Solr subquery merging issue - apache

I have an issue to search with SOLR in following scenario,
I'd like to get all products within my favorite tag, categories and user. I want all products which created by my favorite user without any filter but products from favorite tag or categories must be filtered with in a selected location. I have tried as follows, asc&q=status:1 AND event_start_date:[2015-04-23T21:38:00Z TO *] AND ( tags:5539d77455061a650f96c67e OR category1_id:53d16fb28066a12606bbb5f2 OR category2_id:53d16fb28066a12606bbb5f2&fq={!geofilt d=40.2335}&pt=9.9312328,76.26730409999999&sfield=latlng) OR ( user_id:5465da1dc54d3c2a15000000 )
But its not working. Any body help me to find what's wrong with my query?

First of all you have a fq (filterquery clause) inside your query clause (check parenthesis) which is wrong.
fq={!geofilt d=40.2335}&pt=9.9312328,76.26730409999999&sfield=latlng
You can try things like puting the geofilt filter query OUTSIDE your main query with tests so it will be skipped if... asc&q=status:1 AND
event_start_date:[2015-04-23T21:38:00Z TO *] AND
(tags:5539d77455061a650f96c67e OR
category1_id:53d16fb28066a12606bbb5f2 OR
category2_id:53d16fb28066a12606bbb5f2) OR
&fq=user_id:5465da1dc54d3c2a15000000 OR
{!geofilt pt=9.9312328,76.26730409999999 sfield=latlng d=40.2335}
If user_id is 5465da1dc54d3c2a15000000 then the filterquery is already true so location part is skipped.


Exclude child path from fulltext search parent path using Querybuilder OR get search hit excerpt from XPATH/JCR SQL2 query

I want to exclude child nodes path from search path using querybuilder
for example - parent folder is /content/mysite/en
and subfolders are
I want query builder to write a query to exclude these paths
I already looked at this question -
AEM Query builder exclude a folder in search
but grouping paths and p.not=true doesn't seem to be working as expected
I know it's a bit tricky to write such a query using query builder ; so I am using JCR/SQL2 query -
SELECT * FROM [cq:Page]
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(page,'/content/mysite/en')
AND CONTAINS(*, 'fulltext')
AND NOT ISDESCENDANTNODE(page, '/content/mysite/en/testfolder1')
AND NOT ISDESCENDANTNODE(page, '/content/mysite/en/testfolder2')
but the issue now is that We also want the search excerpt which is created automatically by querybuilder api's SearchResult's hit object -
so is there a way I can get the excerpt using JCR/SQL2 query ?
OR is there a way I can build the exclude subfolder query using querybuilder; so that I can get excerpts from results? Both solutions will solve my case.
If anyone has experience in excluding subfolder query using querybuilder; or building search excerpt using JCR/SQL2 query; or any other idea/suggestion for this case; help will be much appreciated
Try path.exact=true Below is a example
without path.exact=true
With path.exact=true
path.exact=true : If true exact path is matched, if false all descendants are included.
For other predicates on querybuider api visit the blog of Hashim Khan

GET url with nested element inside query string

Using Postman, I am forming a GET request query to my P21 database middleware to retrieve items with a specific value in a UserDefinedField.
I am able to query things on the top level of the item data, such as ItemID and ItemDesc like so:
http://[server]:[port]/api/inventory/parts?$query=ItemDesc eq 'CONTROL VALVE'
However, the values I would like to use in my query string are nested inside the UserDefinedFeilds element. I am specifically looking for items with:
http://[server]:[port]/api/inventory/parts?$query=UserDefinedFeilds/OnEbay eq 'Y'
But this is not the correct way to form this query string. Can anyone please explain how to specify a nested element inside a query string like this? Thanks.
In this situation, using P21 API, it is unnecessary to specify the parent field 'UserDefinedFields'. The actual ID of the column I was looking for was actually 'on_ebay', so I was able to query this user defined field simply:
http://[server]:[port]/api/inventory/parts?$query=on_ebay eq 'Y'

How to sum data by in a category in Spotfire

What would the custom expression be to sum data by a category, for each site.
Using the data below, I would like to Sum[X] for only values with category blue, for each site
What I have so far is Sum([X]) OVER [Site] --> Where / how do I put in the category qualifier?
the Intersect() function is a perfect fit here. it creates a hierarchy based on however many columns you list. more info in the documentation.
anyway, try the following:
Sum([X]) OVER (Intersect([Site], [Category]))
To do the same for only a single category, you can use an expression like
Sum(If([Category]="Blue",[X],0)) OVER ([Site])
This will leave a null/empty value when [X] is not "Blue" (case sensitive so beware!).
If you have multiple values, you can replace the condition with
If([X] in ("Blue", "Nurple", "Taupe"), ...)
what I found works best is: Sum(If([Category]="Blue",[X],0)) OVER ([Site])

