Need ffmpegsumo.dll from a very specific Chrome version - node-webkit

For an nw.js (formerly known as node-webkit) app, I need ffmpegsumo.dll from a very specific version of Google Chrome, 41.0.2272.76 (win32 & 64), as described in the nw.js documentation.
I can't find a download for this specific version of Chrome anywhere. Doesn't Google keep a public archive?
Where can I get Chrome 41.0.2272.76 or just its ffmpegsumo.dll?
...apart from building it myself.


Webdriver For Firefox 84.0.1(64-Bit)

I'm trying to develop my own web scraper via Python on PyCharm but I've found I hit an issue with finding the file name of the web driver extension for Firefox. I went online to go get the version of the zip file but all I got was:
"Sorry, the page /en-US/docs/Web/WebDriver/Clients could not be found."
on which was the link used on under usage: "depends on which WebDriver client you’re using" link.
I'm trying to get the zip file of version 84.0.1(64-bit) of Firefox Browser.
Could anyone help me find this zip file?
you can download webdriver in the above link
the compatability chart is
The list of all the releases of GeckoDriver can be found at mozilla / geckodriver
However it is recomended to crosscheck the compattibility of the version of GeckoDriver you are downloading as per the matrix below:
This usecase
For firefox version 84.0.1 you can use either of the following version of GeckoDriver:

Turning off w3c permanently on msedgedriver.exe

My organization, just upgraded to Version 81.0.416.53 (Official build) (64-bit) of the edge chromium browser and I am the automation engineer for it. I am having issues getting my version of Watir/Ruby to work with it I have updated the Edge Webdriver to match the version number of the browser. I was originally using the Chrome class to interact with chromium, now that no longer works, but when I switch to Edge I keep getting a w3c error when I attempt to run my ui automation scripts. There doesn't appear to be a way for me to programatically turn off the Hardware acceleration for the webdriver through the Edge class in Watir/Selenium. I have turned it off for my browser, but when I run the webdriver, it is still turned on. Is there any way for me to make this change directly in the webdriver instead of trying to change an option that doesn't exist in Watir?
I am open to other suggestions if you have them. Thank You for your time.
ruby 2.5.8p224 (2020-03-31 revision 67882) [x64-mingw32]
selenium-webdriver (3.142.7)
Edge Chromium Version 81.0.416.53 (Official build) (64-bit)
Windows 10
require 'watir'
Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Service.driver_path = "c:/webdriver_location/msedgedriver.exe"
client = :edge
browser =
I ran into a similar issue before. You could use the options like Chrome's in Edge Chromium. The code in ruby is like the following:
capabilities = { "edgeOptions" => {'w3c' => false} }
I'm not familiar with Watir, don't know if this syntax can be used in Watir. You could change it into the usable one in Watir.
For more detailed information, you could also refer to this thread.

how to install sqlite manager addon in firefox quantum (browser version 57)

i tried to install sqlite manager addon in firefox but it showing me an error (your Firefox Quantum Browser isn't compatible )
my Firefox Browser version is 57.0.4
This extension depended upon the interface to sqlite engine embedded
in Firefox. As the interface has been removed in Firefox 57, this
extension no longer functions. However, the extension can be used on
ESR release of Firefox, which can be downloaded at
Stated on the addon itself. I myself pushed my firefox version back but have also been using DB Browser ( As its not too bad i may upgrade back to the latest firefox!
Firefox Version Directory:
Hopefully this may help someone fishing around.
You should install older versions of Firefox. Here is link
An easy work around to browser version issues is to install thunderbird 38 (if you don't use thunderbird for email) and then install SQLite manager as an extension to thunderbird. I don't use thunderbird for anything else so I set it to no update: options>advanced>update>never check for update.

NW.js chrome.gcm. API doesn't work

I have chrome packaged app, and there I use GCM.
NW.js said that they will continue to support chrome APIs in this article, but I can't get a registration ID when using chrome.gcm.register.
Any news about this? Is this API still supported?
As mentioned in Transitioning from Chrome apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux, Chrome packaged and hosted apps will remain supported and maintained for the foreseeable future on Chrome OS only. It was stated further:
Chrome packaged and hosted apps will be discontinued on Windows, Mac, and Linux over the course of now and early 2018. For more information, refer to the August 2016 Chromium blog post.
For this concern, please try going through the given documentation above for the recommended migration options for packaged apps.
Solution is to use --enable-gcm flag in command line.
Example(OS X):
open -n -a nwjs --args --enable-gcm /path/to/app/

Watir installation issue

I am facing problem installing Watir. I've followed all the necessary steps given in watirbook.pdf. I've also installed the necessary extensions like IEDriverServer & ChromeDriver but i'm still having issues with both of the browsers, as shown below in screen capture.
It's completely working fine with Firefox.
As Justin suggested you should download the IE driver/Chrome driver then extract the zip file and place the executable in your ruby path. In general the ruby path would be C:\Ruby193\bin.