Input month as an integer, output the final day of that month - vba

I am trying to write an Excel VBA function that outputs the final day in a month in the format yyyy-mm-dd when given only the month number as an integer.
So for January, a 1 would be input and the output would be 2014-01-31.
I know how to reformat the date using Format(date(), "yyyy-mm-dd") and think I can calculate the last day using DateSerial but am not sure how to input an integer month number into the DateSerial function.
What is the best way to go about this?

Function: =TEXT(DATE(2014, A1 + 1, 1)-1,"yyyy-mm-dd")
VBA: DateSerial(Year, Month + 1, 1) - 1
This function finds the first day of the next month and then subtracts one day.
Paste into any cell except A1 and input your month in A1 to test.

As a formula, with your formatting, assuming the year is 2014 and your month number is in A1:


How to display a month in VBA given conditions

Currently I am trying to display a month given certain conditions in VBA. I have two columns named Quarter and Exact Month in Quarter. Based upon these two conditions, I would like to display a month.
For example, For Quarter 1 Month 1, I would like the new column to display January.
Thank you for your help.
You can just offset each quarter by a value of 3. For instance, Q2 will correspond with 3. When you add your quarter serial #, it will be converted into a calendar serial # (1-12). After that, you just need to set the desired format.
This will just be an excel solution, and if this needs to be in VBA, you can apply similar logic there.
You can do this a few ways. The below image just serves as an example. How to apply this will depend on your data structure. You may need to implement a VLOOKUP as such.
G2 = TEXT(Date(2018, E2 + VLOOKUP(D2,$A$2:$B:$5,2,0),"MMM")
[1] Only one Excel Formula in Column C - doesn't need any helper columns:
This example e.g. for cell C2 as shown in your post converts quarters * 3 months (1 quarter = 3 months) minus 1 plus month in quarter to DATE (argument year can be any year >= 1900) and displays the month's Long form via TEXT argument MMMM; quarter values are extracted from the last string position in column A ( here A2) via RIGHT:
[2] Approach via VBA Example Function
Uses the same logic as above:
Sub Test()
MsgBox getMonthInQuarter("Quarter 4", 3)
End Sub
Function getMonthInQuarter(ByVal quarter As Variant, ByVal month As Integer) As String
Const MonthsInQuarter As Integer = 3
Dim q As Integer: q = Val(Right(quarter, 1))
' Return function value
getMonthInQuarter = Format(DateSerial(1900, MonthsInQuarter * (q - 1) + month, 1), "MMMM")
End Function

VBA convert week and day to date

I have a table with week number and day of week.
J2 = 18
G2 = Monday
How can I convert this to 2018-04-30?
I can find lots of threads for converting the other way around, meaning date to week. But I can't find anything on week + weekday to date.
Anyone know of a method?
The (optional) second argument of the WEEKDAY function determines what the first day of the week is. The two most common choices are:
1: Sunday (1) to Saturday (7)
2: Monday (1) to Sunday (7)
But, you can start on Wednesday, Friday, etc if you want. Pick an option now.
So, start with 1st January (of whichever unspecified year you're working with), and subtract the weekday of 1st January, according to whichever start-day you picked. This gives you a baseline for Week 1. To get to the start of Week n, you just need to add 7*(n-1) days.
Finally, you need to add the weekday back on. I'm going to recommend using MATCH on an array. Your array will be your weekdays, in order, surrounded by curly brackets. So, for Sunday-to-Saturday, you would use
to get a number from 1 ("Sunday") to 7 ("Saturday"), or #NA if cell G2 does not contain a day-name.
Stick it all together, and you get something like this:
=DATE(YEAR(NOW()),1,1) - WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR(NOW()),1,1),1) + 7*(J2-1) + MATCH(G2,{"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"},0)
Try this, necessary comments in code:
Option Explicit
Sub GetDate()
Dim year As Date, day As Long
'convert day in G2 to integer
Select Case Range("G2").Value
Case "Monday"
day = 1
Case "Tuesday"
day = 2
'rest of cases
End Select
'declare what year you want
year = "01-01-2018"
'move from first week to the week specified in J2
year = DateAdd("d", (Range("J2").Value - 1) * 7, year)
'move back to first day of the week
Do While DatePart("w", year, vbMonday) <> 1
year = DateAdd("w", -1, year)
'find date of particular day
Do While DatePart("w", year, vbMonday) <> day
year = DateAdd("w", 1, year)
End Sub
The determination depends critically on your definition of "week number".
If you are using the ISO-8601 definition, where a Week starts on Monday and week 1 contains the first Thursday of the year, you can use this worksheet formula:
you may need to change the commas to semicolons depending on your regional settings
To explain:
First, find the last Monday of the previous year:
Then add seven(7) times the number of desired weeks:
Then add the number of days from Monday to the desired day for that week:

Convert a weeknumber to month and generate an chart

I have an sheet with the Table, having Column A in Calendar Week. I would like to generate an chart with x axis as month with the data available in the table.
Could anyone help me to code it ? I am struck how I can convert an weeknumber in the column to month.
Could anyone suggest, how I can generate a chart for these data with month in my x/axis. I am not getting an clue to do this. Any lead would be helpful.
This is a formula to convert the week number in cell A1 into month
Note that you also need to know the year the week number refers to, because it can differ from year to year. In this example it is fixed to 2017.
Note that week number != week number.
There are different methods how week numbers are calculated.
This formula example is based on ISO week numbers, with a week starting on Monday and the week containing the 1st Thursday of the year is considered week 1. For example, in the year 2016, the first Thursday is January 7, and that is why week 1 begins on 4-Jan-2016.
Here is some info about week number calculation based on different week numbers: Week Numbers In Excel
You need to use the formula
This will turn the week number into a date, then extract the month number

Excel Formula or VBA to convert year, month data to actual date

I have 2 columns (year and month). A sample data of year column A is 2015 at cell A2. A sample data of month column B is Jun at cell B2. I would like to convert these data to date format in column C to '2015-06-00` at cell C2. Is there a formula or Excel VBA to do this?
First off, 2015-06-00 is actually 31-May-2015. If you supply zero as the day-of-the-month, you get the last day of the previous month. Typically you would set it for the first day of the month. Use the DATE function for this with 1 as the day_num parameter or the DATEVALUE function if you are stringing together text-that-looks-like-a-date.
=datevalue(B2 & " 1, " & A2)
With a three letter month in B2, you will have to translate that to a numerical month if you opt for the DATE function.
=DATE(A2, LOOKUP(B2, {"Apr","Aug","Dec","Feb","Jan","Jul","Jun","Mar","May","Nov","Oct","Sep"}, {4,8,12,2,1,7,6,3,5,11,10,9}), 1)
in cell C "=FECHA(A2;B2;1)" (spanish excell)

Most efficient and easiest way in Excel VBA to classify date as week

I have one column that should either say Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, or Week 4.
I want to use VBA to enter the week based on what date is being looked at in a textfile...
For Example:
The output in Excel should be:
Week 3
Week 1
Week 2
Week 4
I am thinking of 4 if statements after using Split on the "/" and then converting the string to a number so it can be compared by an if statement but if I have days like "01" or "03", days starting with 0, wouldn't that cause problems in the if statements comparison?
Is there an easy way to do this in VBA?
As follow up from comments this one works:
Dim myDate as Date
myDate = DateValue("12/01/2013")
MsgBox "Week " & (1 + DateDiff("ww", DateSerial(Year(myDate), Month(myDate), 1), myDate))
There is a built in formula function for this.