The right way to prepare SQL statements with parametrized text search

Suddenly I've realized that while this works in groovy just like it is expeceted:
Sql.newInstance(connectionParams).rows("SELECT FROM ITEMS WHERE id = ?", [200])
this won't work
Sql.newInstance(connectionParams).rows("SELECT FROM ITEMS WHERE name LIKE '%?%'", ["some"])
All you can get is
Failed to execute: SELECT FROM ITEMS WHERE name LIKE '%?%' because:
The column index is out of range: 1, number of columns: 0.
My questions are:
Is it intentionally implemented this way? I've never needed to have a parametrized text search, so I'm not sure where this behaviour is typical or not.
How can I nevertheless safely parametrize statement with text search in it?
I believe you want to include the %'s in the parameter, like:
Sql.newInstance(connectionParams).rows("SELECT FROM ITEMS WHERE name LIKE ?", ["%some%"])

jqGrid/NHibernate/SQL: navigate to selected record

I use jqGrid to display data which is retrieved using NHibernate. jqGrid does paging for me, I just tell NHibernate to get "count" rows starting from "n".
Also, I would like to highlight specific record. For example, in list of employees I'd like a specific employee (id) to be shown and pre-selected in table.
The problem is that this employee may be on non-current page. E.g. I display 20 rows from 0, but "highlighted" employee is #25 and is on second page.
It is possible to pass initial page to jqGrid, so, if I somehow use NHibernate to find what page the "highlighted" employee is on, it will just navigate to that page and then I'll use .setSelection(id) method of jqGrid.
So, the problem is narrowed down to this one: given specific search query like the one below, how do I tell NHibernate to calculate the page where the "highlighted" employee is?
A sample query (simplified):
var query = Session.CreateCriteria<T>();
foreach (var sr in request.SearchFields)
query = query.Add(Expression.Like(sr.Key, "%" + sr.Value + "%"));
query.SetFirstResult((request.Page - 1) * request.Rows)
Here, I need to alter (calculate) request.Page so that it points to the page where request.SelectedId is.
Also, one interesting thing is, if sort order is not defined, will I get the same results when I run the search query twice? I'd say that SQL Server may optimize query because order is not defined... in which case I'll only get predictable result if I pull ALL query data once, and then will programmatically in C# slice the specified portion of query results - so that no second query occur. But it will be much slower, of course.
Or, is there another way?
Pretty sure you'd have to figure out the page with another query. This would surely require you to define the column to order by. You'll need to get the order by and restriction working together to count the rows before that particular id. Once you have the number of rows before your id, you can figure what page you need to select and perform the usual paging query.
OK, so currently I do this:
var iquery = GetPagedCriteria<T>(request, true)
var ids = iquery.List<Guid>();
var index = ids.IndexOf(new Guid(request.SelectedId));
if (index >= 0)
request.Page = index / request.Rows + 1;
and in jqGrid setup options
url: "${Url.Href<MyController>(c => c.JsonIndex(null))}?_SelectedId=${Id}",
// remove _SelectedId from url once loaded because we only need to find its page once
gridComplete: function() {
$("#grid").setGridParam({url: "${Url.Href<MyController>(c => c.JsonIndex(null))}"});
loadComplete: function() {
That is, in request I lookup for index of id and set page if found (jqGrid even understands to display the appropriate page number in the pager because I return the page number to in in json data). In grid setup, I setup url to include the lookup id first, but after grid is loaded I remove it from url so that prev/next buttons work. However I always try to highlight the selected id in the grid.
And of course I always use sorting or the method won't work.
One problem still exists is that I pull all ids from db which is a bit of performance hit. If someone can tell how to find index of the id in the filtered/sorted query I'd accept the answer (since that's the real problem); if no then I'll accept my own answer ;-)
UPDATE: hm, if I sort by id initially I'll be able to use the technique like "SELECT COUNT(*) ... WHERE id < selectedid". This will eliminate the "pull ids" problem... but I'd like to sort by name initially, anyway.
UPDATE: after implemented, I've found a neat side-effect of this technique... when sorting, the active/selected item is preserved ;-) This works if _SelectedId is reset only when page is changed, not when grid is loaded.
UPDATE: here's sources that include the above technique: