Ensuring Unique Email Address in Documents - ravendb

I want to create or update a UserAccount entity with an EmailAddress property, whilst ensuring the EmailAddress is unique. UserAccount has it's own Id property of type long, this is just so I can track each UserAccount entity, as using the email address as the document id would present issues if the user wishes to change their email address.
I've heard I could create a new collection called UniqueEmailAddresses that could be collection of empty (or near empty?) documents and the email address would be the actual document id.
Is this correct? If I update both collections in one transaction, is this the best way to ensure that 2 documents with the same email addresses don't end up in UserAccount collection? Does adding this extra collection with the user's email address as the id, cause any performance issues when dealing with millions of users? Is it possible to create an empty document? Am I going down the right path?
These are the available bundles, which bundle do I need to add to get the unique constraint features?
I've added the Raven.Bundles.UniqueConstraints DLL to the folder ~/App_Data/RavenDB/Plugins (I'm using the embedded server) and changed my Document Store Provider to:
protected override IDocumentStore CreateInstance(IContext context)
EmbeddableDocumentStore documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore()
DataDirectory = #"~\App_Data\RavenDB",
UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true,
Configuration = { Port = 8181, PluginsDirectory = #"~\App_Data\RavenDB\Plugins" }
documentStore.RegisterListener(new UniqueConstraintsStoreListener());
return documentStore;
But it still doesn't show in the available bundles list and my call to checkResult.ConstraintsAreFree() wrongly returns true when I'm testing by breaking the constraint.

RavenDB has the notion of the unique constraints bundles that does all of it for you.
See the docs:


ASP.NET Core Identity - NormalizedUserName, NormalizedEmail

While developing a multi-tenant app with ASP.NET Core I noticed that it brings 2 new indices: NormalizedUserName & NormalizedEmail.
The main problem is that it gets too difficult to have a unique user per tenant.
What I mean is having multiple users with the same UserName & Email but different TenantID.
In order to achieve this I have to remove those indices
public static void RemoveIndexes(this ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<ApplicationUser>(entity =>
var normalizedUserNameIndex = entity.HasIndex(u => new { u.NormalizedUserName }).Metadata;
var normalizedEmailIndex = entity.HasIndex(u => new { u.NormalizedEmail }).Metadata;
My questions are:
What is the purpose of these 2 new indices?
What would it affect if we just remove them?
Is there anything we need to pay close attention to after removing them? (e.g. overriding default UserManager functionality or something to that effect)
First of all, I wouldn't change anything of the Identity Framework if I can't oversee the effects. If you insist, you can test what happens yourself. But, do you need to remove the fields?
If the relation of user-to-tenant is one-to-many, then tenantId should not be a field of ApplicationUser but rather be stored in a seperate table, like UserClaims.
You can add multiple tenantId's as claim of the same type, like http://tenant.company.com/Id. It will then become a collection of values, like what happens with roles.
If you don't want this then you can use different claimtypes, like http://tenant.company1.com/Id, http://tenant.company2.com/Id or something like that.
You can choose to include only claims that are linked to the tenant, which could be determined from the site binding or the url, for instance.
This design allows the user to login using the same password everywhere. Please note, this is about identity: who is the user? The user doesn't need to have a different password for every tenant.
It also makes it easier to change a password. Because I wonder, how does your scenario look like with multiple user records for each tenant? Will you update all records at once when a password changes? And how will you support 'forgot password' and other features?

