How to use twitter API with date parameters? - api

We're building an app that analyzes twitter feed using streaming api. But it will only start analyzing after app starts. We need to download historical twitter data using API to initialize our system.
As per documentation twitter API only has until query parameter.
Is there a way to download /keep downloading the twits for given keyworkds with from to dates ?
We're using python.

As per documentation twitter API, query method that you mentioned provides "since_id" parameter. If you want to keep downloading tweetsas they come then use "until" parameter for first time n then "since _id" whenever you want to update


I want to retrieve all API calls history from docusign

I tried to retrieve all API Calls history from docusign and later on want to list it on my website in laravel but I can't achieve it.
Can anyone suggests me, how can I achieve it?
This cannot be done programmatically.
You can only get the last 50 API calls in the web UI.
Instructions -
Video -

Update keyword list for streaming API on-the-fly using HBC

I'm working on a project accessing Twitter's Streaming API with HBC.
I'm storing keywords for Twitters Streaming API (filter) in a file and now I'm looking for a way to close and reconnect to Twitter each time the file changes.
I googled with no useful result.
Any idea how I could manage this task?
Don't do this Twitter doesn't like reconnects in stream API, they will ban your application.
If you have to often change filter parameters better use Rest Api search tweets endpoint

Twitter API most tweeted

I understand the Twitter API is only getting more restricted, but is it possible to use the search API to find the most tweeted links within a given time period?
That is currently not possible with the Twitter API. It is possible with Gnip (disclosure I work for Gnip), but to figure that out would be very costly. In essence what you would need to do is get every Tweet with a link in it and then from that dataset determine the most Tweeted links.

Twitter API - which Library?

I'm new to objective-c/cocoa and I want to build a simple app using Twitter API.
I only want to access the Followers of the user and because of that I don't think I will need a complex library like MGTwitterEngine.
Is there any Engine out there to my needs or should I use MGTwitterEngine?
I'd recommend getting some experience with MGTwitterEngine. Even if you don't have a use for the entire library, I'm sure you'll want to take advantage of it later on down the road once you see what it's capable of. You can even find an entire tutorial from start to finish on creating a twitter client with the MGTwitterEngine.

Google doc api for iphone - conditional fetching with If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since

I am building Google docs sync application for iPad. I am able to download all the files from Google doc account to iPad for offline viewing. Now I want to optimize the sync process where only updated documents will be downloaded during sync process.
As per the gdoc api reference document, I need to use If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match query parameters for conditional fetching. However, I am not able to understand how to do it?
I tried adding both these parameters while fetching document list. I also tried adding these params while actually downloading each document entry. But its fetching all the documents every time.
If someone has already implemented conditional fetching using Google docs api,
I am using version 2 of Google data api for objective-c