Is there an easy way to stop the inertia effect of a FlipView when on the outer items?
I tried settings the FlipView ManipulationMode to TranslateY and TranslateRailsY only but that didn't do the trick.
Set UseTouchAnimationsForAllNavigation=false.
However, this only removes animation for keyboard, mouse and pen. You cannot disable it for touch.
I am trying to use either ScrollView or FlatList to build a swipable carousel. At one step in the swiper, I want to be able to disable scrolling to the next item until another step is completed, but still enable the user to scroll back to the previous screen. How can I disable swiping in a single direction (left/right) while still allowing swipe in the other direction? I have tried to use onMomentumScrollBegin and onScroll to detect direction and then disable scrolling via the scrollEnabled prop, but it is not immediate and causes glitchy behavior
I have a question about the Swiper Slider. Is it possible to disable "swiping" and "mouse wheel scrolling" if the transition starts, and enable it again if the transition end? Something like that. This is to prevent the user from scrolling or swiping too fast between slides.
Yes. By API parameter:
preventInteractionOnTransition: true;
(false by default).
When enabled it won't allow changing slides by swiping or
navigation/pagination buttons during transition
I want to control the scrolling direction: disable to swipe left, enable to swipe right with scrollView.
I see the prop named: scrollEnabled , but it must be declare at the beginning.
How do i disable scrolling whenever i want?
This question is related to changing prop.
In iOS, i can control the scrolling behaviour easily.
I am using a FlipView control in my windows store app. The swipe gesture is not working for the FlipView control. I want to hide the next and previous buttons and show the previous and next items only on swipe. I am running the app on simulator. By customizing the default style I am able to hide the buttons of the FlipView control, but the swipe is not recognized in the simulator. Do I need to change the properties to enable swipe in the FlipView?
The buttons should hide and the swipe gesture should be detected when the touch mode of the simulator is used. The buttons are shown when the mouse pointer is used.
I've a scrollview and on both sides, I've two buttons left and right.
when i click the scroll view will move left and when right button is clicked it will move right side. My scrollview has 20 buttons (approx) & on click of each button some action is performed.
Everything is perfectly implemented and working fine.
Only thing i couldn't implement is to prevent scrolling by touch. I don't want user to scroll the scrollview manually. How can i prevent it from scrolling by touch and still able to click the buttons inside the scrollview ?
Try setting yourScrollView.scrollEnabled = NO;. That should do exactly what you want.
Swift, set scrollView.isScrollEnabled = false and it should work!
Swift 3
self.scrollView.isScrollEnabled = false
If those buttons are the only interface for users, disable 'User Interaction Enabled' option of the scroll view in the Interface Builder. Or, programmatically, set userInteractionEnabled property to NO.
Maybe your issue is that when using UIView.animate and the options:
[.allowUserInteraction], is not set.
After this option set, the scrollview should stop on tap.