Linq (Visual Basic) - Comparing two anonymous types yields no results -

I am trying to write a linq query with a composite key. Here is the full query:
Dim qeRelationships = From p In qualificationElements _
Join r In relationships On New With {.ElementCode = r.Parent, .Type = r.ParentType} _
Equals New With {.ElementCode = p.ElementCode, .Type = p.Type} _
Join c In qualificationElements On New With {.ElementCode = r.Child, .Type = r.ChildType} _
Equals New With {.ElementCode = c.ElementCode, .Type = c.Type} _
Select New QualificationElementRelationship _
With {.Parent = p, _
.Child = c, _
.Relationship = r.RelationshipType, _
.Scope = r.Scope}
This is yielding no results and I am not sure why.
I have boiled it down to two examples. The following works and returns records:
Dim qeRelationships = From p In qualificationElements _
Join r In relationships On r.Child Equals p.ElementCode _
Select New _
With {.Relationship = r.RelationshipType, _
.Scope = r.Scope}
This next snippet does not work and does not return records
Dim qeRelationships = From p In qualificationElements _
Join r In relationships On New With {.a = r.Child} Equals New With {.a = p.ElementCode} _
Select New _
With {.Relationship = r.RelationshipType, _
.Scope = r.Scope}
Why does the first query work and the second fail?

Here is a quick post and answer! It is because all the properties of your anonymous class need to be marked up with the "Key" directive.
Dim qeRelationships = From p In qualificationElements _
Join r In relationships On New With {Key .a = r.Child} Equals New With {Key .a = p.ElementCode} _
Select New _
With {.Relationship = r.RelationshipType, _
.Scope = r.Scope}
The full query
Dim qeRelationships = From p In qualificationElements _
Join r In relationships On New With {Key .ElementCode = r.Parent, Key .Type = r.ParentType} _
Equals New With {Key .ElementCode = p.ElementCode, Key .Type = p.Type} _
Join c In qualificationElements On New With {Key .ElementCode = r.Child, Key .Type = r.ChildType} _
Equals New With {Key .ElementCode = c.ElementCode, Key .Type = c.Type} _
Select New QualificationElementRelationship _
With {.Parent = p, _
.Child = c, _
.Relationship = r.RelationshipType, _
.Scope = r.Scope}


Linq with multiple where clauses not pulling back data

I am using VB.NET and Linq; I have two separate conditions that have to be satisfied. When I run them individually they work fine however when I combine them into a single statement with multiple where statements then I get 0 records returned.
If I run the first where clause without the 2nd I get 70 records
If I run the 2nd where clause without the first i get 5 records
When I run with both where clauses I get 0 records returned
Here is the code.
submissionDetails = (From r In model.NIBRS_ReportStatusByORI
Where (sCritera.ORI.Contains(r.OriginatingORI) _
And Not r.ReportType = "ZERO REPORT" _
And r.OccurrenceDate >= sCritera.BeginDate _
And r.OccurrenceDate <= sCritera.EndDate _
And (r.ActionCode <> "D"))
Where (sCritera.ORI.Contains(r.OriginatingORI) _
And r.ReportType.Equals("ZERO REPORT") _
And r.YearMonthDate >= sCritera.BeginDate _
And r.YearMonthDate <= sCritera.EndDate _
And (r.ActionCode <> "D"))
Select New ReportStatusDetails() With {
.ChangeDate = r.Insertdate,
.IncidentId = r.IncidentID,
.IncidentIdentifier = r.IncidentIdentifier,
.OriginatingORI = r.OriginatingORI,
.ReportType = r.ReportType,
.StatusID = r.StatusID,
.SubmittedBy = r.Username,
.ReportDate = r.YearMonthDate,
.ReportDateString = r.YearMonth,
.OccurrenceDate = r.OccurrenceDate
Have you tried this:
submissionDetails = (From r In model.NIBRS_ReportStatusByORI
Where (sCritera.ORI.Contains(r.OriginatingORI) _
And Not r.ReportType = "ZERO REPORT" _
And r.OccurrenceDate >= sCritera.BeginDate _
And r.OccurrenceDate <= sCritera.EndDate _
And (r.ActionCode <> "D"))
Select New ReportStatusDetails() With {
.ChangeDate = r.Insertdate,
.IncidentId = r.IncidentID,
.IncidentIdentifier = r.IncidentIdentifier,
.OriginatingORI = r.OriginatingORI,
.ReportType = r.ReportType,
.StatusID = r.StatusID,
.SubmittedBy = r.Username,
.ReportDate = r.YearMonthDate,
.ReportDateString = r.YearMonth,
.OccurrenceDate = r.OccurrenceDate
}).Union(From r In model.NIBRS_ReportStatusByORI
Where (sCritera.ORI.Contains(r.OriginatingORI) _
And r.ReportType.Equals("ZERO REPORT") _
And r.YearMonthDate >= sCritera.BeginDate _
And r.YearMonthDate <= sCritera.EndDate _
And (r.ActionCode <> "D"))
Select New ReportStatusDetails() With {
.ChangeDate = r.Insertdate,
.IncidentId = r.IncidentID,
.IncidentIdentifier = r.IncidentIdentifier,
.OriginatingORI = r.OriginatingORI,
.ReportType = r.ReportType,
.StatusID = r.StatusID,
.SubmittedBy = r.Username,
.ReportDate = r.YearMonthDate,
.ReportDateString = r.YearMonth,
.OccurrenceDate = r.OccurrenceDate