RavenDB 4 and Identities Id

I just upgraded a project from RavenDB 3.5 to 4.0 and one of the biggest change I noticed is the way they change the way Ids are generated.
In my project most of the collections have a basic id structure like "[collection name]/[progressive id]", where the progressive id is an integer, and not the new default "[progressive]-[node]".
Following the documentation I specified the pattern id for new documents as "[collection name]|" and is actually generating unique/progressive/integer ids.
The problem is when I've to save transactionally 2 or more documents and reference them between themselves. Let's say I've two kind of object:
User entity
"Id": "users/1",
User address entity
"Id": "userAddresses/1",
"UserId": "users/1",
Where in the second document I need to reference the first one via the UserId field.
Before the version 4.0 I was able, in the same transaction, to do something like:
User newUser = new User();
UserAddress newUserAddress = new UserAddress();
newUserAddress.UserId = newUser.Id;
After the session.Store(newUser) if I accessed the newUser.Id property I was able to see the generated Id. Now I just see "users|", I've to wait after the SaveChanges() to see the generated Ids.
This behaviour seems to happen only for Identities Ids, if I use the id structure "[collection name]/[progressive]-[node]" I'm able to see the generated id right after the Store().
Is it by design? Is there a way to force the old behaviour?
OR How can I manage transactionally a situation like this one using progressive/integer ids?
In RavenDB v4.0 you have the same behavior. After you call to session.Store(entity), or await session.StoreAsync(entity) for the async session, you should have the entity.Id filled with the ID.
It is setting the ID using the HiLo approach, which you can read about it here:
The only difference in RavenDB v4.0 that the ID would be like: users/1-A instead of users/1 in the previous versions.

Sitefinity - Safely delete orphaned dynamic content records

I've been adding records to a dynamic module via the API and in the process during my experimentation I added a bunch of records that weren't associated correctly with any valid parent record.
I've checked and so far I can see that Sitefinity stores data about these records in a number of tables:
I would like to clean up the database by deleting these records but I want to make sure I don't create more problems in the process.
Anyone know if there are more references to these dynamic content type records or a process to safely delete them?
There are probably other tables, so your safest option would be to delete the items using the Sitefinity API.
Just get the masterId of the item and use a code like this:
public static void DeleteDataItemOfType(this DynamicModuleManager manager, string type, Guid Id)
Type resolvedType = TypeResolutionService.ResolveType(type);
using (var region = new ElevatedModeRegion(manager))
manager.DeleteDataItem(resolvedType, Id);

Changing the value of an Id in RavenDB

We have an entity named Organization that we use the UniqueConstraints-bundle on. We have a property named NetName that is a UniqueConstraint and an automaticly generated Id.
Since this is unneccesary we want to use the NetName-property as Id instead. So that we don't need UniqueConstraints to know that it is unique and also get the benefit from being able to use Load when we have the NetName.
We needed to clean up our netname a bit before using it as an Id so we created a new temporary-property called TempUniqueNetName that now holds the value of:
"organizations/"+ CleanupId(this.NetName)
So we are now ready to simply move that value to our Id. But we can't get it to work. Our problem is that with the PatchRequest below we end up with a new property named Id in the database but the acctual Id still has the same value (see screenshot). Is there a better (correct) way to change the value of an Id?
The Entity:
class Organization {
public string Id { get; set; }
public string NetName { get; set; }
public string TempUniqueNetName{ get; set; }
We want to do something like this:
new IndexQuery(),
new PatchRequest()
Type = PatchCommandType.Rename,
Name = "TempUniqueNetName",
Value = new RavenJValue("Id")
I don't think you can change the document key via patching. It's not actually stored with the document or the metadata - it's copied into the #id metadata on load to give you the illusion that it's there, and the Raven Client copies it again into your own identity property in the document. But really, it's a separate value in the underlying esent document store. Raven would have to know specifically how to handle this and fake it for you.
You could manually copy the doc from the old id to the new one and delete the old, but that could be time consuming.
There isn't a great answer for renaming a document key right now. There really should be a DatabaseCommand for rekeying a single document, and separate PatchCommandType to rekey when patching. Perhaps this will be added to raven in the future.
You can check implemtation of PUT-DELETE usage for updating IDs in my github repo.
It should look something like this:
store.DatabaseCommands.Put(updatedKey, null, document.DataAsJson, newMetadata);
store.DatabaseCommands.Delete(oldKey, null);
Also here is some Raven documentation:

