateTimeTest (created) VALUES ('2020-06-12T05:46:00.00');
insert into dbo.#DateTimeTest (created) VALUES ('2020-06-19T05:31:00.00');
The reason this works is because the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS format is the standard format for a date/time format in SQL Server -- unambiguously and not affected by dateformat. Similarly YYYYMMDD (note: no hyphens) is the standard, unambiguous format for a date constant in SQL Server, but YYYY-MM-DD is subject to dateformat.
A second method would be to set the dateformat to YMD:
set dateformat YMD;
Here is a db<>fiddle illustrating this.
A third method would be to explicitly extract the datetime from the string, using a function such as convert() -- and perhaps a few string operations as well.

How to pass multiply values parameter to a procedure

I want to pass multiply values parameter to my procedure and use it as a filter. My parameter is called #Month and it's datatype is NVARCHAR(MAX) in the procedure.
I have used filter as
WHERE (cal.CalendarYear = #Year) AND (cal.MonthId IN (#Month))
and also tried STRING_SPLIT function.
However, when I run my report, it return an error
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12' to data type int.
you cannot give a varchar string with comma separated values, and expect the query to process it as a 'in' list.
The way that would work is when you would concatenate your sql statement in the stored procedure, and then execute the sql string with sp_executesql.
Using string_split is one way of doing it, but you have to be aware that it gives you a table with varchars, not integers.
For completeness I should mention that the most 'robust' way of doing this is passing a table type variable to your stored procedure, as described here: How to pass table value parameters to stored procedure from .net code.
With the split_string, you could try something like this:
-- your fields
manytables mt
join string_split(#Month,',') months on cast(months.value as int) = cal.monthId
cal.Calenderyear = #year

Datetime colum to float type conversion is getting issue in sql server

I'd like alter a column type from Datetime to float. Hence, I executed the below query but it was getting a issue
alter table dbo.purchasedate
alter column supp_dt float null
Error :: Implicit conversion from data type datetime to float is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
Without knowing your desired output, you could just: Add Float column, populate, drop date column.
To my knowledge you cannot add a CONVERT to an ALTER statement, anyone know otherwise?

SQL: datetime or varchar as parameter datatype for stored procedure

I have a SQL server stored procedure which would accept date as input param to build a query in it.So which datatype i should use for the parameter when defining stored procedure.Whats the difference between using nvarchar(15) and datetime .
1 : create procedure TestProcedure(#startDate datetime)
2 : create procedure TestProcedure(#startDate nvarchar(15))
IS there any advantage is i use datetime over varchar in terms of performance
Yes, always use the datetime type. Its more accurate. The datetime type is also always 8 bytes so it is smaller to transfer than 15 characters.
The front end is then responsible for handling cultural/locale issues such as MDY, DMY or YMD component field ordering. (if the database is running under a US locale and the user is in the UK does '3/4/2009' mean April 3 or March 4?)
If you know that only dates will come through the parameter, using the appropriate datatype is better as it's smaller and comparisons can be made quicker. It also prevents invalid values from being supplied.