How to transform an SQL statement with Group by and Order By into a LINQ statement in

I have the following code working correctly, but was requested to combine it into one LINQ statement:
Dim AddlOrders = From ords In ctxi.V_TKT_HIST_BVs.AsEnumerable() _
Select ords Where (ords.CUST_NO = cstno) And (ords.ORIG_STA_ID <> "SWWEB") _
Order By ords.ORIG_TKT_NO Descending, ords.TKT_DT Descending
Dim AddlOrds As New Collection(Of V_TKT_HIST_BV)
Dim o As New V_TKT_HIST_BV
If (cstno Is Nothing) OrElse (AddlOrders Is Nothing) OrElse (AddlOrders.Count = 0) Then
AddlOrdersLabel.Text = "You have 0 additional orders."
AddlOrdersGrid.Visible = False
For Each ord In AddlOrders
If prevord = String.Empty Then
prevord = ord.ORIG_TKT_NO
totord = ord.TOT
o = ord
ElseIf prevord = ord.ORIG_TKT_NO Then
totord += ord.TOT
o.TOT = totord
prevord = ord.ORIG_TKT_NO
totord = ord.TOT
o = ord
End If
If o IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Dim Addord = From ords In AddlOrds Order By ords.TKT_DT Descending
AddlOrdersGrid.DataSource = Addord
I have tried the following statement, but Visual Studio changes "Into os" to "Into os()" and gives a message that Definition of method os is not accessible in this context:
Dim orders = From o1 In ctxi.V_TKT_HIST_BVs
Where o1.CUST_NO = cstno
Group o1 By o1.TKT_DT, o1.ORIG_TKT_NO, o1.TOT
Into os() Select ORIG_ORD_NO, total = os.Sum(TOT),
tdate = os.Last(Function(v) v.TKT_DAT)
An example of the SQL would be like:
Does anyone have an idea why it would change os into a method?
This would be it in C#:
.Select(t=> new {
Converted to VB.NET:
Dim Addord = ctxi.V_TKT_HIST_BVs _
.Where(Function(t) t.CUST_NO = cstno) _
.Where(Function(t) t.ORIG_STA_ID <> "SWWEB") _
.GroupBy(Function(t) t.ORIG_TKT_NO) _
.Select(Function(t) New With { _
Key .CUST_NO = cstno, _
Key .EMAIL_ADRS_1 = t.FirstOrDefault().EMAIL_ADRS_1, _
Key .TOT = t.SUM(Function(u) u.TOT), _
Key .ORIG_TKT_NO = t.Key, _
Key .TKT_DT = t.Min(Function(u) u.TKT_DT) _
}).OrderByDescending(Function(t) t.TKT_DT)
If (Addord.Any()) Then
AddlOrdersLabel.Text = "You have 0 additional orders."
AddlOrdersGrid.Visible = False

