Google doc api for iphone - conditional fetching with If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since - objective-c

I am building Google docs sync application for iPad. I am able to download all the files from Google doc account to iPad for offline viewing. Now I want to optimize the sync process where only updated documents will be downloaded during sync process.
As per the gdoc api reference document, I need to use If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match query parameters for conditional fetching. However, I am not able to understand how to do it?
I tried adding both these parameters while fetching document list. I also tried adding these params while actually downloading each document entry. But its fetching all the documents every time.
If someone has already implemented conditional fetching using Google docs api,
I am using version 2 of Google data api for objective-c


How to download only a specific variant/media type using the JDownloader API

I am trying to write a script that sometimes downloads audio and other times downloads videos using the JDownloader API. If I wasn't using the API, I would either change the YouTube plugin to only download certain media types, or I would only start the download for the wanted files and remove the others. How would I go about doing either of these using the API, or is there a better way altogether?

How can I get the Views Per Hour stat for a YouTube video?

I checked the Youtube API and it's mainly to do with adding functionalities related to the YouTube app rather than getting analytics data about videos.
There is a chrome extension called VidIQ that shows the views per hours of a particular video when going to the video's page on YouTube, so I tried reading the source code for it, but it is all compressed and I can't easily find what I'm looking for.
Could someone explain to me how VidIQ chrome extension is getting the views per hour stat for YouTube? Maybe it's not an official stat from Youtube but a rough estimate calculated by VidIQ. How do they get this information?
I tried debugging the VidIQ chrome extension to search through the source code but adding a simple html tag made the file corrupted and disabled the extension until I repaired it again. I'm having difficulties deciphering the source code.
Most of what VidIQ gets is from the YouTube analytics api and not directly from the YouTube data api although i would be they use some combination of both.
If you create a report that extracts views and run it every hour you should get the results you are looking for.
However i would be willing to be that they cache a lot of the data and do some internal analytics on it. They would need to cache it as the YouTube analytics api only returns data for the last 90 days last i checked.
If your intent is to Reverse Engineer VidIQ you may need to accept that a lot of the data you are seeing is internally stored in their system and generated by them based upon the data that is avaliable in the YouTube Analytics API and the YouTube data apis.

How do I Automate BIng Maps data upload?

How do I upload data to Bing Maps without having to use the portal? I can’t find anything in the documentation that mentions this, but any time we update our data, I have to manually upload a new XML file. Ideally, we would automate the upload whenever we update the data.
The closest I can get is the Uploading Data page, but there's nothing there about it.
Use the data source management API:
If you are working in .NET, you might also find this library useful:

Uploading documents to a deal in hubspot

I want to implement the following use case and I'm not sure how to do this with the Hubspot API and I don't find any solution within the documentation.
I created a custom request flow which is creating contacts and deals within Hubspot programmatically via the API in the next step the user should upload documents related to his case and I would like to upload and associate these documents with the related deal. Could someone help me or point me to the right spot in the documentation on how such a scenario can be established with the API.
I got the following answer on the community board of Hubspot which worked for me:
You can upload a File (and set the permissions) using the CMS Files
Once you've upload the file you can the associate the file to your
deal (using the File ID returned from the CMS Files API) with the
Create Engagement API.

How to use twitter API with date parameters?

We're building an app that analyzes twitter feed using streaming api. But it will only start analyzing after app starts. We need to download historical twitter data using API to initialize our system.
As per documentation twitter API only has until query parameter.
Is there a way to download /keep downloading the twits for given keyworkds with from to dates ?
We're using python.
As per documentation twitter API, query method that you mentioned provides "since_id" parameter. If you want to keep downloading tweetsas they come then use "until" parameter for first time n then "since _id" whenever you want to update