Bind DataSource to new DevExpress Report Designer? -

I'm trying to figure out how to set my DataSource as the default when a user clicks New Report, or for any new report, in the DevExpress User Data Report Designer.
Right now, the Blank Report I have load on Form_Load has my DataSources just fine, but anytime I hit New Report, they're gone.
I've googled and followed the docs, but they all seem to be geared towards opening a specific report (as above).
Can anyone help?

0. ICommandHandler interface
You need to handle the ReportCommand.NewReport command by implementing the ICommandHandler interface. You must pass an object that implementing this interface to the XRDesignMdiController.AddCommandHandler method. You can get XRDesignMdiController object from ReportDesignTool.DesignForm.DesignMdiController property or from ReportDesignTool.DesignRibbonForm.DesignMdiController property according to what type of form you want to use.
Here is example:
Private Sub ShowReportDesigner()
Dim tool As New ReportDesignTool(CreateReport)
Dim controller = tool.DesignRibbonForm.DesignMdiController
Dim handler As New NewCommandHandler(controller, AddressOf CreateReport)
End Sub
Private Function CreateReport() As XtraReport
Dim report As New XtraReport
report.DataSource = YourDataSourceObjectHere
Return report
End Function
Public Class NewCommandHandler
Implements ICommandHandler
Private ReadOnly _controller As XRDesignMdiController
Private ReadOnly _createReport As Func(Of XtraReport)
Public Sub New(controller As XRDesignMdiController, createReport As Func(Of XtraReport))
_controller = controller
_createReport = createReport
End Sub
Public Function CanHandleCommand(command As ReportCommand, ByRef useNextHandler As Boolean) As Boolean Implements ICommandHandler.CanHandleCommand
useNextHandler = command <> ReportCommand.NewReport
Return Not useNextHandler
End Function
Public Sub HandleCommand(command As ReportCommand, args() As Object) Implements ICommandHandler.HandleCommand
End Sub
End Class
1. DesignPanelLoaded event
The another way is to subscribe to XRDesignMdiController.DesignPanelLoaded event. In this event you can check where the DataSource of report in loaded panel is empty and set it to your data source.
Here is example:
Private Sub ShowReportDesigner()
Dim report As New XtraReport
report.DataSource = YourDataSourceObjectHere
Dim tool As New ReportDesignTool(New XtraReport)
Dim controller = tool.DesignRibbonForm.DesignMdiController
AddHandler controller.DesignPanelLoaded, AddressOf mdiController_DesignPanelLoaded
End Sub
Private Sub mdiController_DesignPanelLoaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DesignerLoadedEventArgs)
Dim panel = DirectCast(sender, XRDesignPanel)
Dim report = panel.Report
If IsNothing(report.DataSource) Then
report.DataSource = YourDataSourceObjectHere
End If
End Sub



Please help.
I have a form and a class.
Form - frmTestTool
Class - MainClass
What I am trying to do is to print text everytime the mouse cursor is moved. So the scenario is, I have a software where I embedded the custom command. So I open the custom command and the form will pop up, I need to select somewhere in the software before clicking the "PlaceText" button in the form. After clicking the "PlaceText" button it will implement btnPlaceText_Click_1 but will no longer trigger "OnMouseMove".
Scenario 1(WORKING WELL steps)
Select location in the software
Open Custom Command
Select Place Text
Move MouseCursor (prints "Hello Word" every mouse move)
Scenario 2(NOT WORKING steps)
Open Custom Command
Select location in the software
Select Place Text
Move Mouse Cursor (this time, OnMouseMove does not triggered)
Here's the Code
Partial Public Class frmTestTool
Inherits Form
Public Sub btnPlaceText_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPlaceText.Click
WriteMessage("Hello World")
End Sub
End Class
Public Class TextWizard
Inherits BaseStepCommand
Private Shared ofrmTestTool As frmTestTool = New frmTestTool()
Public Overrides Sub OnSuspend()
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub OnResume()
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal commandID As Integer, ByVal argument As Object)
MyBase.OnStart(commandID, argument)
m_running = True
m_oTxnMgr = ClientServiceProvider.TransactionMgr
ofrmTestTool = New frmTestTool()
Catch commonException As CmnException
ClientServiceProvider.ErrHandler.ReportError(ErrorHandler.ErrorLevel.Critical, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, commonException, commandFailed)
End Try
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal view As GraphicView, ByVal e As GraphicViewManager.GraphicViewEventArgs, ByVal position As Position)
MyBase.OnMouseDown(view, e, position)
ofrmTestTool.btnPlaceText_Click_1(Nothing, Nothing)
End Sub
End Class
I think you need to use RemoveHandler
RemoveHandler Me.MouseMove, AddressOf OnMouseMove
If you don't know the addresses of the handlers then you will need to use System.Reflection to find and remove them.
Sub RemoveEvents(Of T As Control)(Target As T, ByVal EventName As String)
Dim oFieldInfo As FieldInfo = GetType(Control).GetField(EventName, BindingFlags.[Static] Or BindingFlags.NonPublic)
Dim oEvent As Object = oFieldInfo.GetValue(Target)
Dim oPropertyInfo As PropertyInfo = GetType(T).GetProperty("Events", BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)
Dim oEvenHandlerList As EventHandlerList = CType(oPropertyInfo.GetValue(Target, Nothing), EventHandlerList)
oEvenHandlerList.RemoveHandler(oEvent, oEvenHandlerList(oEvent))
End Sub
Call the Sub like this:
RemoveEvents(Me, "EventMouseMove")
' This can be used for event, just enter the string as "Event<EventName>" where the event name is the event you want to remove all handlers for on the target.