Left Outer Join Two Data Tables? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
VB.Net LINQ - left outer join between two datatables - limit to one row
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is it possible to modify this LINQ method to perform a left outer join? Looking at LINQ queries, I'm in way over my head..
Private Function MergeTables(Of T)(ByVal dtForecast As DataTable,
ByVal dtDns As DataTable, _
ByVal fieldASelector As Func(Of DataRow, T), _
ByVal fieldBSelector As Func(Of DataRow, T), _
ByVal whereClauseA As Func(Of DataRow, Decimal), _
ByVal whereClauseB As Func(Of DataRow, Decimal))
Dim test = (From forecast In dtForecast.AsEnumerable() Join dns In dtDns.AsEnumerable() _
On fieldASelector(forecast) Equals fieldBSelector(dns) _
Where whereClauseA(forecast) <> 0 And whereClauseB(dns) <> 0 _
Select New With _
{ _
.ProductId = forecast.Field(Of String)("ProductID"), _
.Product = forecast.Field(Of String)("ProductName"), _
.Account = forecast.Field(Of String)("Account"), _
.BrandName = forecast.Field(Of String)("BrandName"), _
.CorrugateCost = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("Corrugate_Cost"), _
.f_m1 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m1"), _
.a_m1 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m1"), _
.f_m2 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m2"), _
.a_m2 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m2"), _
.f_m3 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m3"), _
.a_m3 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m3"), _
.f_m4 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m4"), _
.a_m4 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m4"), _
.f_m5 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m5"), _
.a_m5 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m5"), _
.f_m6 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m6"), _
.a_m6 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m6"), _
.f_m7 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m7"), _
.a_m7 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m7"), _
.f_m8 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m8"), _
.a_m8 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m8"), _
.f_m9 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m9"), _
.a_m9 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m9"), _
.f_m10 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m10"), _
.a_m10 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m10"), _
.f_m11 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m11"), _
.a_m11 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m11"), _
.f_m12 = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_m12"), _
.a_m12 = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m12"), _
.f_total = forecast.Field(Of Decimal)("f_total"), _
.a_total = dns.Field(Of Decimal)("a_total") _
Return test
End Function
You can use Group Join + DefaultIfEmpty:
Dim joined = From forecast In dtForecast.AsEnumerable()
Group Join dns In dtDns.AsEnumerable()
On fieldASelector(forecast) Equals fieldBSelector(dns) Into Group
From x In Group.DefaultIfEmpty
Where whereClauseA(forecast) <> 0 And whereClauseB(dns) <> 0
Select New With
.ProductId = forecast.Field(Of String)(ProductID),
.a_m2 = If(x Is Nothing, New Nullable(Of Decimal), x.Field(Of Decimal)("a_m2"))
Use the following modification to your query to perfom Left Outer Join.
From forecast In dtForecast.AsEnumerable() Group Join dns In dtDns.AsEnumerable() _
On fieldASelector(forecast) Equals fieldBSelector(dns) Into JoinTable = Group _
From dns in JoinTable.DefaultIfEmpty()_
Where whereClauseA(forecast) <> 0 And whereClauseB(dns) <> 0 _
I recommend using this resource to help you with LINQ: 101 LINQ Samples. (Specifically for this question, go to "LINQ Query Samples" > "Join Operators" > Left Outer Join.)