"Domain Users" group is empty when I use DirectoryServices "member" property

I'm using the following code to get the members of a group on my domain:
Dim de As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" & GroupDN)
For Each user As String In CType(de.Properties("member"), IEnumerable)
GroupCollection.Add(Username, Username)
My problem is that when GroupDN (the distinguishedname of the group) is "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=Mydomain,DC=local", the For...Each loop doesn't execute, and when I check the Properties statement manually, it's got a count of zero. This seems to work for every other group in my domain, but the "Domain Users" group should contain everybody, and it appears to contain nobody.
I've checked, and the group lists everybody correctly in my Windows AD tools. Is there something obvious that I'm missing here? On a side note, is there a better way to get all the members of a group?
Unless you change the primary group id of a user, the user is not stored in the member attribute of the Domain Users group, rather it uses the fact that the primary group id is set to the Domain Users RID to determine membership in Domain Users. The normal case is that the Domain Users member attribute is empty; it would require that you make some changes to the default Active Directory implementation for this to not be the case.
The Domain Users group uses a
"computed" mechanism based on the
"primary group ID" of the user to
determine membership and does not
typically store members as
multi-valued linked attributes. If the
primary group of the user is changed,
their membership in the Domain Users
group is written to the linked
attribute for the group and is no
longer calculated. This was true for
Windows 2000 and has not changed for
Windows Server 2003.
The accepted answer is absolutely correct. By default every (user) object has 513 set in the property primarygroupid, which is the fixed "tail" of the Domain Users sid. But: this can be changed and every other group can be configured there, so we can't rely on that.
Here is an example method how to get the group members anyway (regardless if the default is kept or changed). I call a method like this after any query for members of active directory groups. In this example I get an array of distinguished names as result. But all other properties are possible, just add them to dSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add(...) and modify the result.
I know, this is a question about VB, I hope its easy to port it.
using System.DirectoryServices;
using System.Security.Principal;
public static string[] GetMembersDnByPrimaryGroupId(string domainName, SecurityIdentifier sidOfGroupToGetMembersByPrimaryGroupId)
// In a single domain environement the domain name is probably not needed, but
// we expect a multy domain environement
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(domainName) || sidOfGroupToGetMembersByPrimaryGroupId == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException($"Neither domainName nor sid may be null / blank: DomainName: { domainName }; sid: { sidOfGroupToGetMembersByPrimaryGroupId }");
List<string> membersDnResult = new List<string>();
// Get the last segment of the group sid, this is what is stored in the "primaryGroupId"
string groupSidTail = sidOfGroupToGetMembersByPrimaryGroupId.Value.Split('-').Last();
string path = $"LDAP://{ domainName }";
DirectoryEntry dEntry = new DirectoryEntry(path);
SearchResultCollection adSearchResult = null;
DirectorySearcher dSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(dEntry);
// For this example we need just the distinguished name but you can add
// here the property / properties you want
// set the filter to primarygroupid
dSearcher.Filter = $"(&(primarygroupid={ groupSidTail }))";
// May die thousand deaths, therefore exception handling is needed.
// My exception handling is outside of this method, you may want
// to add it here
adSearchResult = dSearcher.FindAll();
// Get the domains sid and check if the domain part of the wanted sid
// fits the domain sid (necesarry in multy domain environments)
byte[] domainSidBytes = (byte[])dEntry.Properties["objectSid"].Value;
SecurityIdentifier domainSid = new SecurityIdentifier(domainSidBytes, 0);
if (sidOfGroupToGetMembersByPrimaryGroupId.AccountDomainSid != domainSid)
throw new ArgumentException($"Domain sid of the wanted group { sidOfGroupToGetMembersByPrimaryGroupId.AccountDomainSid } does not fit the sid { domainSid } of the searched through domain \"{ domainName }\"");
// We found entries by the primarygroupid
if (adSearchResult.Count > 0)
foreach (SearchResult forMemberByPrimaryGroupId in adSearchResult)
// Every AD object has a distinguishedName, therefore we acess "[0]"
// wihtout any further checking
string dn = forMemberByPrimaryGroupId.Properties["distinguishedName"][0].ToString();
return membersDnResult.ToArray();