Passing Download complete Event with parameter to another class

I have an application whose main window upon click of a button gives users an option to load a list of files in the cloud.
Private Sub ImportCloudContent()
Dim cloudForm As Form_CloudImport
cloudForm = New Form_CloudImport()
AddHandler cloudForm._DownloadComplete, New EventHandler(AddressOf OpenProject)
End Sub
Ideally I should be able to get the value of the FullPathOfContent variable and pass it onto Open Project, but I am not sure how to go about it.
In the new Window users can click and download the file they want. Below is the section of code that handles the download in the Form_CloudImport class :
Private Async Sub Btn_download_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Btn_download.Click
Dim fileNameRows As DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection = datagridview_cloudContent.SelectedRows
Dim fileName As String
Dim fileType As String = Cloud.CONTENT
Dim FullPathOfContent As String
For Each fileNameRow As DataGridViewRow In fileNameRows
fileName = fileNameRow.Cells(0).Value.ToString() & ".zip"
FullPathOfContent = CloudToCCT(fileName, fileType)
Catch ex As Exception
CSMessageBox.ShowError("Content Import failed : ", ex)
End Try
End Sub
Once the download is complete, the main window needs to call some of its methods. I am new to VB and have created a custom event to facilitate this(again in the Form_CloudImport class)
Public Event _DownloadComplete(e As String)
Public Sub DownloadNotifier(FullPathOfContent As String)
RaiseEvent _DownloadComplete(FullPathOfContent)
End Sub
According to what have read, once the download method is complete, it will fire the DownloadNotifier method, which will raise the _DownloadComplete event and the MainWindow should trigger the following events.
However, I receive the below errors in the MainWindow part of the code :
Value of type 'MainWindow.EventHandler' cannot be converted to 'Form_CloudImport._DownloadCompleteEventHandler'
'FullPathOfContent' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
This question seems to be very long but any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
First things first, you should create a type and event with proper names and signature and raise it properly.
Public Class CloudImportForm
Public Event DownloadComplete As EventHandler(Of DownloadCompleteEventArgs)
Protected Overridable Sub OnDownloadComplete(e As DownloadCompleteEventArgs)
RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(Me, e)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class DownloadCompleteEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
Public Sub New(contentPath As String)
Me.ContentPath = contentPath
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property ContentPath As String
End Class
In that form, you would have code that performed a download and then raised that event.
Dim contentPath = GetContentPath()
'Perform download here.
'Raise event.
OnDownloadComplete(New DownloadCompleteEventArgs(contentPath))
In your main form you would create and configure the download form, which includes handling the event, and then display it.
Dim cloudForm As New CloudImportForm
AddHandler cloudForm.DownloadComplete, AddressOf CloudImportForm_DownloadComplete
The method you specify as the event handler should have the appropriate signature and it should retrieve the content path from the e parameter.
Private Sub CloudImportForm_DownloadComplete(sender As Object, e As DownloadCompleteEventArgs)
Dim contentPath = e.ContentPath
'Use contentPath here.
End Sub