LINQ CopyToDataTable -- Cannot cast DBNull.Value to type 'System.Decimal'. Please use a nullable type

I am parsing two Excel files that contain many fields, most importantly TOTAL_DOLLARS and TOTAL_UNITS fields, that often have values, but some of them are left blank, or null. I want to JOIN these two DataTables using LINQ where the UPC fields are equal. However, I have run into the following error:
Cannot cast DBNull.Value to type 'System.Decimal'. Please use a nullable type
This error occurs when I try to join the two tables because of the null fields.
My LINQ code is as follows:
Dim query = From c In dtDollars.AsEnumerable() _
Join r In dtUnits.AsEnumerable() _
On c.Field(Of String)("UPC") Equals r.Field(Of String)("UPC") _
Select _
New _
With {.UPC = r.Field(Of String)("UPC"), .WIC_NUMBER = c.Field(Of String)("WIC_NUMBER"), _
.WAG_ITEM_DESC = c.Field(Of String)("WAG_ITEM_DESC"), _
.WAG_BRAND = c.Field(Of String)("WAG_BRAND"), .UOM = c.Field(Of String)("UOM"), _
.GSK_PROMO_GRP = c.Field(Of String)("GSK_PROMO_GRP"), _
.TOTAL_DOLLARS = c.Field(Of Decimal)("TOTAL_DOLLARS"), _
.TOTAL_UNITS = r.Field(Of Integer)("TOTAL_UNITS"), _
.WKND_DATE = c.Field(Of DateTime)("WKND_DATE")}
Given that WKND_DATE can also be null, get the field as a Nullable(Of DateTime) (DateTime?) like so:
Dim query = From c In dtDollars.AsEnumerable() _
Join r In dtUnits.AsEnumerable() _
On c.Field(Of String)("UPC") Equals r.Field(Of String)("UPC") _
Select _
New _
With {.UPC = r.Field(Of String)("UPC"), .WIC_NUMBER = c.Field(Of String)("WIC_NUMBER"), _
.WAG_ITEM_DESC = c.Field(Of String)("WAG_ITEM_DESC"), _
.WAG_BRAND = c.Field(Of String)("WAG_BRAND"), .UOM = c.Field(Of String)("UOM"), _
.GSK_PROMO_GRP = c.Field(Of String)("GSK_PROMO_GRP"), _
.TOTAL_DOLLARS = c.Field(Of Decimal?)("TOTAL_DOLLARS"), _
.TOTAL_UNITS = r.Field(Of Integer?)("TOTAL_UNITS"), _
.WKND_DATE = c.Field(Of DateTime?)("WKND_DATE")}

