Adding and Updating data by month in Access with Vb.Net - sql

I've been trying to add and update data to a table in MS Access by month. This is so I can calculate any expenditures or sales per month. So if stock for a company were bought in March It would add this to the March expenditure row. And would be kept different from the expenditure in February or April for example.
I am unsure how to do this and how to have my program check the current month and year to see where it should input the data/make a new row for the month.
I know how to write to a database, I'm just not sure how to make my program write to a row in the database that depends on the current month and year
Any help would be greatly appreciated and sorry If this is all long winded or this is an easy fix, its my first post here and I'm a novice when it comes to programming.

In Access, to get the current date you use the date() function. I.E. if you were to do:
the query would return the system date, which, today would be:
To do math (add or subtract a specified interval) against the date, the syntax, again in Access, is:
So, if I wanted to add one month to the current date I would write:
Or conversely, subtract two months from the current date:
DATEADD(m, -2, DATE())


SQL - Count month difference in non-consecutive date period

I am trying to extract how many months of membership a member gets up to date. As the picture shows, this member got four years of subscription since 2018. However, she stopped the subscription for a year ending in 2019. And then, restart the membership in 2020 again.
Each membership lasts for 12 months. if we look at the last membership starting from 2022-05-08, it will end up on 2023-05-08. However, I only want to get the total month count up to date(getdate - 2022-09-14).
Please advise how I could approach this matter. Thanks!
enter image description here
Assuming you were planning to apply sum(monthcount), you could wrap the monthcount within a CASE statement to checks if the vip_end is greater than today's date:
sum(case when vip_end > getdate() then ... else monthcount end)
What you do within that ... depends on whether you wanted to just count the different number of months within the date range (e.g. 31st Jan -> 01st Feb is counted as a whole month because it just considers Jan -> Feb):
datediff(month, datecreated, getdate())
or perhaps calculate the number of months based on the average days in a month:
datediff(day, datecreated, getdate())*12.0/365.25
or maybe something else... it really depends on what level of detail you want to achieve.

SSIS Package to archive data on monthly basis

Can any one let me know how can i create a ssis package which will serve the below mentioned criteria.
1) Extract new member joiner data on monthly basis .
2) Store the data on a separate table call 'Joiner' which has column member_name,join_date,member_class.
3) the job will be scheduled to run 1st day of every month.
For example the package will run on 1st April with a join_date 1st March to 31st Match and dump it to the 'joiner' table. Next month it will run on 1st May with a join_date of 1st April to 30th April.
I know i have to create a store procedure with a join date parameter to pass but my concern is how should i achieve this automation of passing date every month and archive joiners data on month and month basis.
Any help will be much appreciated.
It sounds like your question is about how to get the previous month of data on an automated basis. DATEADD() and EOMONTH() can accomplish your need of grabbing a rolling timeframe each month automatically if you are using SQL Server.
getdate(), --current date
EOMONTH(GETDATE()), --last day of the current month
EOMONTH(GETDATE(),-1), --last day of the previous month
DATEADD(DAY, 1, EOMONTH(GETDATE(),-2)) --go back two months and add 1 day
Your query would need to include something like this in the WHERE clause.
AND join_date < EOMONTH(GETDATE(),-1)

Get the month and year now then count the number of rows that are older then 12 months in SQL/Classic ASP

I know this one is pretty easy but I've always had a nightmare when it comes to comparing dates in SQL please can someone help me out with this, thanks.
I need to get the month and year of now then compare it to a date stored in a DB.
Time Format in the DB:
2015-08-17 11:10:14.000
I need to compare the month and year with now and if its > 12 months old I will increment a count. I just need the number of rows where this argument is true.
I assume you have a datetime field.
You can use the DATEDIFF function, which takes the kind of "crossed boundaries", the start date and the end date.
Your boundary is the month because you are only interested in year and month, not days, so you can use the month macro.
Your start time is the value stored in the table's row.
Your end time is now. You can get system time selecting SYSDATETIME function.
So, assuming your table is called mtable and the datetime object is stored in its date field, you simply have to query:

How do I get the date of the last day of the previous month in the previous year in SQL?

I am writing a query with a where clause which needs to return the final day of the previous month in the previous year. So if I ran it today (18/06/2014), it would return 31/05/2013. If I ran it next month on 19/07/2014 it would return 30/06/2013 and so on.
I can use
select DATEADD(day,-1,DATEadd(MONTH,datediff(month,0,GETDATE()),0))
which returns the final date of last month but I can't work out how to adapt this to give me the date a year previously.
I can add - 365 to the end of the above code which does what I want but wouldn't account for leap years. Although I don't expect my reports to be in use for long enough for this to necessarily matter it would be good to find a solution that works nicely (and to think that they might be).
Any solutions greatly appreciated.
Just add another dateadd(YY, -1, {your code}) around your getdate() to roll the year back first, then look to previous month (per comments below).
select DATEADD(day,-1,DATEadd(MONTH,datediff(month,0,DATEADD(YY,-1,GETDATE())),0))

How to get month within a range vb2010

I just don't know how to go about this.
I designed a program that uses MS Access as its database. I have a field for month and year (the field data type is text) where user can register details. The program will register the month and year the user have chosen e.g month= September, year=2011.
My problem now is how to chose a range of data to view by the user using the month and year as a criteria e.g the User may want to view data range from (September 2011 to July 2013).
I couldn't figure out even how to try. Help will be highly appreciated.
Perhaps you could change your application logic to store the month and year as their respective numbers rather than text and change the field data types to numeric.
You could then construct a DateTime object from them, for example September would be 9 and you could use code like the following:
var startDate = new DateTime(year, month, 1); // get year and month as integers from database, uses the first as the date
var endDate = new DateTime(year, month, 10); // change the date but keeps the month and year the same
var endDate2 = startDate.AddMonths(1); // adds 1 month to the date
Alternatively, you could try using a calendar control to allow the user to select two dates instead of building it from a number of fields. Depending on what you are using this could be achieved a number of ways, for example in ASP.Net or WPF you could use two calendar controls and just use their SelectedDate properties as your range.
A range is from a startpoint until an end point. For the startpoint you can add automatically the first of Month. For the endpoint is it more complicated because there is no fix endpoint. What you can do is following:
Write an array that contains for each month the days (e.g. 30 or 31). Except for Febrauary there is a fix pattern.
for Febrauary use the selected year to check is the year a leap year or not. If not add 28, else add 29.
After that create the date string for your SQL:
Startdate 1.9.2011. Do for the entdate the same.
After that, I think you can use the keyword between in your SQL query.
You can assume that everything is entered on the first day of each month. I would pull the information using a query to the database.
select * from [tablename] where DateSerial([colYear], [colMonth], 1) between DateSerial([fromYear], [fromMonth], 1) and DateSerial([toYear], [toMonth], 1)
In this question are some ways to do this:
First. Filter the dates in a range assuming that you use a date like '07-12-2012'
i.e. September 2011 to July 2013
Where DateColumn > '09-01-2011' and DateColumn < '07-31-2013'
Specify a Date and a Year
Where month(DateColumn)='1' and year(DateColumn)='2016'
There are many ways to do this.
You can Manipulate your statement depending on your desired output.