String form name to form reference

Basically, I am rewriting some code working for years. Over the time I have many (60+) references to forms - there's a menuitem with OnClick event for each form, where a form reference was created:
Private Sub SomeForm_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MenuItemForSomeForm.Click
NewTab("Some Form", New SomeForm, 0)
End Sub
...where first parameter is a name to put in a tabPage.Text where the form is opened, second is a new instance of the (particular) form SomeForm and 0 is a default record to display (0 means no default record).
Now, I created a dynamic menu and stored the form names in a database (due to better access control over the access rights, etc). Now, because the menu is generated at runtime, I can't have the OnClick event with separate instance definition of the form and have to create it at runtime, after the MenuItems are created. The side-effect idea was to cut the code short by using only 1 OnClick event or such with MenuItem.Tag paremeter as FormName. Something like:
Private Sub clickeventhandler(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim tsmi As ToolStripMenuItem = CType(sender, ToolStripMenuItem)
Dim newForm As New >>>FormFrom(tsmi.Tag.ToString)<<< ' only explanation, this won't work
MainW.OpenModuleInTab(new newForm, tsmi.Tag.ToString, 0)
However I am failing to find a way to create form (instances) from this string reference. Reference through collection (i.e. List(of) or Dictionary) would be fine too, I believe.
The structure is obviously:
Object → Form → Form1 (class) → MyForm1 (instance)
I know I can create an object like this:
' Note that you are getting a NEW instance of MyClassA
Dim MyInstance As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(NameOfMyClass))
I can re-type it to a Form type:
Dim NewForm as Form = CType(MyInstance,Form)
... to acccess some of the form properties like Width, TopLevel, etc., but that's about it. I can't do:
Dim NewForm1 as Form1 = CType(NewForm,Form1)
...because obviously, Form1 comes as a string "Form1".
I don't know how to create a Form1 reference from a "Form1" text (then it would be easy to create an instance) or how to create an instance directly (MyForm1).
As sugested, I used reflection to get the form. The only way working for me I found was this:
Dim T As Type = System.Type.GetType(FormName, False)
If T Is Nothing Then 'if not found prepend default namespace
Dim Fullname As String = Application.ProductName & "." & FormName
T = System.Type.GetType(Fullname, True, True)
End If
Dim f2 As New Form ' here I am creating a form and working with it
f2 = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(T), Form)
f2.TopLevel = False
f2.Name = FormName.Replace(" ", "") & Now.ToString("yyyyMMddmmhh")
f2.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
f2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
I am using CallByName to set public variable and same function to run a sub method (every form contains RecordID variable and LoadRecords sub):
CallByName(f2, "RecordID", CallType.Set, 111)
CallByName(f2, "LoadRecords", CallType.Method, Nothing)
For testing purposes, I put following into the testing form:
Public RecordID As Int32
Public Sub LoadRecords()
MsgBox("Load records!!!!" & vbCrLf & "RecordID = " & RecordID)
End Sub
TypeFromName Function:
Dim list As Lazy(Of Type()) = New Lazy(Of Type())(Function() Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes())
Function TypeFromName(name As String) As Type
Return list.Value.Where(Function(t) t.Name = name).FirstOrDefault()
End Function
So, let's go with the idea that I have an assembly called "WindowsApp2" and in that assembly I've defined Form1 and Form2. I've also created this module in the same assembly:
Public Module Module1
Public Function GetDoStuffWiths() As Dictionary(Of Type, System.Delegate)
Dim DoStuffWiths As New Dictionary(Of Type, System.Delegate)()
DoStuffWiths.Add(GetType(WindowsApp2.Form1), CType(Sub(f) WindowsApp2.Module1.DoStuffWithForm1(f), Action(Of WindowsApp2.Form1)))
DoStuffWiths.Add(GetType(WindowsApp2.Form2), CType(Sub(f) WindowsApp2.Module1.DoStuffWithForm2(f), Action(Of WindowsApp2.Form2)))
Return DoStuffWiths
End Function
Public Sub DoStuffWithForm1(form1 As Form1)
form1.Text = "This is Form 1"
End Sub
Public Sub DoStuffWithForm2(form2 As Form2)
form2.Text = "This is Form 2"
End Sub
End Module
Now, in another assembly "ConsoleApp1" I write this:
Sub Main()
Dim DoStuffWiths As Dictionary(Of Type, System.Delegate) = WindowsApp2.Module1.GetDoStuffWiths()
Dim formAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("WindowsApp2")
Dim typeOfForm = formAssembly.GetType("WindowsApp2.Form1")
Dim form As Form = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(typeOfForm), Form)
End Sub
When I run my console app I get a form popping up with the message "This is Form 1".
If I change the line formAssembly.GetType("WindowsApp2.Form1") to formAssembly.GetType("WindowsApp2.Form2") then I get the message "Wow this is cool".
That's how you can work with strongly typed objects that you dynamically instantiate.
Dim AssemblyProduct As String = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName.Name
Dim FormName As String = "Form1"
Dim NewForm As Object = Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.CreateInstance(AssemblyProduct & "." & FormName)
If TypeOf (NewForm) Is Form1 Then
Dim NewForm1 As Form1 = CType(NewForm, Form1)
NewForm1.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue
End If

