Jersey 2.x Restlets - apply governance control (like limit on number of requests allowed for restlet resource) - restlet

I have been reading the Jersey 2.17 user guide for possibities around applying governance limits on the exposed RESTLet resources. I am particularly interested in applying limits on incoming requests for a particular Jersey RESTLet resource for a particular client consumer (For example: I want to only allow 10 requests per 30 second from any particular source).
Please let me know if anybody has a feasible approach in mind based on their experience with the native API capabilities. Thanks in advance!

What you can do to achieve this with Restlet is to use the APISpark extension.
This similar question should answer your question:
Limit request on a Restlet resource with APISpark restlet extension
Where you can do something like this:
FirewallRule rule = new PeriodicFirewallCounterRule(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new IpAddressCountingPolicy());
((PeriodicFirewallCounterRule)rule).addHandler(new RateLimitationHandler(new UniqueLimitPolicy(10)));
FirewallFilter firewallFiler = new FirewallFilter(getContext(), list(rule));
To limit the access to your app's Restlet server resources. I hope this helps or at least give you a hint.


Request URI too long on spartacus services

I've been trying to make use of service.getNavigation() method, but apparently the Request URI is too long which causes this error:
Request-URI Too Long
The requested URL's length exceeds the capacity limit for this server.
Is there a spartacus config that can resolve this issue?
Or is this supposed to be handled in the cloud (ccv2) config?
Not sure which service are you talking about specifically and what data are you passing there. For starters, please read this:
Additionally it would benefit everyone if you could say something about the service you're using and the data you are trying to pass/get.
The navigation component is firing a request for all componentIds. If you have a navigation with a lot of (root?) elements, the maximum length of HTTP GET request might be too long for the given client or server.
The initial implementation of loading components was actually done by a POST request, but the impression was that we would not need to support requests with so many components. I guess we were wrong.
Luckily, the legacy POST based request is still in the code base, it's OccCmsComponentAdapter.findComponentsByIdsLegacy.
The easiest way for you to use this code, is to provide a CustomOccCmsComponentAdapter, that extends from OccCmsComponentAdapter. Then you can override the findComponentsByIds method and simply call the super.findComponentsByIdsLegacy and pass in a copy of the arguments.
A more cleaner way would be to override the CmsComponentConnector and directly delegate the load to the adapter.findComponentsByIdsLegacy. I would not start here, as it's more complicated. Do a POC with the first suggested approach.

Can we limit the number of request hits per second in karate

I am using karate 0.9.0. I need to limit the request hits to 5 per second in my test suite due to threshold limit at gateway. is it possible in karate or not? If yes, how?
Here is the suggestion - configure headers as a JavaScript function. Within the function body - use a Java singleton (and a static method) to track how many requests have been sent and how much "sleep" needs to be added to maintain the required throttling / threshold.
You will need some Java skills to do this, all the best. The documentation has details on how to call Java code.

How do multiple versions of a REST API share the same data model?

There is a ton of documentation on academic theory and best practices on how to manage versioning for RESTful Web Services, however I have not seen much discussion on how multiple REST APIs interact with data.
I'd like to see various architectural strategies or documentation on how to handle hosting multiple versions of your app that rely on the same data pool.
For instance, suppose you make a database level destructive change to a database table that causes you to have to increment your major API version to v2.
Now at any given time, users could be interacting with the v1 web service and the v2 web service at the same time and creating data that is visible and editable by both services. How should this be handled?
Most of changes introduced to API affect the content of the response, till changes introduced are incremental this is not a very big problem (note: you should never expose the exact DB model directly to the clients).
When you make a destructive/significant change to DB model and new API version of API is introduced, there are two options:
Turn the previous version off, filter out all queries to reply with 301 and new location.
If 1. is impossible to need to maintain both previous and current version of the API. Since this might time and money consuming it should be done only for some time and finally previous version should be turned off.
What with DB model? When two versions of API are active at the same time I'd try to keep the DB model as consistent as possible - having in mind that running two versions at the same time is just temporary. But as I wrote earlier, DB model should never be exposed directly to the clients - this may help you to avoid a lot of problems.
I have given this a little thought...
One solution may be this:
Just because the v1 API should not change, it doesn't mean the underlying implementation cannot change. You can modify the v1 implementation code to set a default value, omit the saving of a field, return an unchecked exception, or do some kind of computational logic that helps the v1 API to be compatible with the shared datasource. Then, implement a better, cleaner, more idealistic implementation in v2.
when you are going to change any thing in your API structure that can change the response, you most increase you'r API Version.
for example you have this request and response:
request post: a, b, c, d
res: {a,b,c+d}
and your are going to add 'e' in your response fetched from database.
if you don't have any change based on 'e' in current client versions, you can add it on your current API version.
but if you'r new changes are going to change last responses, for example:
res: {a+e, b, c+d}
you most increase API number to prevent crashing.
changing in the request input's are the same.

Mule Web Service Consumer Warning : Operation Messages With More then 1 Part Are Not Supported

Hi I am working with Mule Web Service Consumer and i was trying to call operation with Multiple Parameters it is warning me that
Warning : Operation Messages With More then 1 Part Are Not Supported
I just want to pass multiple parameters to access my SOAP method to achieve the task.
Is this the problem with Web Service Consumer or is their any way to deal with this.
I'm afraid this is a known limitation of the web services consumer. However you can accomplish this with the cxf component.
I having the same issue and found some information around it ...
There is a improvement logged in JIRA, may help if you vote for it :)
This link suggests that you can still use WSConsumer but need to do some hand crafting of the request XML ... I could not understand what that exactly it meant so if anyone has an example on it would be great
PS: The problem I had with using CXF component is that it does not play well with the new Dataweave transformer as the Dataweave needs to be placed within the response block and from there it cannot datasense the response coming out from the CXF component
The Solution here is very simple. You just have to comment other messages and then load metadata for non-commented message (for one which you're trying to load metadata). Repeat this procedure for all the other messages and you're good to go.
Hope this helps !

Benchmarking/Performance testing of the API - REST/SOAP

I'm trying to benchmark/ do performance testing of API's at my work. So the client facing is REST format while the backend data is retrieved by SOAP messages. So my question is can some of you share your thoughts on how you implement it (if you have done so in the past/doing it now), am basically interested in avg response time it takes for API to return results for the client
Please let me know if you need any additional information to answer the question
Could not say it any better than Mark, really:
Maybe you should give JMeter a try.
You can try using Apache Benchmark.This is simple and quick
Jmeter gives you additional flexibility like adding functional cases along with performance details. Results will be almost similar to Apache Benchmark tool.
The detailed one which gives Functional Test Result, performance counters settings, Call response time details, CPU and Memory changes along with Load/Stress results, with different bandwidth and browser settings - Visual Studio Team system
I used VSTS2010 for performance testing. Also GET and POST are straight forward. PUT and DELETE need coded version of webtest.
If you are trying to test the REST -> SOAP calls. One more thing you can consider is to have some stubs created (for backend). This way you can perf test REST -> Stub performance followed by Stub -> SOAP perfomance. This will help in analyzing the individual components.