Displaying filtered issues in JIRA project tab - jira-plugin

This is my first attempt to create a JIRA plugin and I'm completely lost.
I have already managed to create a project tab plugin. However, I can't find the way to populate the screen with any more than HTML.
My main goal is to display a list of filtered issues in the project tab. I saw the issues list displayed in the Versions tab (screenshot: http://cl.ly/image/0g1O3v0M0p38/Screen%20Shot%202015-03-25%20at%203.49.35%20PM.png) and I figured I could copy the code that did that on a project tab. However I can't find the code that does this.
Any pointers you can give me would be highly appreciated.
TL;DR: Need to know how to filter issues and display them in a project tab.

1) how to filter issues
Please look here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/__Searching+in+JIRA
2) display them in a project tab.
Here is the answer: JIRA Plugins - How to add webwork action to a project panel?


Only the UWP project is running

It doesn't work if I try to add multiple pages to UNO SOLUTION. There are a lot of mistakes coming out. Only the UWP project is running. One of the mistakes.
First create a Page (Uno Platform UWP) then copy the body.
I also fixed the error in the same way.
To fix InitializeComponent error in Uno, you could refer to the following steps that are from the official document.
You could build your project once, close the solution and reopen it. It is also important to note that Uno uses a multi-project structure, for which each project has to be build individually for errors to disapear from the Error List window (notice the Project column values).
In order to clear the Error List window, build the whole solution completely once. Thereafter, build a specific project and prefer the use of the Output tool window (in the menu View -> Output), taking build messages by order of appearance.

IntelliJ does not export to exe

I have seen many guides where artifacts menu contains Native bundle field. But I don't have it. Moreover, after building the project, the EXE file doesn't appear in any folder. See pic
The option is there but the bottom panel hides it. Please resize the panel and you get the option back. There is similar report on YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-183544

IntelliJ - working with features

I have 2 simple questions that I cannot find answer to.
First is in NetBeans when I type . operator behind a variable or method or whatever, small window with documentation will show up like on the picture. On the other hand I can't achieve the same result in IntelliJ. I followed steps on official website and this is what I get in IntelliJ after I press CTRL+Q. All I want is full documentation so for a begginer like me it would be easier to use and learn stuff.
[EDIT]: I tried it once again and I saw little yellow message "download missing driver" and it is working just fine.. this one is solved.
Second question is about MySQL database driver (or connector). In NetBeans, I just press right click on project and add the library I want. But I can't find solution for this in IntelliJ.
Thanks for every advice!
For the first question, I'm thinking what you mean is the suggestions after you type a '.'. In IntelliJ, the suggestions show only if you have config a right dependency in the File > Project Structure, and the Libraries tab.
And for the second question, also you should find File > Project Structure, in the Modules tab, Add new Database support(Hibernate such as) for you project.
Hope it helps you.
Ok, so I finally found the solution.
I went to Project Structure -> SDKs -> Documentation Paths and I added https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/ in there so now when I press CTRL+Q for quick documentation it shows exactly what I needed.

Adding a third tab in Android studio xml editor

I want to write an Android Studio IDE plugin which will add a third tab (After "Design" and "Text" tab) in the XML file editor view.
What I am trying to accomplish is to have a different representation of the layout XML files.
I tried going through the files present under this page but I could not find anything useful.
Can anyone help me please ?
This screenshot shows what I am trying to do.
This third tab will show the layout in JSON format , the JSON being constructed by my plugin.
The main purpose of this tab being this : Once the user approves the JSON structure, the plugin will upload the JSON to my server to store my layout on the cloud.
I have gone through IntelliJ plugin creation process. But since I am building a plugin on top of Android's plugin, I am not able to find any good starting point.
If someone can point me to the source code for the XML layout editor view, I can work from there.
This solution works for me :) and I guess this is simple... you can now make you external tool and distribute for install. In my case when the ViewText windows is deactivated or loses focus, I just close the window automatically...

Importing VB.net project A into VB.net Project B

Could someone point me in the direction of importing a project into a project. Any information on how to use it would be great as well.
For example I have Project A that I could use to work within Project B. I have no idea what the correct form is for calling this in.
Any links would be more than helpful as well.
I am working in VB 2010
First Edit:
I do have an add reference option, but no add project option. Im assuming i shall go with reference and see what I can do.
Right click on the solution in the Solution explorer and Add --> Existing Project should work
Or file from the main menu Add --> Existing project