Pass an object from form to another in VB

I have searched through the internet and couldn't find the answer to my problem, but, the issue is that I have 2 forms;
The first one is the main form and has a list of books (named listBook), a TreeView and a button to invoke the second form to add a new book.
After filling in all of the TextBoxes and information of a book, I press "Add". Then, the second form will be closed and all info of that book will be kept in an instance of Book class. The problem is: how can I pass this instance to the first form to store it in listBook.
For example:
If I create a constructor in form 1 to get form 2 then in form 2:
Dim f1 As form1 = New form1(me)
I can't do it because form 1 will start up instantly when I start program, and the default right now doesn't have any parameter in OnCreateMainForm():
Protected Overrides Sub OnCreateMainForm()
Me.MainForm = Global.WindowsApplication5.frm1
End Sub
How can I do it?
First form:
Public Class frm_bookManeger
'list of Book
Dim listBook As List(Of Book) = New List(Of Book)
Private frm_addBook As frm_addBook
Public Sub New(frm_addBook As frm_addBook) 'got error
Me.frm_addBook = frm_addBook
End Sub
Second form:
Public Class frm_addBook
Dim Public tempBook As Book = New Book()
'add book
Private Sub btn_add_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_add.Click
tempBook.BookName1 = TextBox_name.Text
tempBook.Author1 = TextBox_author.Text
tempBook.Price1 = TextBox_price.Text
tempBook.Genre1 = TextBox_genre.Text
tempBook.EstablishedDay1 = dtp_established.Value.Date
Dim frm_Mngr As frm_bookManeger = New frm_bookManeger(Me)
End Sub
End Class
Dim frm As New form1
frm.textbox.Text = Me.passing value.Text
or you can try
Public Class Form1
Private loginLabel As String
Public Sub New(ByVal loginParameter As String)
Me.loginLabel = loginParameter
End Sub
End Class
dim frm as new Form1(label.Text)
Your frm_addBook needs a reference to the instance of frm_bookManeger so that it can use methods in the latter.
That can be done by passing a reference to the current instance of frm_bookManeger to the New constructor of frm_addBook.
Also, you probably want the book adding form to be a dialog form rather than an ordinary form.
I made a simple "Book" class and used a TextBox to display the books, so the first form is this:
Imports System.Text
Public Class frm_BookManager
Dim bookList As List(Of Book)
Public Class Book
Property Name As String
Property Author As String
End Class
Public Sub AddBook(b As Book)
If bookList Is Nothing Then
bookList = New List(Of Book)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShowBooks()
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
For Each b In bookList
sb.AppendLine(b.Name & " by " & b.Author)
TextBox1.Text = sb.ToString()
End Sub
Private Sub btn_add_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_add.Click
Using addBook As New frm_addBook(Me)
Dim result = addBook.ShowDialog()
If result = DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub frm_BookManager_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
AddBook(New Book With {.Name = "Wuthering Heights", .Author = "Emily Brontë"})
End Sub
End Class
For the form to add a book, I added "Cancel" and "OK" buttons.
Public Class frm_addBook
Dim myParent As frm_BookManager
Private Sub bnOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles bnOK.Click
Dim b As New frm_BookManager.Book With {.Name = TextBox_name.Text, .Author = TextBox_author.Text}
End Sub
Public Sub New(parent As frm_BookManager)
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
myParent = parent
' set the DialogResult for each button so the parent can tell what happened
bnCancel.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
bnOK.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
End Sub
End Class
Notice that a new Book can be added with myParent.AddBook(b) because myParent refers to an instance of frm_BookManager.
You could modify it so that the dialog stays open and has a button to just add a book and not close the dialog. I made the ShowBooks() method Private so you can't call it from outside the class it is in - you could modify that.
There are many possibilities for small modifications to the code I showed to achieve greater functionality. And I could not resist correcting the spelling of "Maneger" to "Manager" ;)
I think the easiest way would be to have the frm_addBook form have a property which will contain the book that was added. In the frm_bookManager form, show that form using ShowDialog and if the user clicks OK on that form, the property will contain the book added. Be sure to dispose the frm_addBook form after you get the book from the public property.
Public Class Book
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Author As String
End Class
Public Class frm_bookManager
Dim bookList As New List(Of Book)()
Private Sub btnAddBook_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddBook.Click
Using addBookForm As New frm_addBook()
If addBookForm.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Using
End Sub
End Class
Public Class frm_addBook
Public Property BookToAdd As Book
Private Sub btnOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
'User filled in the fields and clicked this OK button
Me.BookToAdd = New Book()
Me.BookToAdd.Name = txtName.Text
Me.BookToAdd.Author = txtAuthor.Text
End Sub
End Class
I would not pass the main form instance into the add book form because it would create a tight coupling between the two forms and the add book form would only be usable by the main form. You might wish to use the add book form from other forms in the app.