PredicateBuilder + Join + VB.NET

I have a db that contains 3 tables
Products Table Suppliers Table Categories Table
Id Id Id
ProductName SupplierName CategoryName
Quantity . .
SupplierId . .
I am using PredicateBuilder to select Product accoring to the selected product field (Quantity,Productname...)
How Can I use PredicateBuilder or any other method to Select the Product according to Its Suppliername or Categoryname
Please I am using VB.NET I saw many C# examples but I can not understand it nor translate it
I am thinking of using join in predicateBuilder but I do not how !!!!
To be more clear What I want is to combine multiple field in one search ,Like for example:
Give me a Product where It's Name contains "s" and Quantity <10 and SupplierName is Kimo
Give me a product where i's name contains "g" only
give me the products for categoryName "Machines"
And this search predicate is changable because Each Products table has many fields ,So the search is dynamic according to selected fields
Waiting for your kind help.
I think Arion answer was correct but It needs some revision
AnyWay I came up with this solution ,It is not the most effecient one but It solved my problem.
Dim SupplierAlso As String = ""
Dim CategoryAlso As String = ""
Dim pred = PredicateBuilder.True(Of Products)()
Select Case Entry
Case "Number"
Dim Inum = Entry
pred = pred.And(Function(m As products) m.ID.Equals(CInt(Inum)))
Case "ProductName"
Dim IName = Entry
pred = pred.And(Function(m As Products) m.ProductName.IndexOf(IName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
Case "Supplier"
SupplierAlso = Entry
Case "Category"
CategoryAlso = Ent
Dim f As ProductsDataTable = Products.Product
Dim tmp As IEnumerable(Of Products) = New ProductsDataTable().AsEnumerable()
tmp = f.AsEnumerable.Where(pred.Compile)
Dim qry
If CategoryAlso = "" And SupplierAlso = "" Then
q = (From prods In tmp
Join Cats In Categories
On prods.CategoryId Equals Cats.ID
Join Supps In Suppliers
On Supps.ID Equals prods.SupplierId
Select Supps.SupplierName, Cats.CategoryName, prods.ID _
, prods.ProductName, prods.UnitPrice, prods.CategoryId _
, prods.SupplierId, prods.Location, _
prods.Description, prods.SellPrice, prods.CountInStock _
, prods.ProductionDate, prods.ExpiryDate, _
prods.ProductType, prods.ProductSeason).ToList
ElseIf CategoryAlso <> "" And SupplierAlso <> "" Then
q = (From prods In tmp
Join Cats In Categories
On prods.CategoryId Equals Cats.ID
Join Supps In Suppliers
On Supps.ID Equals prods.SupplierId
Where Cats.CategoryName.IndexOf((CategoryAlso)
, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 And _ Supps.SupplierName.IndexOf((SupplierAlso), _
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
Select Supps.SupplierName, Cats.CategoryName, prods.ID, _
prods.ProductName, prods.UnitPrice, prods.CategoryId, _
prods.SupplierId, prods.Location, _
prods.Description, prods.SellPrice, prods.CountInStock, _
prods.ProductionDate, prods.ExpiryDate, _
prods.ProductType, prods.ProductSeason).ToList
ElseIf SupplierAlso <> "" And CategoryAlso = "" Then
q = (From prods In tmp
Join Cats In Categories
On Cats.ID Equals prods.CategoryId
Join Supps In Suppliers
On prods.SupplierId Equals Supps.ID Where _
Supps.SupplierName.IndexOf((SupplierAlso), _
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
Select Cats.CategoryName, Supps.SupplierName, prods.ID, _
prods.ProductName, prods.UnitPrice, prods.CategoryId, _
prods.SupplierId, prods.Location, _
prods.Description, prods.SellPrice, prods.CountInStock, _
prods.ProductionDate, prods.ExpiryDate, _
prods.ProductType, prods.ProductSeason).ToList
ElseIf CategoryAlso <> "" And SupplierAlso = "" Then
q = (From prods In tmp
Join Cats In Categories
On prods.CategoryId Equals Cats.ID Where Cats.CategoryName.IndexOf _
((CategoryAlso), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
Join Supps In Suppliers On Supps.ID Equals prods.SupplierId
Select Supps.SupplierName, Cats.CategoryName, prods.ID, _
prods.ProductName, prods.UnitPrice, prods.CategoryId, _
prods.SupplierId, prods.Location, _
prods.Description, prods.SellPrice, prods.CountInStock, _
prods.ProductionDate, prods.ExpiryDate, _
prods.ProductType, prods.ProductSeason).ToList
End If
For Each it In q
With it
DataGridView2.Rows.Add _
({.ID, .ProductName, .UnitPrice, .categoryname, .suppliername, .Location, _
.Description, .SellPrice, .CountInStock, _ .ProductionDate, .ExpiryDate, _
.ProductType, .ProductSeason})
End With
So what do you think ,Is there a better way? Ofcourse yes?Silly question ,But Where?
So i would do something like this then. I have simplify the where statements but I think you will get my point:
dim checkCategoryName as boolean=true
dim checkSupplier as boolean=true
dim checkQuantity as boolean=true
dim query= db.Products.Select (function(p) p)
if checkCategoryName then
query=query _
.Where (function(p) db.Categories.Where (function(c) c.CategoryName="??" ) _
.Select (function(c) c.Id) _
end if
if checkSupplier then
query=query _
.Where (function(q) db.Suppliers.Where (function(s) s.SupplierName="??") _
.Select (function(s) s.Id) _
end if
if checkQuantity then
query=query.Where (function(q) q.Quantity<10)
end if
dim result=query.ToList()
Where db is the linq data context.