Passing parameters between two forms in VB.Net

I currently have about 5 forms in my application. I'm building a 6th form - frmSummary however, I'd like to be able to access it from all forms. in frmSummary I am planning to add a DataGridView, where I'll be displaying data related to that form. I'm thinking that I should either create a global variable such as
dim FrmName as String
In each form I would have a cmdSummary button so that On click_event, I would do something like
frmName ="CustomerInfo"
Currently the way my application is set up is that I hve a mdiForm and within it, each form is a child so on opening new forms I do something like...
Private Sub cmdSummary_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdSummary.Click
Dim NewMDIChild As New frmClientEligibilityReferral()
frmName = "CustomerInfo" --since this will be comeing from frmCustomerInfo
NewMDIChild.MdiParent = MDIform1
End Sub
So I do something like that on opening my new form. My question is how can I pass the parameter to my form's currently what I'm trying to accomplish....
Private Sub FrmSummary_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Me.MdiParent = MDIForm1
'Here I want to call a function to load the datagridView(with g_frmName)see below...
call LoadDataGrid(frmName)
End Sub
Is something like that a smart idea? Or should I/Can I directly call the function from the previous form?
Just trying to see if I'm on the right track, if not, how can i do it in a sound way?
If there is only one frmSummary, you could make it a singleton.
In frmSummary, put the following code:
Private Shared _instance As frmSummary
Private Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetInstance() As frmSummary
If _instance Is Nothing Then
_instance = New frmSummary()
End If
Return _instance
End Function
Public Sub PutDataInGrid(data As Object)
Me.DataGridView1.' put data in it
End Sub
And you would access it from other forms like this
Dim myFrmSummary = frmSummary.GetInstance()
If I understand the question correctly....
You can just set the required parameters in the New declaration sub (Where InitializeComponent() is supposed to be). On your form, declare variables and set one to each of the parameter values, and set up your form this way..
An example might be;
Public Class frmSummary
Dim var1 as String = ""
Dim var2 as Boolean = True
Public Sub New(ByVal parameter1 as String, ByVal parameter2 As Boolean)
var1 = parameter1
var2 = parameter2
End Sub
Private Sub frmSummary_Load(sender as Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If var1 = "This String" Then
If var2 = False Then
sql = "SELECT * FROM myTable"
' Rest of your code to get the DGV data
DataGridView1.DataSource = Dt
End If
End If
End Sub
Again, I may have misunderstood the question, so apologies if that is the case.